fake prince

Chapter 946 Buried Too Deep

Chapter 946 Buried Too Deep

The back garden of Zhennanbo's Mansion is quite large, and there are more than one. One big garden and one small garden. Xie Zhenqing went to the big garden. Walking around, if you walk slowly, you can walk for half an hour.

Although he looks healthy, he still walks in a leisurely manner. For him, walking is really a kind of enjoyment.

Seeing his maids in the corridor not far away, they also felt that it was a pleasant surprise for them to see a handsome man walking with an umbrella in the drizzle in the distance.

"Look! It's the prince!"

"The prince is getting more and more expensive. How can anyone among those Pian Pianjia young masters mentioned outside compare to the prince in our house?"

"That is, if the son was in good health a few years ago, and those people saw him when he went out, how could there be any other princes in the capital?"

When the maids thought of the fact that Mr. Jia, who was famous in the capital, had never had a son, they all felt a sense of resentment.

From their point of view, Shizi is really outstanding in appearance, talent, learning, and temperament. Even his temper is very good most of the time. It's just that he has to rest and recuperate on weekdays and rarely comes out. This makes those who are not as good as Shizi Got a good name to go.

Hongdao helped Xie Zhenqing to walk up to a small pavilion. There was a stone table and four round stools in the small pavilion. After putting away the umbrella, Hongdao wiped off another round stool for Xie Zhenqing before letting Xie Zhenqing sit down.

Xie Zhenqing smiled and sat down, looking thoughtfully at the flowers in the rain, the raindrops were crackling, and suddenly turned to ask Hongdao who was waiting for him: "The Danfang you placed on the fourth floor of the Mausoleum of Emperor Long'an has not been discovered yet. ?"

Hong Dao frowned, and replied in a low voice: "Young master, the tomb of Emperor Long'an has been checked several times. If it is placed too shallow, it will attract suspicion, so it is placed deeper, and it has not been discovered yet."

Xie Zhenqing gave him a look of disgust, and said speechlessly: "It hasn't been discovered for so long, it's buried too deep."

"It didn't matter if it was slower before, but now it's the key to the change of dragon energy, but you can't let it go."

After thinking for a while, Xie Zhenqing ordered: "I heard that Yu Qian's situation is not very good, so you can ask Yu Qianzhi to go to the tomb of Emperor Long'an to avoid the wind. When he arrives, he will naturally find the alchemy by chance."

Hongdao agreed, without much expression, Yu Qianzhi was originally his own person, thanks to his own support to get to this position, but people will naturally change their minds as the tide rises, and they have lost enthusiasm in recent years, but they did not tear their faces. , Now that the young master wants to use it, naturally he can help.

Xie Zhenqing asked again: "How is the Qi Palace now?"

Hongdao replied: "There are already a few people available, not the ones who are inserted now, but those who have been in the Qi Palace for a long time, and now they have been promoted, and they can get close to the Qi King."

Xie Zhenqing was quite satisfied with the infiltration of Prince Qi's mansion.

Xie Zhenqing nodded, before saying anything, suddenly stared at a place and let out a "huh".

That direction seems to be...

He couldn't help standing up.

A Taoist Temple in Beijing

This Taoist temple in the drizzle is quiet and simple, and even because of its strong architectural style, under the cover of rain and fog, it seems that it is not a place in the world, but this Taoist temple stands clearly in a place in the capital. , and only here is a little quieter on weekdays.

In the side hall of the main hall in front, Liu Zhan was receiving guests, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing.

This guest was also wearing Taoist robes, with a slightly mean and unapproachable demeanor, and his face was expressionless, with a gloom that even ordinary people could easily detect and fear.

It was none other than Huo Wuyong, the alchemy priest employed by the emperor.

"Have you heard? Yu Qianzhi intends to meditate for a while?" Liu Zhanzheng asked about it.

Huo Wuyong naturally heard about it. Not only did he hear about it, Huo Wuyong also saw it from afar when Yu Qianzhi left.

Yu Qianzhi walked in a hurry, looking like he was avoiding the limelight, but if he left Beijing at this time, if he was just avoiding the limelight, it was not Yu Qianzhi's act.

Don't look at Huo Wuyong as if he only knows about alchemy, but Huo Wuyong is not a simple person who has been in and out of the palace and spent so long in front of the emperor, let alone think of Yu Qianzhi as a simple person.

It's no secret that Yu Qianzhi was involved with the former King Lu.

"Maybe it's for redemption?" Huo Wuyong said, "This move can make the emperor less angry with him."

As a cultivator living in the capital, offending the emperor is not a good thing, and it is not good for practice. Yu Qianzhi wants to make amends, and it is not incomprehensible.

After finishing speaking, Huo Wuyong was tired again, and sighed: "The medicine for making great pills is basically full again. Unfortunately, the last taste is missing. I have searched all over the capital, and none of them can be used."

He said again: "There are a few candidates in other counties, but it's a pity that their identities are hard to say. More importantly, they haven't really entered the Tao yet, so they are just staring at them now."

As he spoke, he said the names of several people.

Liu Zhan was silent for a long time, and sighed: "I have come into contact with most of these. Not only are the family backgrounds not simple, but they are all outstanding people in the world, which has something to do with their temperament."

Moreover, they are all young talents under the age of 30. They are expected to break through the limits in qin, chess, calligraphy, painting and martial arts. If you choose one, you can become a pillar of the imperial court in the future. Even if you can't be an official, you can still make achievements in the field. Flow through the ages.

It is really... such a pity for such people to stop their lives and dig out their hearts to give the old emperor medicine.

There are also hurtful numbers.

Huo Wuyong smiled wryly: "There is no way. If the emperor wants to use it, no matter how good his life is, he has to fill it up. Even if he knows that in time, he can make contributions to the court and benefit one party, so what? Can it be compared with the emperor's life?"

Both of them have been in the officialdom for a long time, and they know in their hearts that not only is the emperor's order, but even a talented person will inevitably die. This is the terrible thing about power.

And to be honest, the country is like mountains and seas. Although these people are considered outstanding, it will not be a big problem if they are lost. Those who think that the lack of one will affect the artifact are really overthinking.

Don't look at more than ten years ago, even if he is a prince, he will die when he dies.

Only when the country is at a critical moment can someone be irreplaceable for a short time, and only for a short time.

I don't see the heroes who conquered the world, even if they are famous generals and military advisers who are famous in history, once the world is pacified, can they be killed like slaughtering chickens?

This means that when the critical moment is passed, it is no longer irreplaceable.

When the two talked about this, they were silent and just drank tea. After a long time, Huo Wuyong got up, paced the room, looked at the old Taoist sitting across from him for a long time, and asked, "I shouldn't have asked you this, but you After all, I have some friendship and have worked together for many years. Isn't it too conspicuous for you to help Daiwangfu?"

Liu Zhan was silent for a long time, and just smiled for a long time: "You are worried, how can I not understand? Don't worry, I have reported to the emperor, and I will help the acting king only after obtaining the emperor's consent."

"You old fox!" Huo Wuyong laughed after hearing this.

Since he was not blinded by Conglong Zhigong and knew how to measure, there was nothing to worry about, so he smiled, and suddenly, the expressions of the two changed at the same time, and they both looked at one place.

(End of this chapter)

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