fake prince

Chapter 948

Chapter 948

"After that, this force seemed to continue to stir up trouble. We turned from the light to the dark, but got some clues. Recently, this force seems to have moved again and got in touch with us." The middle-aged man said, taking it out of his sleeve. A letter, with both hands.

Cao Yiyan took it over, opened it and frowned even tighter: "Joining hands?"

"Do you know who this force is?"

"I can't find out. Although I got some clues from the light to the dark, I only know it vaguely. It seems to have some unclear relationship with the prince back then."

"You also know that it is different now than before. For the sake of the great cause, we cannot reveal our identities, so we can only find out so much."

"Is it related to the old prince?" Cao Yiyan was even more vigilant. The old prince was recognized by both the government and the public. It is said that he was able to ascend the throne today because of his "beautiful grandson". He didn't want the prince to die in the second year of ascending the throne. .

Related to this, this force should not be underestimated.

Cao Yiyan pondered for a moment, but still couldn't make up her mind: "Let's not worry about it, let's see how the Dai Palace responds. I always feel that something is wrong."

Seeing that the lord was hesitant, the middle-aged man didn't stop persuading him. He smiled slightly and said yes. Seeing someone making a gesture, he knew that Ge Sheng was coming, but no one was following him, calling: "Come here, and call back to the master."

"Yes!" Ge Sheng responded with his hands down.


Outside the small flower hall, the lights were dim, and there was no sound. The guards could be seen in the corridor, not fixed in one place, and would occasionally move around.

A year has passed in the blink of an eye, the guards of the palace have been trained and given martial arts skills, and they have gradually become popular. All of them are strong-backed, quick-moving, and not weak. .

Zheng Huai, dressed in the clothes of the guards of the palace, is also among these people, with a knife on his waist.

He has been in Dai Wang's mansion for some time, but he has not been as important as others. This time, he was transferred to be a guard, guarding the flower hall together with ordinary mansion guards. If Dai Wang doesn't trust him, he is made to be this kind of cronies. If you talk about trust, in the past, he was rarely called to the front.

"It must be because those guys stole the limelight that I was forgotten by the Dai Wang and cannot be approached!" Zheng Huai felt resentful at the thought of several outstanding people who entered the mansion at the same time.

Resentment is resentment, what should be done is still to be done, holding a breath, wanting to show his face in front of the acting king, to show his loyalty, so that he can get close to the acting king and get more useful information.

Just when Zheng Huai was thinking this way, he suddenly saw human voices, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Daoren, Jian Qu, Cen Rubai, Wen Xunpeng and other four came over chatting and laughing.

The nail-like guards saluted immediately, and Zheng Huai was no exception. The four of them just nodded their heads and boldly entered.

"What happened?"

Seeing that the hottest people in the mansion have come, this kind of thing has happened in the past, but usually all the staff in the mansion are summoned at the same time when there is a big event, what happened today?

Zheng Huai felt something was wrong, and couldn't help being surprised.

But he is now a guard. Although he is suspicious, he is not willing to follow the past rashly. It is not impossible to follow the past at all, but he has always been cautious. He does not want to take risks unless it is absolutely necessary. Although such a personality will make him miss some opportunities, he can. live longer.


Just when Zheng Huai was thinking in this way, he suddenly heard a fox barking, lowered his eyes slightly, and saw two foxes, one big and one small, swaying and walking in the last person. They were wearing special small clothes, which looked clean cute.

Thinking of Dai Wang and Dai Wangfei raising two foxes as pets, I have only heard of them before, but I have never seen them. Now it seems that they are these two?

They moved lightly, and ran up when they entered the door, like two white shadows, rushing directly in front of Zheng Huai.

Maybe it was because he was running fast, puffed down, ran behind the little fox and dropped something in the grass, but the guards didn't see it, and Zheng Huai didn't make a sound when he saw it.

After a while, the two people beside him went to the side, Zheng Huai walked to the place where the things were dropped, pretended to tidy up the hem of the clothes, picked up the things casually, and slipped them into his sleeves.

It weighs about five taels, which is not a small piece of silver.

"It's true that people are not as good as foxes. They are just little beasts, but they can still save money?" Zheng Huai muttered.

"I don't know what these many people are here for today." Zheng Huai was thinking like this, and suddenly came up with an idea: "If I can find out this secret and send the information back, will I be able to make a great contribution? ?”

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance. I have always sought stability in the past. I missed many opportunities and made the master dissatisfied. This is not acceptable."

"I missed it again this time. When Dai Wang falls, I, who lurks in Dai Wang's mansion, will naturally be useless, and it will be too late to regret."

"Besides, since I am a guard, this opportunity is like a gift from God. If I don't take it, it is my fault!"

When I think about it together, I can no longer suppress it.

Although there were some guards nearby, they were guarding against outsiders. The guards were allowed to patrol from time to time, but Zheng Huai pretended to be patrolling, and slowly approached the flower hall.

Zheng Huai's palms were sweating, but his ears were pricked up, listening carefully.

He sneaked up to a place where he could hear the sound inside, and deliberately went to stand under the shade of a tree. Anyone who saw it might think that he was here to hide from the sun temporarily.

I heard a person inside say: "Your Majesty killed one to warn hundreds, and even destroyed sixteen shrines. Most of the shrines are afraid of the power of the sky. Although they are disgusted, they have to surrender for the sake of their own survival. They have already contacted us. Surrendered."

Hearing this voice, it seemed to be the newcomer Wen Xunpeng.

One person said with a smile: "This is a good thing. Now we have to change from domineering to kingly and appease the shrines. Once the shrines in the entire capital surrender, the strength of my Daiwangfu will definitely increase!"

All the shrines surrendered, and the power of the Dai Palace increased greatly?

When Zheng Huai heard this, his heart was moved. Even people who did not read many books would understand this. The shrine has millions of believers in Beijing, and the pilgrims inside hide dragons and crouching tigers. It can be made up immediately, and it will become the palace with the strongest potential in the capital.

This is a major event, and what is being discussed inside is the content of gathering forces. If it is passed back in a while, it will definitely inflict a heavy blow on Dai Wang, and he will definitely take the credit for it!

Then I heard someone inside say: "However, although the overall situation is settled, we must guard against the fruit being ripe, and others will come to pick the peaches."

These words made Zheng Huai's eyes shine even more. At this moment, he heard a cough, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a slightly puzzled look in his eyes - the position of this station is a bit wrong.

Zheng Huaishan smiled and hurried back to stand up straight.

(End of this chapter)

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