fake prince

Chapter 936

Chapter 936

As the man went out, Gui Junxi only slightly flicked his robe sleeves, and the open door closed again with a "snap".

All the candles in the secret room went out with a pop.

Sitting in the dark environment, Gui Junxi coughed violently.

"Hey, if you're like this, you won't live long." There was a faint voice on the altar, which seemed to be chuckling: "It seems that King Qi and King Lu have become suspicious, thinking that they may have been deceived by you."

"If you deceive noble people with supernatural powers, there will be no retribution. How long can you hide from this crisis?"

"I don't need you to worry about that." Gui Junxi said coldly, the gods of these shrines have violent and changeable temperaments, even if they are in the same camp, they may not be safe.

"Even if it was empty air before, with the millions of beliefs and anger against the power of the acting king, it has turned into reality."

"Qilu, even new chess players, cannot see."

"I don't worry about that."

It took Gui Junxi a long time to stop coughing, and he frowned: "I was uneasy just now, did someone follow Bai Lekang to this place? Go out and have a look, is there someone hiding nearby?"

"This is a matter of great importance to you and me."

Bai Lekang, that bastard, wasted so much training, it's so useless!

Thinking of Bai Lekang's incompetence, Gui Junxi wished to whip the corpse again, but just thinking about it, he felt something bad: "No, my temperament is becoming more and more unstable, otherwise, I wouldn't be suspicious just now, just Kill Bai Lekang immediately, or at least wait."

"This is backlash?"

Just thinking about it, a shadow rushed out immediately.

Outside the secret room is the back garden, with pipa and green bamboos swinging, although the night is dark, the moonlight is very bright, illuminating the ground so that it is difficult to hide living people, at least when the shadows rush out like lightning, no one can be found.

"No blood, no soul." The shadow turned around a few times, seeming a little confused.

But just under it, in the not-too-high grass, there was a small group lying on its stomach. It was a little fox. Its fur stood up in fright, and it lay motionless on the ground.

Strange to say, the shadow came out to search carefully, passed by it several times, but did not find any trace of it.

There was a dull thunder in the sky, and the shadow shrank back with a snap.


The little fox was still lying there, and sure enough, the next moment, the shadow flew past again, only half a meter away from it. If you looked down carefully, you might find the little fox, but you turned a blind eye to it.

"No." Shadow looked around suspiciously, and finally floated back.

Because the shadow was cheating before, the little fox still lay down and waited for a while, making sure that he would not float out suddenly again, then wriggled and backed away, and when he reached a safe area, he jumped towards a nearby low wall As soon as he jumped, he leaped over the wall and ran away quickly.

Because it was night, although the roadside brothels and restaurants were crowded and lively, but there was no one on the road, the speed of the little fox was extremely fast, and it was like the moonlight falling on the ground, which made people feel dazed and dazzled when they saw it.

The Prince Dai's Mansion soon arrived. It knew the way very well, and jumped off the wall of the small gate. The mansion guard who was patrolling this side saw it, and knew that it was a pet kept by the King Dai, so he confirmed its identity. After identity, no longer bother.

"Haw..." the little fox screamed in horror, and went straight to the main courtyard.

Main courtyard·study

Su Ziji was talking with Fang Zhen.

Fang Zhen's injury has recovered a lot. Although he is still in a wheelchair, he is far away from the possibility that his life will be endangered if it deteriorates. However, his whole body has lost a lot of weight due to this accident. It fell into the hands of Eunuch Ma, but Fang Zhen was still a little restless when he thought about what happened recently.

"Your Majesty, my people reported today that Eunuch Ma has also inquired about the shrine, so what do you want to do?" Fang Zhen frowned slightly, and said sincerely: "This eunuch is just at the moment when he is proud, and I'm afraid he won't let it go. And I have a notebook here, which is written in a bad way, take a look..."

Su Ziji took it, glanced at it, and smiled: "I am doing things according to the order, even if he wants to make things difficult, he can't grasp it, even if he knows that I want the books from the shrine, it is neither gold, silver, jewelry, nor dare to Get into trouble over such a trivial matter, let him go."

Seeing that Fang Zhen was still a little uneasy, he smiled and said: "I know what you want to say. Those who are stubborn are easy to break. The right way is always to combine strength and softness. Seventeen houses have been established. Don't worry, these seventeen houses will be enough." It’s over, there’s no need to do anything next, the time has come.”

Young Master Fang immediately breathed a sigh of relief, the boss's promises are not reliable, even if the imperial decree ordered Dai Wang to deal with the shrine, and Dai Wang went on "recklessly", how would it end?

It's a bit overthinking to count on the person sitting on the dragon chair to help end the situation.

At that moment, Xia Zhen smiled: "It's good that the king understands, if you continue to do this, even I will be timid."

While talking, he glanced at Su Ziji, but before continuing, a servant's voice sounded outside the door: "My lord, my concubine has sent someone to deliver dinner."

After hearing this, Fang Zhen hurriedly took his leave and said, "Your Majesty, it's getting late, so I'll go back first. If you have any orders, please send someone to inform me at any time."

"Then I'll see you off." Su Ziji got up to see him off, and saw the little fox not far away poking his head.

Ye Buhui was not there, a maid was standing outside with a food box, Su Ziji sent Fang Zhen out of the hospital, and asked the maid: "Why are you bothering the concubine to send someone to deliver the food, haven't you rested yet?"

"My lord, the concubine has already rested, and before the rest, I will send my servants to deliver meals."

The maid put the food box on the table, and laid out the food inside, which was easy to digest and nutritious, very suitable for the night.

"Chirp!" Seeing that Fang Zhen had left, the little fox jumped on the table and yelled "Chirp".

Su Ziji's heart trembled, and he smiled: "Why, are you hungry too?"

As he said that, he went to pat the little fox's head, and waved his hand to let the servant girl back out, but the servant girl didn't take it seriously. It is well known that the king and princess in the mansion dote on this fox.

When there was only one person and one fox left in the room, the little fox would "chirp" incessantly. Cooperating with the dictionary, Su Ziji stood up suddenly, his expression changed: "You mean, where——Ki The old servant's mansion in Qiaofang is full of ghosts and gods?"

"Bai Lekang went to this place, and he may have died?"

"Haw, chirp" (No mistake, there is a formation protection, if it is not close, it will not be noticed) The little fox screamed, did not say, if it was not for the protection of Qingqiu Zhibao, he would have been discovered.

Su Ziji figured it out, his face was clouded by a layer of gloom, and he clenched his fists. He only wanted to be a grandson, and later become an emperor. Why are there so many embarrassing things?

Press the west, and the east will come out again!

It took a long time for Su Ziji to calm down. He touched a book that Fang Zhen had presented just now, and just flipped through a page, and half a phantom of rosewood wood flashed in front of his eyes, floating in his field of vision with a faint blue light.

"[Outer alchemy] +1833, level 14 (13153/15000)"

"Soon, just a little bit, you can reach level 15, and you will surely be able to refine the elixir that conceals no regrets."

In fact, although it is necessary to cater to the emperor's self-defilement, there is no need to be in such a hurry. There is no way to plant a lot of disasters like this. The collection of books in these shrines is too important to him.

"This is what I have offended countless people, and I have to fight for it." Su Ziji sighed in his heart, and his expression gradually calmed down.

"Or, can I use this to turn harm into benefit?"

(End of this chapter)

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