fake prince

Chapter 932

Chapter 932


Because there is no need to go to court today, many officials will sleep late, and Su Ziji is no exception.

As soon as I woke up, it was already Chen Shi, Xia Ri Chen Shi, it was dawn, and when I got up, Ye Buhui was still falling asleep on the side, but Buhui was pregnant and lethargic, Su Ziji felt that he was suddenly relaxed Sleepy.

He went out lightly, and asked someone to prepare hot water, towels and things to rinse his mouth. The towel was white, and he walked in the scalding hot water and pressed it on his face, very refreshing.

The original tiredness and sleepiness flew away with a hot towel applied to the face for a while.

After rinsing his mouth and having breakfast, he heard footsteps outside, and saw Cen Rubai and Wen Xunpeng coming over, smiled and went to the corridor.

It was drizzling outside, and the feeling of autumn was getting stronger, Su Ziji smiled: "The weather is hot, and it is finally raining now."

Cen Rubai smiled, and said: "It's raining, and after a few more rains, the sky will get colder. Your Majesty and Concubine can also live a cool life."

"This is to say that I don't regret my hard work, and I am afraid that ice will hurt my body. I dare not even use ice. It's really hard work. It's much better now." Su Ziji said, and in a blink of an eye, Wen Xunpeng didn't speak, He seemed to be in deep thought, and couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Wen, what are you thinking about?"

"Your Majesty, I'm thinking about whether there are any mistakes or omissions in the paper I drafted with Mr. Jian yesterday. Should we take a break with respect to the shrine?"

Su Ziji couldn't help laughing: "I read the booklet before handing it in. The booklet is very well written and there are no mistakes or omissions. If my prediction is not bad, the emperor will definitely reward me."

Saying this, Su Ziji was in a good mood with a smile on his face, and said, "As for the shrine, you can take it easy and wait for me to think about it."

In fact, Wen Xunpeng's words are false in the front, and the remonstrance slowly is true. He has built sixteen shrines, and the followers have affected millions of people. Although the public opinion is still light, so many are also very impressive It's not good for yourself.

But what I want is this.

He struck out again and again and won all the battles. Not only King Lu was out of the game, but even Qi and Shu were secretly cut off a lot. Although there is no evidence, this momentum is a bit out of line when measured on the emperor's chessboard.

The emperor may not care about himself, even if he cares about himself, he hopes to balance with the kings, rather than gradually stand out by himself.

The matter of the shrine this time was originally a scapegoat thrown to him by the emperor. reward.

But how did the emperor think that his literary heart and carving a dragon can be used to spread his reputation. According to his own observations, although many people have been offended, among the officials of Shilin, they are not only famous in the world, but at least famous. Climbing.

"Why in the original world, only Li Shimin can have the change of Xuanwu Gate?"

"It's really the work of King Qin, famous in the court and the public."

"If you don't have this name, even if it is done, you are still a traitor, and it is difficult for all officials to accept."

"I want to become a prince and grandson in Taiping, but if it doesn't work out, I need a reputation like Li Shimin's. This is the foreshadowing in advance."

"Not to mention, the classics obtained by raiding my home have made me progress day by day, and my alchemy has made great progress."

Just thinking about it, the steward came in a hurry and bowed: "Your Majesty, an angel has come to the palace to announce the decree!"

Probably because it was an unfamiliar face who came to announce the decree, the housekeeper was a little nervous, and couldn't help but think of what happened to the former King Lu, feeling a little frightened.

Su Ziji got up: "Let's set up the incense case, go to Bugui to wake up."

Ye Buhui had to be notified by someone. There was no other way. Although it was very likely that Ye Buhui, the princess, had nothing to do with the matter of coming to announce the decree, it was related. If no one came, it would be rude.

After a while, the gate of Dai Wang's mansion opened wide, and Su Ziji, dressed in a royal robe, came out to greet him in person.

As soon as he left the mansion, he saw the eunuch standing outside smiling and laughing. It was Ma Shunde who had just beaten Eunuch Zhao in the eyes of outsiders.

"So it's Eunuch Ma." Su Ziji greeted him with a smile.

