fake prince

Chapter 950 A Bigger Scourge

Chapter 950 A Bigger Scourge

Both of them were speechless and watched silently. The small building was located near the back garden of the palace. It had existed before, but it hadn't been repaired.

Recently, more and more books have been acquired by Su Ziji. Apart from the alchemy scriptures, the ancient calligraphy and painting books that Su Ziji had obtained from other channels were also sorted out at the same time. The last part of the alchemy scriptures was transported to this small building. The small building has also been renovated, and Su Ziji will come over occasionally.

Su Ziji nodded, and said: "Zeng Nianzhen has been out for training for a long time, if necessary, he may be able to bring him back. Is there any difficulty in this matter?"

Speaking of this, Ye Daoist's whole body immediately perked up, this matter is serious, he has transferred troops to Beijing, he dared not neglect, he responded immediately.

"My lord, Mr. Zeng has been overseas for a long time, and he wants to come back for a review."

"It's just that the capital is too sensitive. The Secretary of the Imperial City, the Admiral of the Nine Gates, and the Jingying are all watching closely. Dozens of people are fine, and hundreds of people are afraid that they won't be able to hide it."

"But for the three counties of Feng'an, Yongxiu, and Juxian, five or six hundred people are still very conspicuous when they are gathered together, but they are not so conspicuous if they are dispersed."

The savage Taoist said, seeing the lord turned his back and lowered his eyes slightly, he seemed to be a little hesitant, so he continued: "My lord, I will handle this matter myself, and I will make sure that this matter is not leaked."

Su Ziji nodded, and said: "I don't worry about your work, you go, and call Wen Xunpeng by the way."

"Yes." Ye Daoist responded and went downstairs, looking for someone to call Wen Xunpeng.

Small courtyard

Wen Xunpeng, who just came back, entered the courtyard. The sky was a bit dark at this time, and there were small tables and low pier under the tree. It was cool when the wind blew.

Wen Xunpeng sat down, and asked the servant to serve tea, and drank it unhurriedly, with fluttering robes, making him look calm and calm, but actually frowned.

"The discussion just now is a bit strange. Although the affairs of the shrine are great benefits, there are many crises in it. Unfortunately, I wanted to elaborate, but was interrupted. It seems to be intentional. What is the meaning of this? "

"Don't you have a plan?"

Wen Xunpeng, a very careful person, thought about it carefully, and immediately realized something: "Your Majesty may be working on a certain plan."

"If my prediction is not bad, it may have something to do with the shrine."

"That's all for now. If you summon me now, it means that I have gained the trust of the king and can be counted as one of my own. If you don't summon me..."

This is to exclude oneself, Wen Xunpeng's expression darkened, he was speechless for a long time, looked at the autumn scenery, and thought to himself: "Maybe I have to work hard..."

Because I didn't know if I would be summoned, I drank this cup of tea for a long time.

He was anxious, and the servant in front of him was even more disturbed. The servant was not too old, less than 20 years old, and he followed Wen Xunpeng a few years ago. Only later Wen Xunpeng gradually realized that King Qi was violent and was abandoned. Even if the counselor left the palace, he often died unexpectedly, so he made arrangements in advance to let this confidant servant get away early.

Now that I have a firm foothold in the Daiwang Mansion, this young man has finally arrived at the Daiwang Mansion, and he still follows suit.

At this time, the young man looked at his husband who seemed calm, but actually distracted, as if he was waiting for something, so he couldn't help asking: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Wen Xunpeng looked up at him: "Don't ask, just keep making tea for me."

As he spoke, he was counting the time in his heart, thinking, if he was to be summoned, there should be some movement, but there is no movement now, could it be...

Just thinking about it, I heard footsteps coming from outside the small courtyard, and someone knocked three times on the wooden door, asking, "Is Mr. Wen here?"

Wen Xunpeng paused while holding the teacup, and was overjoyed. As soon as the teacup was put down, he stood up. The young servant was clever. Seeing this scene, he quickly responded: "Mr. is here! Wait a moment, I will open the door for you! "

With that said, I'm going to open the door.

Wen Xunpeng walked behind, strode past the servant, and opened the door himself. Seeing that the person standing outside was indeed a guard, his heart skipped a beat.

Although he had already guessed that this time, the Dai Wang might summon him, but when it came true, he still felt relieved.

Although the ruler chooses the subject, and the minister also chooses the ruler, but the minister can change jobs at most once, and the next time is a slave of the three surnames, no matter how talented he is, it may be difficult for him to be accepted.

It can be said that if Dai Wang does not value himself, he is afraid that he will have no chance.

He straightened his clothes and headed to the small wooden building under the leadership of the guards without any servants.

The distance between the courtyards is not far. After walking for a while, I arrived at the place. I entered the building alone and went up to the second floor. Sure enough, I saw Dai Wang standing in front of the window. Before he could salute, he listened to Dai Wang and asked: "Just now, you were hesitant to speak, but you have something to say?"

"By the way, in your opinion, how will King Qi react to the matter of the shrine?"

Wen Xunpeng was overjoyed that he was the only one who was most qualified to answer this kind of question. After all, he had been under King Qi for many years, so King Qi still understood.

He thought for a while and replied: "My lord, I discussed this matter with Mr. Lu. I dare not say anything else. One thing is for sure, that is, there have been changes in the past two years. Every change will lead to the rise of the king, even if there is no The evidence is that the king took action, but the kings of Shu and Qi are under great pressure and must countermeasure."

"Oh?" Su Ziji nodded calmly, "Go on."


Wen Xunpeng continued: "If you want to fight back, now is your chance. Regarding the shrine matter, seventeen shrines have been destroyed in a row. We will be the villains, we will bear the consequences, and we will bear the resentment. Some shrines were afraid of Tianwei and had to surrender."

"But this kind of fruit will solidify the foundation of my palace. Because of this, the two kings of Shu and Qi will definitely pick peaches."

Su Ziji didn't speak, Wen Xunpeng glanced at his expression, and said: "Besides, the king has won consecutive victories. Not only the king of Shu and the king of Qi want to destroy the sharpness of the king, but he is afraid of all the officials in the government and the public, and many people also think so."

Knowing that success or failure depends on one move, Wen Xunpeng gritted his teeth and said suddenly: "My lord, this is the general trend. It is not impossible to go against this trend. I am afraid that it will not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also cause even greater disasters."

Su Ziji was startled, his eyes flickered, and he said, "You said there was a bigger culprit?"

Wen Xunpeng asked lightly, but Wen Xunpeng was sweating, but now he answered decisively: "Yes!"

Su Ziji pondered for a long time, then just smiled: "Then Mr. Yiwen, what should we do now?"

Wen Xunpeng bowed: "Just resist, and when you can't resist, hand it over."

Seeing the king listening quietly, he said: "Your Majesty, in the matter of fighting for heir succession, it is not enough to be self-improving, but it is better for the enemy to make a fool of himself. Although the peach is beneficial to the king, it may offend public taboos. "

"And the resentment of the shrine is actually a disaster, but since some people are picking peaches, why not detonate it to others?"

To a certain extent, whoever is strong will be tabooed by the emperor. The rapid enhancement of Daiwangfu will attract attention, but if it continues to be strong, it may become the target of everyone.

After Wen Xunpeng finished speaking, he bowed and remained silent, waiting for Su Ziji's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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