fake prince

Chapter 924 It Comes So Fast

Chapter 924 It Comes So Fast

A little further away, Cao Yiyan, who had already reached the stairs, suddenly looked back.

Away from the figures of several scholars, he saw that the arranged assassins had successfully approached the King Dai. He thought he would see the chaos immediately, but it turned out to be such a coincidence that the assassins approached as if nothing had happened, and the King Dai left. I went there twice, and even made Cao Yiyan wonder if Dai Wang had noticed something.

"Could it be that Dai Wang guessed something long ago?" Cao Yiyan had some ideas, and the assassin finally seized the opportunity of Dai Wang stopping to talk to others, and quickly "swimmed" to his side like a fish in water.

"What are you talking about, waste?"

As soon as he approached, the assassin didn't hesitate at all, first he pretended to be an ordinary scholar and wanted to talk to Su Ziji, but suddenly, he stretched his hand into his bosom and pulled it out.

The dagger in his arms was only about one-third of the saber, and it looked inconspicuous, but when he pulled it out at the moment, it was cold and murderous.

As soon as the knife flashed, it stabbed up.

"There's an assassin!" Ye Daoist, who was a few steps away, suddenly turned pale with fright, and yelled, rushing over.

"Pfft..." At this moment, Su Ziji took a step back, and there was only a cracking sound, the sleeve was torn a big slit, it was barely touching the skin, but it was not hurt.

"Luck?" The short blade was only one point away. The assassin paused and had no time to think. He shrank and leaned against his body, and then the knife seemed to be one. go.

The neck is the key point, let alone the head falling to the ground, it will be difficult to save your life if you get hit, it can be seen that it is a murder.

This accident actually happened in an instant, the scream of the wild Taoist and the attack of the assassin made the surrounding bodies freeze, and it was difficult to react for a while.

Cao Yiyan watched from a distance and nodded slightly.

"This saber technique is a bit hot, let me see the reality of Dai Wang."

"Hugh will hurt the lord!" Just thinking about it, I saw a gray shadow on the stairs, and heard the sound of the wind. In an instant, the long knife pierced through, there was a thrilling sound, sparks flew, and the light of the knife stabbing from the opposite side suddenly exploded.

"Ah, there are assassins!"

"Come on, catch the assassin!"

Following the block, the originally suppressed voices from the surroundings poured out like a flood, and there were repeated shocks.

Cao Yiyan saw it clearly, and was somewhat disappointed in her heart. It was a pity that she didn't take this opportunity to see the reality of Dai Wang.

But this was incidental, he shook his head, and made a decisive decision: "If you miss the stab, there is absolutely no reason for success, but our goal has also been achieved - the king is assassinated, this ship should not stay for a long time, let's go."

"Also, tell our people to keep the suspicion of Prince Qi's mansion behind."

"Understood, our boat is waiting outside." Zhong Cui mixed with several people in the crowd, protecting Cao Yiyan and going down.

At the critical point of the crowd's commotion, he walked quickly along the flow of people, and even the strong men in uniforms who passed by and climbed up did not find anything wrong, after all, everyone was on the run.

With a sound of "Zheng", the assassin swayed a few feet, and if he missed a hit just now, he knew something was wrong, the surprise attack failed, he fell down, rushed a few steps, and was about to escape.

At this time, I couldn't help changing my mind, one person blocked it, and the long knife attacked, and a deep shout came: "Thief, don't take your life yet!"

"Clang clang clang..." The sound of gold and iron, and the light of the sword on the second floor.

"My lord! Be careful!"

At this time, the wild Taoist squeezed back to Su Ziji's side. Just now, the tung oil floor was wiped clean, and his feet slipped, but he fell hard. He was probably bruised and swollen, and his clothes were crooked. Ignore it, and pull Su Ziji back.

Because I don't know if there are assassins in the crowd, I can be called cautious at this moment.

Smart people always know how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Everyone is a scholar, and no one is stupid. They ran away one after another. The whole second floor was in chaos. Some people who did not escape in time were injured by knives, which caused more and more panic and anxiety.

"Ouch, give way, let go!" The shocked scholars fled in all directions, and among them was a scholar who looked inconspicuous. While running away, he ran into a person from Prince Qi's mansion who was also fleeing in a panic. .

King Qi was startled by the sudden assassination of King Dai. He was afraid that something might happen again, and he was restless. He didn't notice that some of the ordinary scholars scattered in all directions had already been staring at him. Hit, just heard a sound, it seems that something fell on the ground.

King Qi's people jumped in their hearts and wanted to look back, but now they were on the stairs, surrounded by the crowd going down, and it was almost impossible to squeeze back to see what fell.

While the man hesitated, he was pushed away.

Seeing the guards of this painting boat going up one after another, he could only grit his teeth and quickly dodge while taking advantage of the chaos.

Farther away, Cao Yiyan, who had already come to the deck, moved his ears. There was a sound inside that no one else could hear, but he could hear clearly. Knowing that the matter was done, he jumped onto the next ship with a smile.

The boat was a bit small, and as soon as Zhong Cui and the others boarded the boat, they quickly moved away and headed for the distance.

As soon as he left, he heard even more alarmed noises from the painting boat where the cultural meeting was held. It was obvious that the people on the painting boat were controlling the situation.

In fact, even if you don't control the situation, the boat is on the water, as long as the boat doesn't pick up people and leaves, how easy is it to leave?

And these have nothing to do with Cao Yiyan, he designed everything, and naturally thought of the way out, and he was not trapped in the painting boat.

On the way back, I even enjoyed the scenery, not to mention the lotus, the embankment is not far away, although it is night, but the lights are bright, the rows of shops are open, the pedestrians are bustling, and there is a little rain The smog is scattered in the breeze, which adds to the fun, creating a scene of prosperity and prosperity.

Even though he is already the king of Ying country, he still feels that this side is unique in terms of scenery alone.

"The capital of the Great Wei, the country of the Great Wei, will eventually return to my hands."

When the boat docked, an ordinary-looking ox cart stopped, and someone silently helped the cart to get on. Cao Yiyan got on the cart and sat down, saying, "Go back!"

The coachman yelled, the ox moved, and they walked leisurely together, passed through a street, and arrived at a certain place, the ox cart stopped suddenly, Cao Yiyan got out of the car, and heard the sound of horseshoes in the next street.

"It's coming so fast."

Cao Yiyan walked in quickly, this place was temporarily living in a building facing the street, with a total of two floors, ran to the second floor, opened the window, looked down along the open gap, and saw a troop of cavalry galloping from under the eyelids. Pass.

After the window was closed, someone came in quietly and served some tea and fruit. Cao Yiyan sat on the seat, drinking tea slowly, thinking in his heart.

"Responding so fast, the puppet Zheng can still be called an elite."

"The great cause may be difficult!"

Zhong Cui sat down at the moment, also drinking tea, without saying a word.

After a while, someone came in and knelt down and reported: "Your Majesty, the assassination of Dai Wang has been taken over by the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, and the Yamen servants of Shuntian Prefecture have surrounded the boat where the cultural meeting was held. A token of Prince Qi's Mansion."

This matter was originally explained by Cao Yiyan, and he went there in person. He saw the assassination scene with his own eyes. Now that he heard the follow-up, he was naturally satisfied, and felt that this matter was not out of his control.

"Hey, no matter what else, the prince and grandson of the puppet Zheng assassinated each other, and the matter has come to this point, I see what you do."

(End of this chapter)

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