"Slaves are terrified, how dare you trouble the prince to greet them?" Ma Shunde smiled enthusiastically, even more so than Eunuch Zhao's attitude. Those who don't know may think that they have a personal relationship with the king.

Su Ziji hurriedly said: "You are an imperial envoy today, an angel, as it should be!"

The two talked and laughed, and went inside, and when they entered the main courtyard, the incense table was already set up, Ye Buhui was also dressed as the princess, and waited surrounded by maids and servants.

Ma Shunde glanced at it and said: "Please also call Taoist priest Liu Zhan and monk Bianxuan to come here, the decree has been mentioned, and we need to come and listen to the decree!"

Although Su Ziji was sure, he was at ease with his heart raised slightly. Needless to say, this time Eunuch Ma came to read out the imperial decree to be a Taoist monk.

"Hurry up and invite Master Liu and Master Bianxuan to come and listen to the order!" Su Ziji hurriedly ordered: "Also, the princess is pregnant, let the princess go to rest, there is no need to wait here."

The people hurried away, and after a while, following a burst of light footsteps, a monk in a Buddhist robe entered the main courtyard first, and as soon as he entered, he put his palms together.

The monk saluting quietly, still looked like a noble tree, with an outstanding bearing, but the fly in the ointment was that when he raised his head, a black blindfold was tied on his handsome face, it was just a piece of beautiful jade, with flaws in the end.

Ma Shunde has heard about Bianxuan, and knows that Bianxuan used to have a good reputation in the capital, and he can get along well in the circle of high officials and dignitaries. He didn't expect that he would be beaten after he was imprisoned because of his involvement with the big demon. Blind in one eye, presumably under the tied black blindfold is the blind eye whose eyeball has been removed?

Ma Shunde looked thoughtful.

After waiting for a while, Liu Zhan, who was not in the mansion, also came.

This Master Liu is not an unknown junior, he seems to have a lot of enmity with the previous court, Ma Shunde also took a deep look, then looked away, and said: "Now that everyone is here, let's start."

As he said that, with a blank expression on his face, he stood facing the south behind the incense table, and said at the top of his voice, "There is a purpose!"

Others were not qualified to receive the order, so they all avoided it and went inside. The three parties knelt on the ground and kowtowed loudly, "Your servant is waiting to listen to the oracle!"

The sentence "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor's Edict" actually indicates the level of will, and Ma Shunde continued to read: "On behalf of the king, he was sent to inspect the shrine. Thousands of pieces of silk, half a month off..."

"Liu Zhan has already been granted the title of Puji Daoist, a bachelor, devoted himself to the king's affairs, and worked tirelessly. It is also appropriate to give him grace, add the name Xuancheng, and give him a plaque to avoid the tax of his views..."

"Qingyuan Temple's debate on Xuanxuan, I was originally suspected, but now I am assisting with the work, and I am very sincere, not only can I be exonerated, but I should reward him according to my merits, and I will bestow the title of Chan Master Jianxin to show my excellence, I appreciate it!"

After reading the imperial decree, Ma Shunde returned to his full smile, first asked the acting king to get up, and then said to Liu Zhan, "Xuancheng Puji Daoist, congratulations, congratulations!"

According to the rules of the imperial court, the title, the first two characters, plus four characters, Xuancheng is to add two characters to Liu Zhan, he is Puji Zhenren, and two characters are added to become the four characters Xuancheng Puji Dazheng, If you go one step further, you will be the real king.

In addition to the seal, a new plaque was also given to Liu Zhan, which means that another Taoist temple can be included in the ceremony, which is a good thing for Liu Zhan and the teacher.

As for Bianxuan, Ma Shunde also said with a smile: "Congratulations to Zen Master Jianxin, he can be cleared of injustice, return to Qingyuan Temple and preside over it."

Although the issue of Qingyuan Temple has not been clarified and there are still suspicions, but Bianxuan has been proved innocent, so he naturally returns to the temple.

The original host can no longer be the host, since the emperor granted Bianxuan the title of Jianxin Chan Master, it is only natural for Bianxuan to be the new host.

(End of this chapter)

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