fake prince

Chapter 949 Gui Junxi

Chapter 949 Gui Junxi

"Your Majesty will surely be able to build a solid foundation after this time." Ye Daoist said.

A group of people came out to go down the steps, someone spoke, Zheng Huai stood straight, his eyes were not evil, he was not guilty of looking at it, and he did not attract attention, several important retainers of Dai Wang walked by one after another, without taking a second look , still talking.

"There are talented people from far away countries coming to vote, and a son is about to be born. It can be said that the king's luck is flourishing. You and I have to express our hearts."

"Although the king doesn't care about these things, this is the duty and attitude of a minister."

Zheng Huai's heart skipped a beat when he heard a talented person from a distant country come to vote. He looked sideways and saw that the speaker was Jian Qu, and saw Cen Rubai cupping his fists, convinced: "Mr. Jian is right."

But Wen Xunpeng was thoughtful and seemed to be frowning, the three of them stopped talking and left.

"Come to vote from a distant country?"

Zheng Huai watched the few people go away, suppressed his emotions all the time, and then quickly churned in his chest, almost wanting to leave the palace to send the information, but a cold wind hit, and he shivered slightly, looked around the palace The soldiers stood like nails and did not dare to act rashly, so they could only continue to stand on duty obediently.

He glanced quietly into the hall, but he never saw Dai Wang come out.

After another incense stick of time, the next class of guards changed, and Zheng Huaicai went out with his fellow guards. Immediately he was refreshed, and someone smiled and said, "It's time to get off work. I heard that there is an opera troupe on the opposite side. You can listen to it while having a drink." Play, can you rest when you are drunk?"

Zheng Huai knew that after drinking, he would be obsessed with talking and would not be free today, so he said with a smile, "It was good at first, but the second son of Dun's Hotel asked me to pay the bill, so today I will be waived."

As he spoke, he walked away slowly, until he entered his own residence, with a face that was still smiling for a moment, he suddenly restrained himself, listening to the left and right, his ears moved.

"no one!"

With Zheng Huai's hearing ability, he could hear that there was no one following him. After closing the door carefully, he quickly walked to the box where the things were stored, took out the key to open the box, took out a very ordinary piece of paper from inside, and only tore it. He took a small piece of paper, took another slender brush, rubbed the ink, and wrote on the small piece of paper what he had just heard in fly characters.

After finishing writing, he blew on it, and as soon as the ink was dry, he folded it up and put it in the purse containing the silver, and changed into casual clothes before going out.

"Zheng Wuchang, go to Dun Lao Er to reconcile the account?" Someone has already heard it.

"Yeah, I often go out to drink, and I owe half a month's bill. Today is correct. I didn't pay the salary yesterday, so I just paid it back. It is not difficult to borrow money to pay off the debt."

On the way, I met an acquaintance who asked me, laughed and said that I should pay off the debt, and went out for a walk to buy some things.

Because everyone went out from time to time in private, went to taverns and restaurants to satisfy their hunger, and then went shopping, so this statement did not arouse doubt.

After leaving Dai Wangfu, he looked back at the gate, and without touching his back, Zheng Huai could feel that his clothes were a little damp.

"This meticulous work is not something ordinary people can do calmly. I hope His Highness King Qi can call me back as soon as possible for the sake of sending such important information back."

Zheng Huai was thinking about this in his heart, so he didn't dare to look around. He went straight to a restaurant a few blocks away when he went out. When he looked up, the restaurant was neither new nor old. Are you there?"

"Oh, it's Mr. Zheng, please come in." The clerk smiled all over his face when he saw it: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Dun went out to buy some goods. You can just wait, or you can serve a dish first."

"Serve the food, the old four, and then a pot of wine." Zheng Huai said.

The clerk responded, led Zheng Huai up to the second floor, wiped the tabletops, served tea and peanuts for Zheng Huai who was sitting by the window, and then went to tell the kitchen.

In the lobby on the first floor, a woman was playing and singing, the ditty was quite unique, Zheng Huai was drinking tea, listening to the ditty coming from below.

"Master Zheng, the wine and food you want are here!" The waiting time was not long, and soon footsteps came from the stairs, and a handsome young man went upstairs with a tray and came straight to the table.

As soon as Zheng Huai met the boy's eyes, he felt certain and said, "Put it here."

"Master Zheng, it's still the original four dishes. My chef has learned a new dish. Everyone who has eaten it agrees that this aged wine is made by the master chef..." The waiter kept introducing, and arranged the wine and dishes one by one.

"These dishes, plus wine, can cost one tael of silver?" Zheng Huai asked.

"It's not so expensive!" The man laughed and said, "It's only half a tael of silver."

After Zheng Huai asked the price, he took out his purse, picked out a small piece of broken silver, and handed it to him: "I will pay here first, and I will leave after eating. You write down the bill, and the extra will be rewarded to you!"

Starting with broken silver coins and small pieces of paper, the servant smiled more and more sincerely: "Master Zheng, don't worry, I will write it down, thank you for your reward!"

He said and walked out with a piece of paper.

Zheng Huai watched the other party go down the stairs, and his heart that had been raised slightly was finally relieved, thinking to himself: "Everything went well in this meeting, it seems that I should be promoted and make a fortune!"

Thinking that he not only got the information this time, but also picked up extra money, Zheng Huai was very proud. He was originally from the Jianghu, he liked to drink and eat meat, so he put his mind to rest for a while, and immediately lowered his head to eat and drink.

Daiwangfu·Small Building

Su Ziji stretched his body and climbed up to look far away, gazing at the garden and the streets outside the palace walls. Now it is September in the blink of an eye, and autumn is the most pleasant time of the four seasons.

The leaves in the garden have not completely withered, the flowers on the fence have withered, and occasionally there are a few bees looking for less and less nectar.

At this moment, a burst of footsteps came up the stairs, Su Ziji didn't look back, and asked, "Have you found out?"

"Yes, I found out."

"The ghosts and gods in the old servant's mansion in Kuiqiaofang are related to Gui Junxi, the original counselor of King Ninghe." Ye Daoist stood a few meters away and answered with a bow.

"Gui Junxi?" Su Ziji's complexion was a little bad.

"The emperor was furious, and killed the person in Ninghe's palace. He didn't want this person to escape. Although this person was very vigilant and hardly went out, he still showed his traces, but he was found out."

"This person hates the lord deeply. It is said that he colluded with the kings of Qi and Shu at the request of King Ninghe. The ghosts and gods are also gathered by this person."

"But there are not many traces (evidence) of Lu."

The wild Taoist said and handed over the information, but he didn't have much pride.

It seems that the search is quick and wonderful, but it is an afterthought. It is ten times easier for the king to make a point first, and then to check it - how does the king know this?

Su Ziji looked at it, and suddenly said: "Sure enough, there must be fragrant grass within five steps, and King Ninghe also has a discerning and loyal person, so he wants to make things difficult for Gu."

"There are not many traces of collusion with the King of Shu, you can go and check more, maybe there will be." Su Ziji said meaningfully: "It may not be against Gu, maybe it is against King Qi, you can carefully on."

To deal with King Qi?This is impossible, but the wild Taoist immediately understood that this was to forge evidence, and turned his mind, could it be that he killed someone with a knife?

Immediately, the wild Taoist agreed: "I understand that the evidence of this person's collusion with the King of Shu against the King of Qi will definitely be exposed."

(End of this chapter)

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