fake prince

Chapter 938

Chapter 938

"Huaiqiao Square?"

Huaiqiao Square faces the lake and the river. Although it is not the most expensive, it is also a good area in the capital. During the day, there are many shops and sheds, but now it looks deserted.

The bullock cart was parked on this side of the bridge, a few steps away from the stone bridge, while Dai Wang stood on the bridge and looked into the distance.

Is there something wrong here?

Of course Huidao didn't think that Dai Wang didn't sleep at night and brought him here to enjoy the moon and the scenery.

Even if the scenery here has bridges and water, it is considered beautiful, and it is definitely not enough to induce Dai Wang to come to watch it in the middle of the night. There must be a special reason for Dai Wang to bring him here.

But let Huidao look around and look around, but he didn't find any problem here.

"Fengshui terrain, some luck, that's all." Hui Dao frowned, and looked in the direction Dai Wang was looking at. The nearest mansion was a mansion. The old door plaque, here is an old servant's mansion.

Perhaps the owner has changed to a bigger mansion, and this place is vacant, or something happened here, and the owner has gone to another place temporarily. This house looks not small, but it is not popular, and it is desolate from the inside to the outside.

Dai Wang didn't sleep at night, came here by car, looked at the mansion, is there any problem with this mansion?

Ke Huidao didn't see any problems from the mansion, which made him even more puzzled.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?Dai Wang just suddenly had a leisurely mood, so he took himself out for a stroll?

But how is this possible?

Of course, in addition to the above possibilities, there is actually another possibility, that is, although there is a problem here, I misread it and didn't see the problem.

When Huidao thought of this possibility, his heart trembled, and he immediately looked at Dai Wang.

Dai Wang picked up the sandalwood folding fan and opened it and closed it again, without making a fuss. Just a little bit, he asked: "The real man is a person of meritorious deeds. Is the old servant's mansion in Huaiqiaofang any hindrance to me?"


As soon as he said this, Huidao felt his head "buzz", as if something covering his eyes was suddenly wiped away, and then he opened his eyes to look at the old servant's mansion not far away, the scene has changed drastically.

I saw the stone lion at the entrance of the mansion was covered with dust, although it was still standing there, it was as deserted as this house, and it looked desolate, but now it seemed to be alive, full of fierceness, and there were will-o'-the-wisps in its eyes, Walk around.

But whoever has an idea, looks over, and meets the lion's eyes, will give birth to a kind of horror.

When Hui Dao looked over, his eyes seemed to be stabbed, he couldn't help closing them for a while, and when he opened them again, he had already protected his eyes so as not to be shocked.

Such fierceness is not common!

Looking inside the mansion again, the door is closed tightly, but the whole house is full of red and black aura, even more killing evil, which can no longer be restrained, overflowing, but there is a kind of secret formation, which seems to be woven by spiders The net locked the billowing evil spirit in one place without leaking a single point.

"Sure enough, as soon as I entered the Dragon Court, strange things happened one after another." Hui Dao couldn't help but look up, even the capital's dragon energy can be temporarily concealed, how terrifying it is, it's frightening to watch.

"And, it's just popularity."

What makes Huidao dare not take it lightly is that this murderous aura is not only owned by humans.

Although it is said that the residences of military generals generally have murderous aura, and ordinary ghosts and gods should avoid them, but the murderous aura permeating this old servant's mansion is not owned by humans, but the murderous aura of ghosts and gods.

"The sky sends out murderous intentions, the sky turns and the stars move, the earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the land, people send murderous intentions, and the earth is turned upside down."

"Ghosts and gods are even more difficult to see."

Ghosts and gods are not easily murderous, and when they are murderous, it is often difficult to be kind.

"This, this..." After the initial astonishment, Huidao calmed down in an instant, and he had figured out the secrets, and he had realized something, and asked, "My lord, is there a ghost from the Shrine of Destruction hidden here?"

The capital is the land of the Son of Heaven, and it is difficult for foreign ghosts and gods to come and go at will. They can occupy the capital and have a strong murderous aura. They are not like outsiders, but more like local ghosts and gods.

Such local ghosts and gods, because they are not "outsiders", have more freedom in the city. It is reasonable to manage more than a dozen shrines on behalf of the king. If the ghosts and gods are not dead, there are no shrines to settle down. .

If they are really them, things will be much more troublesome.

They must hate Dai Wang very much. Just by their murderous aura, they know how difficult it is to deal with them. If they don't solve them, they will definitely be entangled by them and will never die.

Dai Wang seemed to know about this a long time ago, and he was not surprised. Hearing Hui Dao's question, he said lightly: "Yes, if there are no accidents, it is them."

"Is there a way for a real person to deal with such remnants?"

When asked this sentence, Su Ziji slowly paced on the bridge, but he never stepped out of the pier to reach the opposite side.

Huidao saw it clearly, thinking about what Dai Wang said, he knew that it might be a test for Dai Wang to bring him here today.

If he had no intention of acting as the king, he would not have deliberately come to look for the king and promised to stay in the mansion of the king. Now is a chance to prove himself.

Although Huidao found it tricky, he pondered for a long time, and said: "Your Majesty, please allow the poor to take a closer look."

"Look." Su Ziji was not in a hurry, and with a wave of his hand, the ox cart slowly backed away, turned around, and was about to return, while Huidao looked at the mansion, thinking about what happened just now, and finally had time to take a closer look at it. pondering.

The more I think about it, the more shocked I feel.

"When Dai Wang didn't talk about it, the old servant's mansion was just an ordinary old house in my eyes, and I didn't even notice anything wrong."

"But I just said something on behalf of the king, and I immediately noticed it, as if something was covered up and was instantly erased. Could this be the number of days?"

Just wait for the nobles, no matter the emperor or the prince, just one word is enough to greatly affect the cultivator, which is even stronger than ordinary people.

"Also, I used the secret test just now. Crossing the bridge is a warning line, and you will be discovered, but Dai Wang has never crossed it. Could it be that Dai Wang can also see the evil spirit of the old servant's mansion?"

Is this possible?

But I couldn't feel any spiritual inspiration from Dai Wang to practice Taoism. This kind of thing, I really think about it carefully.

There was not much time left, Huidao took a deep breath, turned around and said, "Your Majesty, it is God's will that you act according to the order. The shrine has been sealed, and they are equivalent to dismissed officials waiting for investigation."

"It's just that there are still three obstacles."

"First of all, the imperial court has not formally established adultery, and must obtain official documents or imperial edicts." Hui Daoist looked at Dai Wang, and saw Su Ziji thoughtful: "Once official documents or imperial edicts are obtained, they will be everywhere in Beijing." It’s much easier to solve things if you’re restricted.”

"Secondly, believers and pilgrims. Although the shrine has been sealed, millions of believers and pilgrims should not be underestimated. It is difficult to solve it quickly, so we can only do it hard."

"So ghosts and gods will also retain a certain amount of power, and they will fight back when they die.

"It's easy to cooperate." Su Ziji squinted his eyes and smiled: "As long as the real person has a way, the rest of the preparations will be done by me."

It is said that there is a certificate of merit for joining a group on the mountain, but in fact this is more common in official circles.

Standing in line and doing something, this is the voting certificate.

Huidao is quite capable, and when he soon enters the crux of the struggle for heir succession, he is naturally willing to give him a position and opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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