fake prince

Chapter 937

Chapter 937

In the room, Su Ziji thought for a moment, stretched out his hand and pinched the back of the little fox's neck, causing it to chirp twice, and then let go.

"This is very good." Su Ziji looked down at it: "You helped me a lot."

"Chirp?" Seeing Su Ziji getting up and looking as if he was about to go out, the little fox barked twice.

"We need to take a trip to Kuiqiaofang. It seems unusual to be able to occupy the capital for so long without being discovered. I must go and see for myself."


"You think I'm going to arrest people directly?" Su Ziji saw the little fox put down the chicken legs and yelled at him, and couldn't help rubbing the head of the little fox who was eager to try: "You don't need to follow, go back and rest well. "

Saying so, Su Ziji opened the door, released the little fox that jumped out, changed his clothes again, and went out to order a maid who performed the Wanfu ceremony.

"Notify Luo Jiang to invite Daoist Hui to come to me."

The servant girl responded immediately: "Yes."

Daiwang Mansion·Courtyard

The candlelight flickered slightly, and Daoist Hui Dao licked the ink softly again. In a blink of an eye, the last twenty or so words flowed out, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"The emperor's house, it's incredible."

There is a stack of manuscripts on the desk, all of which are hand-copied. Under the candlelight, Master Huidao’s newly transcribed one is all in small script. After a quick scan, he found that there are no mistakes or omissions. He couldn’t help but feel relieved and smiled.

"The shrine in the capital can stand for a hundred years. Naturally, it has some foundations and many secret books. Now it's just an order, and it's all copied for officials."

"There are quite a few unique skills among them, which can even deepen the foundation of our sect."

"I've got a lot of benefits from doing it."

Master Huidao thought of this, smiled, and silently stared at the paper where the ink was still wet, without saying a word for a long time.

In the past, I hated the imperial court for crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, so I would rather lose my legacy than let my disciples have the opportunity to serve the court in the future. Now it seems that I am a bit arrogant.

The imperial court is rich and full of talents, and it is nothing if it lacks one of itself.

"No, you can't underestimate yourself. Heavenly Secret Art is not a common thing. My seniors have many achievements in helping the world." "Wei Henzhi...you can go back..." Seeing that the ink was dry, Daoist Hui blew and folded it Going up, I was about to tell Daotong to go back, wash up and go to bed by myself, when I heard footsteps.

The footsteps were light and rhythmic, and then someone knocked on the door. Master Hui Dao opened his eyes and was slightly taken aback: "Someone is looking for it so late? Could it be that the king is calling for something?"

This is interesting.

No need to remind, Daotong Wei Henzhi went to open the door, and when he saw someone coming, he was slightly surprised: "It's you? Miss Luo, it's so late, are you looking for my master?"

"It's something." It was a female voice who answered Tong Wei Henzhi.

Before Daotong Wei Henzhi could ask any more questions, Huidao came out and found that standing outside the door was a young girl who had seen Dai Wang once before.

She is not a maid, but a guest in the mansion.

Huidao had paid more attention to her before, but now he was thinking about it, and when he looked at her, he even froze secretly.

"The evil spirit and the sword spirit have many lives in their hands."

"There is also a newly added official salary. It seems that the selection of talents on behalf of the king is really eclectic, and even women can be reused?" However, Hui Dao quickly returned to his senses.

It was Luo Jiang who came. Seeing that Daoist Hui opened the door, and he looked neatly dressed, he gave a slight salute: "Reverend Huidao, the king has a call, please follow me."

Saying that, turning around to lead him, Daotong Wei Henzhi was a little curious, but Daoist Hui Dao didn't find it strange. He glanced at Daotong, signaled Wei Henzhi to stay, and followed out by himself.

Luo Jiang walked in front, without turning her head, she knew that Daoist Hui Dao was following. Her speed was not too slow, and the breath of the people behind her was steady, and she didn't seem to have the slightest disordered breath.

But Daoist Hui didn't see any internal strength, thinking that cultivators often have some strange things, Luo Jiang has been somewhat curious about this Taoist since he knew his origin.

Of course, this curiosity is just pure curiosity.

She had been involved a lot with the Imperial City Secretary, so she naturally knew about Dai Wang. This Taoist came from Tongshan Temple in Linhua County, and he was from the same place as Dai Wang. It is said that there had been conflicts.

Is it because of the friendship of fellow villagers that Daoist Daoist Hui was left behind on behalf of the king, or is this Taoist really talented?

Now I have some conclusions, at least this is not an ordinary Taoist.

The two went back and forth, until they passed through a side door and walked out of Daiwang's mansion, and saw an ox cart in front of them, Daoist Hui raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Why does the king come out at night?" Daoist Hui Dao walked to an ox cart not far away, and asked with a bow. The last time he made a private visit in a micro-service, he provoked an assassin.

The nobleman is most jealous of the white dragon fish, and Hui Daoren does not believe that Dai Wang will be so frivolous.

Dai Wang Qinglang's voice came from inside the bullock cart: "Don't worry, Gu will naturally not be able to wear a white dragon fish suit. Although there are only a few people around, they are all Gu's elite people."

"I have something to do, the real person wants to go and have a look with me?"

"Your Majesty has orders, how dare you disobey them?" Master Hui Dao bowed and said that Dai Wang stayed up in the middle of the night and wanted to go out suddenly, or in such a low-key manner, what was it for and where was he going?After answering, Huidao got into the bullock cart.

Except for the guards who followed, there were only two people in the car and an ox cart.

Luo Jiang didn't even follow. Along the way, the wheels of the ox cart rolled on the ground, except for the occasional noise, there was no other sound. Dai Wang sat in the car, closed his eyes and rested. sit.

In the slightly swaying carriage, there was a feeling of being in a quiet room discussing the Tao.

This is a rare opportunity, Master Huidao carefully looked at it.

"This physiognomy can only observe the past, the present, and a little bit of the future."

As the true inheritor of Tianji Art, Master Huidao really understands the so-called face, the past is irreversible, and it will naturally leave traces.

Now is the fact that the main phase is formed.

The future is actually changeable, but some are foregone conclusions. For example, if there is a first-rank official who disgusts the emperor, he will naturally appear dead. This is a reflection of the future.

If you want to change, you have to change the emperor's view, so the face can only reflect a little of the future.

"Dai Wang has a royal shadow, but it is a pity that his fate was bumpy in his early years, his parents died suddenly, and some people doubted Dai Wang's blood, not to mention the royal blood test, even the face in front of him, except for the prince's son, can it match?"

"Right now, the fortunes are all open, and there is a faint dragon shape. This is the generation of the king who is now famous, but the future is chaotic. This is normal. As a dragon son, he is fighting for the heir. Life and death are ever-changing, how can there be a definite number."

"On the contrary, the prince who was willing to withdraw from the battle for the heir apparent from the very beginning, his fate and appearance are basically fixed."

"It's just that there are always strange places, which can't be seen clearly, and the way is unclear."

Just thinking about it, the bullock cart rushed and listened.


Huidao opened his eyes, and saw Dai Wang sitting opposite him walking down the open car door, and he followed without thinking.

When I went down, I realized that I was standing in front of a stone bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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