fake prince

Chapter 942

Chapter 942

Su Ziji nodded with a smile, and when he left the door, his expression immediately turned cold.


Even if such a thing happened, I don't know if it will attract the killing intent of the person on the dragon chair. Can he keep his wife and children?

Thinking of this, Su Ziji couldn't help feeling resentful, but even if he was holding back this fire, who should he vent to?

After all, no one knows exactly how this incident happened. He was clearly fully prepared, so why did this happen?

Or the legacy of Wei Shizu back then, the palace and the mansion were all run through by winding corridors, Huidao walked along the corridor step by step, crossed the Moon Bridge, bypassed the Dongyi Tower, did not follow the inner courtyard, and only stood on the rocks Looking for a long time, also thinking.

"Have you entered the Tao?" This spiritual energy is very familiar, and it is overflowing from the people who have entered the Tao.

"Looking at Dai Wang's expression, could it be that the Taoist is actually Dai Wangfei?"

Rao Huidao was well-informed, so he couldn't help being surprised.

Looking at the appearance of Dai Wang, he obviously knows something. It may not be uncommon for a princess to enter the Tao. After all, there are many opportunities to enter the Tao. What surprised him was that Dai Wang not only knew about this, but also immediately knew that the spirit of enlightenment came from Dai Wangfei?

Could it be that Dai Wang has long discovered that Dai Wangfei has the possibility of entering Taoism?

It's not impossible, it's just that it's not the time, Huidao also heard about the emperor's series of actions.

"The seven-aperture exquisite heart is guarding against on behalf of the king?"

Seeing Dai Wang striding out of the main courtyard, Hui Dao stood thoughtfully and did not hide immediately.

Hiding now is just deceiving one's ears and stealing one's ears, which is useless.

After all, he and Dai Wang could sense the aura outside the gate of the mansion. Even if they hid now, Dai Wang would not think that he knew nothing, but it would have the opposite effect.

"It's a bit of a miscalculation." Hui Dao thought to himself: "However, this matter may not be an opportunity..."

After that, Huidao turned around and walked towards the distance. The current acting king probably didn't want to see him for the time being.

Su Ziji, who came out of the main courtyard, saw Huidao's figure from a distance, and couldn't help but stop, a trace of murderous aura emerged, but it quickly dissipated.

"If you want to cover up this matter, what's the use of killing Huidao?" Su Ziji secretly smiled bitterly: "Just killing one is useless."

I noticed the spiritual energy fluctuations at the gate of the palace, how could I know that no one other than myself and Hui Dao would notice this?

No matter what Huidao said, at least he had taken refuge in himself, and he would not talk about this matter easily, this person knew how to measure.

The most critical question now is, in just a short moment, did the people of the kings, the emperor, notice it?

When I get off the car, I can no longer feel the fluctuation of the spiritual energy, because the moment of overflow is the strongest and the most fluctuating time, and the rest of the time unless I come to my side, I can't feel the energy of enlightenment.

But just for a moment, sometimes it would be fatal. Su Ziji paced slowly. At this time, the autumn wind passed by, and the courtyard was filled with the sound of pines.

"If I find out, what should I do?" Su Ziji didn't care to appreciate it, but just pondered.

"The emperor is close to a madman in order to live forever. Knowing this, he will definitely be moved. He can kill the prince, but can't he kill a princess? Even if the princess is pregnant with a child."

"Now I'm betting whether the emperor's people and the king's people will notice this."

"But is this a gamble?"

Su Ziji always had a premonition that an invisible force was blocking this matter from being suppressed, and even the sudden leakage of his unrepentant aura of entering the Tao was strange, which made him feel uneasy.

"If the emperor asks me to sacrifice my unrepentant heart, what should I do?"

"A desperate fight?"

"If I fight to the death, how many people can support me?"

Don't talk about the disparity in power, which can be seen at a glance, just talk about the aspirations of the heart, the righteousness of the monarch and the ministers, the monarch wants the minister to die, the minister has to die, the father wants the son to die, the son has to die, even in his own mansion, how many people are there? People think they should fight to the death for this matter?

I am afraid that many people will think that the princess is virtuous, but in order to preserve the royal palace, it is acceptable to sacrifice the princess and the unidentified fetus in her stomach.

Even if it is his own child, the son of the royal family, who has the aura of entering the Tao, when encountering such a thing, I am afraid that some people will think that they can sacrifice the son and change the entire generation of the royal family, right?

In the original world, there was an allusion that Bo Dao had no children. During the war, Deng You fled with his wife and children. Knowing that he could not keep his son and nephew at the same time, he said to his wife Jia: "My younger brother died early, and there is only one son. It is reasonable to make him extinct. We can only abandon our own son, if we can survive, we will definitely have another son in the future."

Jia agreed tearfully, and Deng You tied his son to a tree and left with his wife and nephew. Although he married a concubine, he failed to have another son until his death.

For a father, a son is sacrificial. At this time, filial piety is a mountain, and when fighting for the heir apparent, many things can be discarded. A mere princess and a reproducible son can be sacrificed for the overall situation.

"For the sake of the overall situation?"

Su Ziji wandered alone in the corridor, muttering, not daring to test the loyalty of people's hearts. In this matter, even the closest savages may not be willing to see himself fighting against the imperial power for no regrets.

I can bear it, if I really wait until the emperor issued a secret decree, let myself dig out the child's unrepentant heart, and offer it to the old man to make the immortality elixir, this is even more unbearable than letting myself die directly.

What kind of man is this?What kind of husband and father are you?

But the matter came back again. With the current strength, can he really save his wife and children?

"Great power, power!"

Suddenly a fishy sweetness diffused between the lips and teeth, Su Ziji's eyes turned cold, he didn't say much, he turned back into the study, closed the door and window, there was only one person left in the room, Su Ziji took off the mask completely , showing a ferocious appearance.

"Although I realized it a long time ago, I only now realize that humility is ridiculous."

"Even if you are a generation king, you can't become supreme in a day, and life and death are all in the hands of others."

The room was dark and there was no light on. Su Ziji remained silent with a sullen face. After a long time, he went to the desk without taking a pen. Instead, he bit the rice paper laid out, bit his finger, wrote the word "Prince" on it with blood, and was dazed again. After a long time, he sighed heavily, crumpled it into a ball and held it in his palm, as if what he was holding was not a ball of paper, but something that made him feel complicated.

"I was prepared for everything, but I made a mistake at a critical moment. This is very strange. It cannot be described by a simple coincidence or bad luck."

"Could it be the twists and turns of the Dazheng artifact? Prince, if you have a spirit, you will be able to let me know the cause and effect." Su Ziji lay down on the simple couch in the study and closed his eyes.

In the haze, I gradually felt erratic, and I slowly sank.

(End of this chapter)

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