fake prince

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

Just asking for books, even if you report to the emperor, you can't punish Dai Wang, but Dai Wang wants these many books, why?

Even if these books are not gold, silver, jewelry, or valuables, but it is easy to cause people to discuss the fact that so many books are brought back every time a shrine is processed?

Dai Wang, do you like books so much?

Ma Shunde frowned, doubts permeated in his heart, and he still couldn't solve it.

Daiwangfu Bookstore

Although there is sunlight and rain falling, there is a kind of empty and lonely autumn atmosphere. Only a few people hurriedly carried stacks of documents and entered it.

The library is only a large room, several consecutive rooms, with bricks on the ground floor, continuous bookshelves, full of volumes, different ones are labeled with categories, and the room is full of ink fragrance as soon as you enter the door. People who love books are here, indeed. Just a treat.

There is also a room next to it, with tables and chairs, an ice basin, and refreshments. Copying books here is not a difficult thing in summer.

What's more, the place where the library is located is cool and not humid, which is very refreshing.

Hui Dao, in Taoist robes, directs people to transcribe Taoist scriptures in the cubicle. From time to time, he also asks people to classify them, or go to the library to browse some books. Although he is not busy, he is not idle.

The fragrance of ink is everywhere in the compartment, blending with the unique smell of the scroll. After a long time, there is no difference.

Until there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near outside, the door of the library was pushed open, and a gust of cool wind blew in from the outside. Someone looked up and couldn't help being stunned.

Huidao didn't urge him, he walked straight out of the cubicle, and stood in the large library room. From where he stood, he could see the scenery in the courtyard outside, and the voice of Xiaodaotong sounded in his ears: "My lord, the imperial decree has been welcomed in the front yard." , Bianxuan of Qingyuan Temple, and Zhenren Liu are both sealed."

"In the past, how could it be so easy? But now, it's just a matter of one sentence. An imperial decree has been issued. The Qingyuan Temple's Bianxuan is fine. It's just that the sin is forgiven, but the Yinguan Sect has one more person who is exempted from paying taxes. Daoist, this is really too easy."

"You know, the Yin Guan sect already has four Taoist temples offering sacrifices and exempting taxes."

When he said this, Xiao Daotong inevitably showed a little envy on his face.

"It's not surprising that you can enjoy the shade under the big tree." Hui Dao said lightly, seeing that Xiao Daotong was still hesitant to speak, he smiled: "Don't envy others, your master and I, it's not hard to get it."

It's just that the opportunity hasn't come yet.

Huidao didn't say the latter words.

Just as I was talking about this, I saw a person entering the courtyard, like a green bamboo, with a very good appearance, who else could it be if it wasn't Bai Lekang?

Immediately, Master Hui Dao stopped talking, and even Xiao Dao Tong didn't say anything more.

"Real man." Bai Lekang entered the door, greeted him first, then covered his mouth and coughed a few times, looking sick.

Hui Dao asked, "Mr. Bai wants to borrow books?"

The library here is not only accessible to the king, some books can also be borrowed by people in the mansion, just need to register.

"Yes." Bai Lekang said: "But when I saw the real person, I remembered one thing. I wonder if I handed over the brochure below? What's the content? But as I mentioned below? You have met a lot with His Royal Highness recently. Do you know?"

"Mr. Bai is embarrassing for the poor." Huidao said with a smile: "The brochures were handed over, but the contents are not known to the poor. After all, the poor are only here to manage these books. How can you intervene in political affairs?"

Hearing that the paperwork had been handed in, Bai Lekang was secretly relieved, a little dissatisfied, but he knew that he couldn't ask anything else from Huidao, and, considering such a big matter, it was indeed not something that a library guest could know, so he just asked Smiling: "Yang Shijie is a former prime minister. It is said that he is loyal to the emperor and cautious in everything. He is a rare minister who is thorough from beginning to end!"

"Although I'm not young, I still don't give up on the imperial examination, so I borrow his books to read and refresh myself." Bai Lekang's tone was very earnest.

