fake prince

Chapter 947

Chapter 947

For a long time, the two looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to hide their astonishment.

"Did you feel it?" Liu Zhan only felt his throat tighten, and his voice was squeezed out: "That breath seems to be the aura of a Taoist..."

"I suspect it too." After Huo Wuyong finished speaking, he wanted to say something more, but for some reason he swallowed the words back and did not continue.

Speaking of the Emperor's Great Returning Pill, Qiqiao Linglong's heart came. Could it be that the destiny really allows the emperor to live forever?

"It's windy, I should go back." Huo Wuyong got up straight away, and said goodbye directly.

The tea Liu Zhan poured just now hadn't taken a sip yet.

Right now, neither of them cared about whether their appearance was impatient or not, and they lost their demeanor. Even Liu Zhan didn't persuade him to stay, saying, "That's fine, let's go back earlier, I'm afraid I'll be busy next time."

As long as the aura of entering the Tao is true, even the son of a noble family may not escape death.

Whether they like it or not, the two of them have to cooperate with the emperor to refine the Da Huan Pill, and I'm afraid they will be even busier in the future.

And the kings know that there may be hope to practice Dahuandan, will they do it again?

Both Liu Zhan and Huo Wuyong felt heavy and suffocated when they thought of the destruction of the secret medicine needed to refine the Great Return Pill.

It was raining outside, and it was cool and refreshing. The two walked slowly in the breeze and drizzle, not talking, just meditating.

When he arrived at the door, he stood at the door of the Taoist temple and watched Huo Wuyong leave. Liu Zhan looked at another place and frowned: "This direction seems to be Wanglufang."

A wonderful premonition arose spontaneously, and Liu Zhan couldn't help but palpitate: "Could it be the Daiwang's mansion? Could it be that the Daiwang entered the Taoism? Or... someone else in the Daiwang's mansion?"

He stretched out his hand to count, but there seemed to be an invisible force stopping him, but he felt upset and couldn't count, so he just smiled helplessly: "It seems that the wind is really going to blow up."

Lu's Old Store

Ge Sheng went in thoughtfully, looked around, and saw that the inn had the traces of wheels running over it. The houses in the west courtyard were low, one next to the other, and there were twenty rooms in sequence. The east courtyard was different, with semi-independent buildings. Small courtyard, relatively quiet.

After entering the hospital, someone greeted him without saying a word, and flashed out. Ge Sheng knew that it was to see if there was anyone following him.

For the capital city, the water is very deep. The guards, imperial army, eunuchs, Jingying, Imperial City Division, Criminal Department, Shuntian Mansion, Inspection Division... If an outsider wants to find out how many legal and semi-legal public security offices there are, it really costs a lot of money. With little time, those with low status may never be able to figure it out.

So who knows who happens to be following behind?

Although Ge Sheng felt safe, he couldn't help but tense up. When he went inside, he saw a group of people standing with their hands down. Cao Yiyan was drinking tea and sitting in the middle. A middle-aged man sat next to him, and there were five people standing in front of him. There were all of them, there was a woman in silk, a boatman with patches, and a gorgeous woman. All five of them stood respectfully and only spoke when it was their turn.

The one who spoke at this time was a very young boatman, talking about the scene when he was interrogated by the king.

"...Dai Wang also asked his subordinates if he knew who the instigator was behind the scenes, and asked if he knew the assassin? Naturally, his subordinates said they didn't know."

"Are you only asking these few questions?" Cao Yiyan frowned.

This person is not the first to report the matter, the other person has just reported it, and the problems encountered by this person who sneaked into the boat gang are no different?

Could it be that Dai Wang really cast a wide net and only asked everyone some innocuous questions?Ask these questions, even if you answer them, it is impossible for Dai Wang to get clues from them!

Or is it really like what my subordinates said, acting as the king is just to vent his anger, and he didn't find anything?

Unlike some people who have a slight contempt for Dai Wang, a prince who has only been in Beijing for a few years, Cao Yiyan has personally contacted Dai Wang more than once, and was jealous of this person from the bottom of his heart.

Every time I see Dai Wang, that kind of uncontrollable hostility and vigilance.

This feeling was that the two kings of Qi and Shu had never given themselves to him after occupying the capital for many years, so Cao Yiyan suspected that the acting king was the emerging emperor star that was parallel to him in the astrology.

Could it be that such a person who he thought would become a great enemy would do such useless efforts?

"What about you? What did you ask the king?" Cao Yiyan waved his hand to make the man stand aside, and Cao Yiyan looked at the last two people again.

These two people are a man and a woman, the man is one of the musicians on board that day, and also belongs to Cao Yiyan, and the woman is a young man who was invited to accompany the wine and sing on the ship, and was also placed in the capital of Dazheng by Ying Guo. With the detailed work, the answers of these two people will be much more detailed.

The man reported: "Because the musicians who boarded the ship were called to inquire, the subordinate also went to Shuntian Mansion and waited in a courtyard in Shuntian Mansion. These are not different from what the previous few said, but Asking questions on behalf of the king, but something is different."

He recalled: "Dai Wang first asked his subordinates about their names and origins, and then he asked them about the process of learning art. The subordinates picked out what they could talk about, and he seemed to be very interested in what musicians do on a daily basis, so he asked again. Some of them had little to do with the assassination, and at the end they seemed to perfunctorily ask if they knew the mastermind behind the scenes, and what else did they do when they came to the boat besides playing the piano."

The woman gave Cao Yiyan a timid look, and said in a low voice: "The Dai Wang only asked the concubine's name, where she came from, whether she had seen an assassin before, and whether she knew the inside story, nothing else."

"Is that so?" Cao Yiyan waved his hands back and frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the report.

The middle-aged man shook his fan and smiled gracefully: "Boss, what's the matter? Judging from their report, it seems that there is no serious problem. The Dai Wang should not be able to find out anything from it. Why are you still frowning?"

This is the capital city, even if it is a single-family house, be careful not to call it a king, but a master.

Cao Yiyan also felt that her reaction was a bit unusual, coughed lightly, and stared at the flowers in the garden silently: "There is no big problem, and they answered well, and they didn't reveal anything at all, but I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy ?”

"You said, could this be just a cover-up for the king, deliberately confusing us, making us less defensive, and doing something else secretly?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a while: "If you want to deceive your eyes, you have to find us first, but we didn't show any flaws at all. Is the owner overthinking?"

"Maybe." After pacing around the room, Cao Yiyan still couldn't feel at ease, as if there was a force constantly disturbing his emotions and making him upset and irritable.

A person like him who has stepped into the cultivation path will naturally not take this reaction as normal. After pondering for a while, he said to the middle-aged man: "I don't care about this for the time being. You said just now that there is still a force in the capital?"

"Yes, our trading company is an old trading company in the capital. When we withdrew, it was said that something was wrong. Someone was behind the conspiracy, but the owner left in a hurry, and it is impossible to trace it."

The former owner here refers to Emperor Wei Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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