fake prince

Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Su Ziji was descending slowly, surrounded by darkness, boundless darkness.

There is only one bright light gradually enlarged.

In addition, there is the sound of water, but there is no water, only the sound of flowing.

"Yellow Spring?" Su Ziji frowned. At this moment, he sank suddenly, but he had landed on the ground. He suddenly raised his head, and saw a darkness, the surroundings could not see the sun, lingering gray mist, the visibility was extremely low, and a little farther away, There are lights.

Su Ziji stepped on the ground and found that it was a piece of land, covered with dust, a road slowly emerged under his feet, and suddenly there was a light, and a mansion emerged.

It is a bit wrong to say that it is a mansion, it should be the word "palace".

"Sure enough, it's here again." Su Ziji looked at the Prince's Mansion, and pushed the door silently.

As soon as he opened the door, a gust of blood rushed towards him. Su Ziji's face remained unchanged, and his eyes swept over. At this time, the door was quiet and desolate, but inside was a hell.

Starting almost one meter away from the gate, every few steps there is a tragic corpse, most of them are servants and maidservants, and occasionally a samurai fell to death on the spot.

But the moment they appeared at the door, the corpses in different poses seemed to have changed slightly.

The corpse whose face could be seen was described as tragic and motionless, but its eyes moved.

As Su Ziji walked over, their eyes also turned.

In this originally terrifying place, being followed by a group of dead bodies with their eyes is really weird.

Su Ziji strode over with a hint of disgust at the corner of his mouth.

The clothes he was wearing at this time were obviously not the casual clothes on the body, it seemed to be the royal clothes, but it was a little different, the back hem dragged the floor, and there was a rustling sound as he walked in quickly.

It was as if there were people following closely behind him, adding to the horror in the dead and weird place.

However, Su Ziji was not surprised by the changes here. The last time he came here, the Prince's Mansion was completely slaughtered. At that time, there were already dead bodies in the field. Although it is not as weird as the dead silence now, it does not have a kind of horror.

Compared with the current Prince's Mansion, it is no different to Su Ziji.

Anyway, he was just looking for someone, and the anxiety in his heart didn't decrease but increased when he came here, and he wasn't in the mood to pay attention to this environment.

Going inward until the surroundings became more and more familiar, and finally came to the courtyard where the prince committed suicide by taking poison. Standing at the door and looking, he saw a person standing with his back facing the stairs, motionless and unable to see his expression clearly.

Su Ziji was silent for a long time, before he raised his foot and stepped on the steps, he asked, "Do you know that my wife Ye Buhui's fetal movement suddenly caused the energy of entering the Tao to overflow."

"Now is not the time. It is said that the emperor, that is, your father, wants to refine the elixir of immortality. He lacks the exquisite heart of seven apertures, and he will be killed immediately."

"Obviously I had made thorough preparations in advance, but I was still defeated by this inexplicable accident. After thinking about it, I was very puzzled—is this the rejection of Zheng Chao's luck?"

"Why did this happen?" Su Ziji stared at the man's back with dark eyes: "Didn't you promise me to support me?"

"You're in a hurry." The person with his back to Su Ziji turned his head and smiled faintly: "This is not good. If you are upset about what you have done, I am afraid that you will not live to fulfill your promise."

This man was the prince Su Ziji had met before, his real father in name, and his actual father-in-law.

Su Ziji stared blankly, the current crown prince is dressed in a crown suit, his eyes look like lacquer paint, and his face is well-groomed, how can he have the desolation after his death that day?

Sure enough, the prince under normal circumstances, just as Cen Rubai and many people who have met the prince thought, he spoke unhurriedly, with a unique calmness.

If you look closely, you can still see that the prince's eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Ye Buhui.

The prince smiled, but the words in his mouth were not polite, and continued: "As a father, I am naturally very happy that you don't regret your love, but as a prince..."

The originally gentle expression suddenly changed, and the smile on his lips turned into a sneer, and he asked Su Ziji unceremoniously: "...Do you think it's so easy to replace a civet cat with the prince?"

Said, without waiting for Su Ziji to answer, he waved his hand.

The sleeves of the robe fell down, and the surrounding environment has changed. The courtyard with only two people turned into an endless battlefield.Surrounded by supporting soldiers.

"Shoot!" Someone yelled, before the words fell, there was only a "buzz", and the dense rain of arrows almost covered the sky and fell.

"Ah!" With the sound of breaking through the sky, a large group of people fell down, and the remnant did not die immediately, but could only scream and scream.

When this happened suddenly, even Su Ziji was startled, and there was only a jingling sound.

The soldiers on the left and right waved their shields to block the collective shots, and the arrows landed on the shields with a sound. In the gap, those who failed to guard against the arrows groaned and fell down one after another.

In the distance, there was a "boom" among the criss-crossing crowd, and the gates were turned on like a flood, rushing fiercely into Yishuo, setting off a wave of blood all over the sky.

In just a split second, stabs, cuts, hacks and stabs crisscrossed and collided, and the splashed blood soaked the ground in an instant.

"Kill, kill!"

Countless soldiers put their lives on the line, corpses intertwined in a criss-cross pattern, regardless of enemy or friend, the flowing blood converged into streams, and farther away, fireworks billowed. Could it be that the city was broken?

"Boys, follow me."

Suddenly there was a commotion in the enemy army, blood spattered, and a group of people and horses appeared at the corpse, rushing over.

The leader held a Fangtian painted halberd and was wearing heavy armor. The light of the halberd swept away the whole area, and with a burst of shouting, it hit several sharp spear points, slammed a group of enemy soldiers into the air, and fell down screaming.

"This is Zhang Wenzhong, the founding general of the dynasty. He made many meritorious deeds, was named a vanguard, and defeated Ma Xuanwen, the leader of the Wei army. This battle is a very critical battle in Nanping. In order to break the enemy's momentum, he broke into the enemy's formation and fought hard to his death."

"The Taizu conferred the title of Marquis of Changxing, the posthumous posthumous title of Zhongxian, and entered He Guogong."

Su Ziji was silent for a while, and looked up, only to see countless people fighting, sacrificing their lives, even the Wei army, even in the last years of the dynasty, there were generals who shouted: "The imperial court has supported the soldiers for five hundred years, and they have survived this battle. , the generals will follow me to charge and kill."

"Isn't it a pleasure to fight and die for the country?"

The flashing killing is the appearance of every dead soldier in troubled times, fighting with weapons in hand, struggling to survive, killing the enemy, being killed by the enemy, falling to the ground and merging with the earth, turning into a pile of bones...

Behind them, there are many shadows of the common people, which is not surprising. In troubled times, the common people are like weeds. In order to survive, they can risk everything, and every soldier who fights on the battlefield is also the son and husband of the common people. ,Father.

Su Ziji was so engrossed that he even seemed to see translucent faces appearing above the majestic battlefield. They either frowned intently, or wept mournfully, or lit up the lamps to do things, or argued with others. People, all wearing different official uniforms, although they are of different ranks, they are their own masters, but they all work hard and put their wealth and lives on them.

"Come." The crown prince signaled to Su Ziji to follow.

After speaking, he walked forward by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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