"Mr. Bai has such a heart, it is the kindness of his ancestors—" Hui Daowen looked at him and said, "It's in the No.11 row of shelf B, go and get it quickly."

Xiao Daotong quickly fetched it, Bai Lekang thanked him, and then left.

Seeing Bai Lekang's figure leave the yard, Huidao shook his head and asked Tong: "You can see any changes in the new physiognomy you have learned?"

After entering Beijing, Huidao changed his original method, but passed on the technique of Tianji.

Daotong recalled what he saw just now, and said uncertainly: "This Mr. Bai, originally a noble man, might be able to win a fellow Jinshi, and the official can go to the magistrate."

"Ben Bofa is in the first and second departments, but not long ago, most of his dignity was cut off. Now... um, it seems to be dead now?"

Huidao was quite satisfied with the answer, and sighed: "The streets of the capital are bustling with people, and there are people from counties and counties all over the world. Some have high carts and four horses, and some have cloth clothes and green shirts. Each has his own destiny."

"Mr. Bai has been struggling for more than ten years. In fact, recently, his knowledge has basically matured. Although he missed the first and second rankings, he has been admitted as a fellow Jinshi. That's why he looks like he is flourishing."

"It's just for the sake of the mountain, and the effort fell short. When facing the last kick, I couldn't hold back, but chose a dead end."

"However, there are so many people like this. They are completely to blame, and you don't have to sympathize."

Seeing that Daotong seemed to understand but didn't understand, Huidao ordered others: "Move the new Taoism to the prince."

In other words, Bai Lekang borrowed a book casually, put it in his residence, and went out. Just at this moment, he made some steps. Then he saw that it was a maid walking with a basket. She had bright eyes and white teeth, although she was not stunning. But there are also moving parts, and I feel dumbfounded watching it.

The servant girl seemed to be aware of it, looking back, but Bai Lekang quickly restrained his expression, swayed the folding fan calmly, and walked out the side door without looking at him wrongly.

There are guards guarding the gate, and maids and servants usually need a sign to go out, but Bai Lekang's status is quite special, no one stopped him when he went out, and he walked leisurely all the way, gradually moving away from the Daiwang Mansion.

There is a fork in the road ahead, there are many shops, not far away is a butcher's shop, there is a big willow tree, turn this way, you will stop immediately leisurely, and walk quickly.

"Eh?" After walking a dozen steps, a silver light flashed, he was startled, hesitated for a while, and then trotted over to see if there was no one around, and picked up the piece of silver that no one knew who had dropped it.

Throw it in your hand, at least five taels, enough for a meal of flower wine!

"Mr. Gui told me not to go to him directly after leaving the mansion, but I can take some money for a stroll and have fun."

Thinking of the beautiful maid whom he had seen in Dai Wang's mansion, a wave of anger surged up immediately, which made Bai Lekang a little unbearable.

"Hey, when I entered the palace, it seemed to treat me generously, but I didn't even send a maid, so I have to go out to put out the fire."

"However, as expected of the palace, it is as beautiful as a cloud, so I don't know if there are more in the palaces of King Qi and King Lu."

Bai Lekang was familiar with the way, and soon arrived at a street with many brothels. Since there was no shortage of money now, he didn't even look at the street-street hawks who might have paid attention to him in the past, and went straight to Baihualou.

After entering the building, I found a beautiful girl and went to the room.

It wasn't until night that he came out of the brothel, and seeing that no one was following him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed out with a hint of alcohol.

After walking for a while, he didn't knock on the door of a house. He stopped and pushed it lightly, and the door opened. Inside was a back garden, and he could see the pipa and green bamboo planted.

He walked along the corridor, stopped in front of a wall, and knocked lightly according to the signal, only to hear a "pop", a secret door suddenly opened, making way for a dark road leading directly below.

"It's kind of dark!" Bai Lekang swallowed a few times, but still stepped on it.

(End of this chapter)

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