fake prince

Chapter 935

Chapter 935

The further down, the more obvious the feeling of coldness became. Bai Lekang couldn't help but turned around and fled for the sake of great benefits.

The one hidden inside is not a person who is easy to get along with.

Although he didn't get along much, the mysteriousness about this person made Bai Lekang feel that every time he saw him, he felt cold in his bones.

Very evil!

There is only a short section of stone steps from the top to the secret room, and soon you go in, and the candlelight comes in, faltering.

A gust of cool wind blew in, and Bai Lekang shivered. He saw that the light in the basement was very dark. There was only an oil lamp on the table, which was shining faintly. There was an altar not far away, which was even more chilling.

There was a person sitting in front of the altar, and he asked Bai Lekang to confirm his identity without getting close.

This is Gui Junxi, the schemer who used to have some dignity in front of the King of Lu, and is now wanted by the court!

Gui Junxi's face was as heavy as water, and he didn't say a word, as if he was meditating. After a long time, he raised his head and stared at it, and asked, "Is someone following you?"

Gui Junxi seemed to be very worried about himself, but Bai Lekang didn't take it seriously, and still replied: "No, I left Daiwang's mansion, and it took me a long time to come to your place."

"Is it?"

Gui Junxi was noncommittal, in the world that Bai Lekang couldn't see, several figures were sitting or standing at the same time, floating above the altar, staring coldly.

"..." Although Bai Lekang couldn't see it, he still had some palpitations. The strong uneasiness made him subconsciously want to retreat, but in the blink of an eye, he was an old man who had been wasted for many years. If he continued, he might run out of oil and die .

Now that he has made his choice, if he quits at this time, all his efforts will be wasted. As soon as he hesitated, he heard Gui Junxi ask: "How is the matter going?"

It's half done, not completely done, Bai Lekang thought to himself.

Although I followed Gui Junxi's request and used Gui Junxi's appearance to get close to Dai Wang, and I did live in Dai Wang's mansion, but I don't know whether Dai Wang was too cautious or didn't know talents. Summoned myself.

No matter how much Bai Lekang deceived himself, he still felt something was wrong.

He didn't get any confirmation letter from the old Taoist. He only knew that Dai Wang had indeed handed over the booklet, but he didn't know if it was true or not, and what was inside, so it couldn't be said that it was done.

But Bai Lekang is scared now.

I don't know why, but my heart palpitations are severe, and even though I used to pay attention to propriety, righteousness and shame, since I let go of the moral line to do this, I am naturally relieved of the promise of faith.

Bai Lekang wanted to get away, but with these thoughts in his mind, he swore in his mouth: "Of course the matter is settled. The Dai Wang fell in love with me the first time he saw him. He not only invited me to stay in the mansion, but also invited me to several banquets. As long as you use a few more Day, I am afraid that I can even get the mastermind of this generation of palace!"

A shadow turned around in front of Bai Lekang, and floated in front of Gui Junxi, saying: "He told lies, and he never did a good job in this matter."

Gui Junxi nodded. From Bai Lekang's point of view, it was natural that he believed his own words. There was only a little guilty conscience in the first place, and it was gone now.

Bai Lekang licked his face, wanting to ask Gui Junxi for benefits in advance, and said: "You can say before, as long as I finish this matter, you will promise to help me..."

In the imperial court system, the mainstream is the imperial examination, but there are two supplements, namely "menyin" and "variety".

The "family yin" system means that the descendants of high-ranking officials above the fifth rank can directly enter the officialdom, and not only descendants, but also retainers, the upper limit is not low.

Especially the palace, naturally there are quotas to recommend disciples (guests).

Gui Junxi was silent for a long time before responding: "Don't worry, what I promised you will be given to you..."

Before Bai Lekang could smile, he heard the second half of Gui Junxi's words: "...As for your retribution, I will give you..."

"No, this guy lied to me, it's dangerous here!"

Bai Lekang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately felt that something was wrong. He let out a howl, turned around and ran up.

"Pfft..." On the altar, a shadow rushed up silently, directly on Bai Lekang's body.


Bai Lekang rolled on the ground, and then screamed again and again, as if he had been tortured terribly, his face was ferocious, and his voice changed into a different tone.

Not long after, a face with Bai Lekang's face protruded from his twitching body, trying to rush out, and shouted at Gui Junxi who was on the altar: "You lied to me!"

Before he could struggle out, another face popped out of his body. He seemed to be biting a piece in his mouth, making a chewing sound, and sneered, "Let me see the taste... I really thought you were sanctimonious, I don't want you to be a wolf-hearted dog , Even the sister-in-law and niece will be attacked, and if something happens, they will flee to the capital and never return, causing them to hang themselves!"

"No wonder I dare not go back and want to be an official with all my might."

"When I was a god, I liked to give retribution to people like you."

"No, no..." Bai Lekang struggled, his face was pulled back, and soon there was a creepy chewing sound from inside his body, and the screams became more and more subdued. After a while, lying on the ground Bai Lekang was bleeding from all seven orifices and remained motionless.

Gui Junxi has been watching indifferently, indifferent, but a screen not far away is trembling slightly. It turns out that there is someone behind the screen. Seeing this, he trembles in fright.

After a while, this person barely calmed down, turned out from behind the screen, his face was slightly pale, and his eyes flickered when he looked at Gui Junxi again.

"I don't think that Mister really has supernatural powers!" Concealing his instinctive fear, the man said flatteringly.

Before witnessing this scene, he would have sneered at the so-called divine channeling method, thinking it was all a lie, but now he doesn't think so.

Gui Junxi didn't even open his eyes, and said: "Time is fate, this is not my skill, it is caused by the king's perverse actions."

His eyes seemed to look into the distance through this person, and his voice was even colder: "The so-called man is doing it, and the gods are watching, and the generation of the king encircled and suppressed the shrines. Now there are seventeen families, and each family has tens of thousands of believers."

"In the entire capital, there have been more than a million people who have offended people. People are angry with gods and anger. How can there be no retribution?"

"Go back and say that there must be a catastrophe in Dai Wang recently, and your master will naturally know!" After speaking, Gui Junxi waved: "See off the guests!"

This person came here because of this matter, and he couldn't help thinking: "After investigation, the Lord suspected that Gui Junxi was bluffing, so he sent me here."

"Whether it's a bluff or not, Gui Junxi's ability alone is incredible."

"It seems that it can be used by the Lord? It must be reported immediately."

Thinking about it, the man immediately agreed, and didn't want to stay any longer at all, so he walked out quickly and walked out the door, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hey, what a monster."

(End of this chapter)

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