fake prince

Chapter 933

Chapter 933

Ma Shunde congratulated Liu Zhanbianxuan, then turned to Su Ziji.

A more enthusiastic smile appeared on his most sincere face, as if he was facing not the ungrateful acting king, but his own parents, the real master.

"His Royal Highness, you have worked tirelessly for the emperor during this period of time. The emperor has seen it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart. He specially sent slaves and servants to express condolences—someone come here to bring the rewards."

This is not eunuchs, but guards, carrying a plate covered with yellow silk, Ma Shunde tore off the silk cloth, only to see under the hazy morning light, full of gold ingots filled with dumplings, shining brightly Eyes, when the imperial decree was announced, the servants who approached all stared straight away!

Su Ziji was not surprised.

"Sun Chen only did what he was supposed to do, and he was rewarded by the emperor. I'm really ashamed!"

"Please Eunuch Ma go back to the palace and tell the emperor, I will definitely work harder and live up to the emperor's favor!" Su Ziji thanked him again, and said sincerely.

"Of course, of course." Ma Shunde agreed.

Su Ziji smiled suddenly, and picked up the gold ingot, which weighed twelve taels. After weighing it, he casually asked, "Mr. Ma, I would like to ask you, is this the palace reserve gold?"

Please teach me that these two words are very strong and clear.

Ma Shunde felt that this was not important, so he smiled: "Yes, our family remembers, this is pure gold cast by the Ministry of Households in the 18th year of Chengshou, ten taels, three thousand pieces."

"Look, there is a seal of the Ministry of Household Affairs on this side."

"[The Way of Politics] +15, Level 16 (7795/15000)"

The experience of asking for advice is very little, which is normal. The first is that the problem of asking for advice is not political affairs, and the second is that at the current level, few people can reach it.

But the important thing is not this, maybe it is good luck, but along with the knowledge, there is a wave of malice.

"It's strange, why does this person have malice towards me, and also seems to be strange." Su Ziji's heart shuddered, and a smile appeared on his face: "Eunuch Ma really worked hard to get five tea coins (gold ingots)!"

Ma Shunde said goodbye and left.

Liu Zhan watched Ma Shunde take the man away, thoughtfully: "Why does this man make me hate him?"

After regaining consciousness for a moment, he saw Su Ziji "snap" the folding fan shut, and ordered: "Take the gold and silk cloth to the warehouse."

Liu Zhan glanced at Bianxuan, and thought to himself: "I have gained the benefits of acting as a king, so I should show it, and acting as a prince is worth it. If you don't have anything, don't even think about wealth. I don't care about it. "

"And the thousand taels of silver, the Taoist temple is really distressed. Since Dai Wang likes alchemy and reciprocates, the few alchemy books in the warehouse can be given to Dai Wang."

"As for this Bianxuan, there are some irregularities, so it's none of my business."

Outside, the rain was fluffy. The guards and eunuchs waited for Ma Shunde to get into the ox cart. Suddenly, he lifted the curtain and swept towards the door plaque of Daiwang Mansion. At the same time, he ordered: "When Bianxuan returns to the temple, he will be supervised."

"Godfather, but what's the problem with Bianxuan?" The young eunuch who came out today, because of his younger age, had no restraint in front of Ma Shunde and had a close relationship, so he boldly asked at this moment.

"You monkey, you talk too much today, why, don't you understand?" Ma Shunde scolded with a smile, and then said: "The reason why people supervise this Bianxuan is because they may have resentment towards the imperial court."

"You should have heard of him, right?" Ma Shunde asked.

The little eunuch had heard of Bianxuan's reputation, so he nodded, "He was once highly sought after by the dignitaries. Even though we were slaves in the palace, we have heard of his reputation."

"He is such a person, what was he like in the past, and what is he like now? He is now a Zen master, but he is blind in one eye, and it will be difficult to restore his former glory."

The pursuit of high-ranking officials and dignitaries has always been elegant, a monk who is blind in one eye, even if he is a Zen master, how can he be seen by them?

"He is blind, he was committed by the imperial court, and he is afraid that he will harbor resentment. If he catches the evidence of resentment, the Dai Wang is his bole, and if he recommends it, he will be responsible."

Seeing the little eunuch lost in thought, Ma Shunde smiled again and said, "Hey, it's just a free move, whether it succeeds or not is nothing."

"It's still godfather that you are amazing, you can think of these things. I don't want anything else as a son, I just hope that I can learn more from you!" The little eunuch responded again and again, flattering again.

Ma Shunde was used to this kind of flattery for a long time, and he laughed and cursed a few more words, and the bullock cart went out along the road in front of Daiwang's Mansion, walking neither fast nor slow, extremely stable.

But after walking for half an incense stick, he heard the sound of hooves and wheels running ahead, and his own convoy also slowed down a little, so it was obvious that he had encountered another convoy?

"Eunuch, the convoy has just passed two cars, both of which belong to Young Master Fang, and behind them are the ox carts of Dai Wang's Mansion." The eunuch driving in front reported in a low voice.

Ma Shunde immediately picked up the corner of the curtain with his hand and looked, just saw another ox cart that was evading. The wind blew the curtain, and there seemed to be no one inside, and there were piles of books.

"Fang Zhen, I thought it was an expedient measure, but now it seems that he has really mixed up with the king?" Ma Shunde's eyes darkened.

Fang Zhen is originally Zhao Gonggong's person, and the first thing to force him is to let Zhao Gonggong take action.

In the officialdom, those who were waiting for the imperial court's review would be guilty of a crime.

If Fang Zhen took refuge in Dai Wang, and Eunuch Zhao made a move again, then he could be charged with arranging the prince secretly.

In Zhao Gonggong's position and holy family, only this kind of crime can be put to death.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be fooled?"

Thinking of this, Ma Shunde was still a little reconciled, and immediately told the little eunuch: "Go back and let the monitoring party have twice as many real people."

"Also, you go ask, what are these?"

"Yes, godfather!" The little eunuch immediately responded.

Ma Shunde was an imperial envoy, and the ox carts moved forward steadily. Several ox carts passed by one after another. Ma Shunde also saw someone carrying a box. Looking at the size and weight of the box, he might be full of books, right?

Ma Shunde roughly guessed what was inside just by sweeping his eyes, and couldn't help but wonder secretly.

The little eunuch sent out by him had his own way of inquiring. He went to the people who carried the things, talked to them, and asked the idlers who had been watching the fun all the way, and then ran back quickly.

"Godfather, I found out!" The little eunuch climbed into the ox cart again, and said to Ma Shunde, "The Wufeng Temple not far away was besieged again. Just now, it was put in the ox cart and the box it was carrying. , are all the books that were searched, and I heard that all of them have been moved to the Daiwang Mansion!"

"I have asked clearly, only books? Nothing else?" Although Ma Shunde had seen the "fact" with his own eyes, he still didn't want to believe it, so he asked again.

The little eunuch replied: "Godfather, indeed there are only books, do you want to check again?"

"No need." Ma Shunde shook his head: "Forget it, since Wang Guangming did this kind of thing, I'm not afraid of people's investigation."

(End of this chapter)

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