fake prince

Chapter 951

Chapter 951

Su Ziji pondered for a long time, then smiled: "Mr. Wen, what you said makes a lot of sense, please write me a detailed charter."

This is what Wen Xunpeng was waiting for, and immediately saluted: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Dai Wang had nothing else to say, he retreated respectfully.

When I got out of the wooden building, I felt comfortable all over my body, as if the cold air was coming out of my sweat pores. In this summer, it was like drinking a big bowl of iced drink.

After this period of contact, Wen Xunpeng recognized Dai Wang more and more. He felt that this is a rare enlightened master. Only by following can he realize his ambition. joy.

On the wooden building, Su Ziji watched the man go away from the window, approached the table, poured some water on the inkstone, and slowly grinded it up and down with the ink stick, gradually showing a cool look.

"The most feared thing in war is passivity. If there were relatively fair rules, I would just fight for them within the rules. Unfortunately, at present, it seems that chess players have long been biased."

"No matter how good my chess piece is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to really compete for the dragon."

"That's all, raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while, it's time to call Zeng Nianzhen back."

As the ink became thicker, Su Ziji stopped hesitating after he finished talking to himself. He picked up the pen and waited for his mind to settle down a bit, picked up the soft brush, licked the ink, and dipped the pen until it was full.

An order with a murderous air was written.

Looking at the order on the paper, he read it silently, and called out, a white shadow rushed in from outside, it was the big fox.

"Before, Xiaobai was asked to do things, this time it's your turn to help." Su Ziji smiled, his face swept away, he folded the note with a smile, and put it in the small pocket in front of the big fox , patted its fox head, and said commandingly.

"Chirp!" The big fox yelled, expressing his understanding, turned around, and ran out.

Although this was going to the small island to deliver a letter, the two foxes had been acting as messengers and delivered letters at least once a month, neither of them would get lost, and Su Ziji was not worried.

Walking to the window and seeing the big fox rushing out, he only smiled when he heard the guard's voice: "Your Majesty, Master Xuancheng and Master Huidao have presented alchemy scriptures respectively, do you want to have a look at them immediately?"

Su Ziji was just pacing, but when he heard this sentence, he turned and opened the door.

I saw that the front guard was holding two wooden boxes, both about the width of a book, depending on the size, one box can hold several volumes of alchemy, but it can be presented by these two people at this time, It will not be Fanpin.

"Your Majesty, the alchemy scriptures contained in the red sandalwood box were presented by Immortal Xuancheng, and the alchemy scriptures contained in the pineapple wooden box were presented by Immortal Huidao."

"Here we come." Although Su Ziji was prepared, it is also very important to solve Ye Buhui's hidden dangers. At least he can buy time—one more day, and his own strength will increase, whether it is the power of the palace or his own cultivation power .

He took the two small boxes and said, "Someone make a pot of tea and bring it in."

It takes at least a while to look at these two small boxes of alchemy scriptures.

The guard went away at the sound.

Su Ziji closed the door, walked back to the case, and put down the two small boxes.

These two boxes are fastened with exquisite small locks, and they can be opened with a click, and the booklets inside are exposed with a light lift. It's about as thick as a copper coin, so I picked up a copy and flipped through it.

"It's the alchemy scripture that I haven't learned before. Compared with what I have learned in the past, it is more remote and difficult to understand. It is full of obscurity and terminology-Liu Zhan may still have a little thought, but it is not important. It can gain experience Just do it."

If in the past, Su Ziji might have read it by himself, but now, how could he have such a thought, he just took a shot.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +1530, promoted to level 14 (33/15000)"

"[Outer alchemy] +478, level 14 (13812/15000)"

Following a chill, Su Ziji digested the knowledge passed on from the alchemy scriptures for a while.

"Sure enough, there is no mystery. The experience has increased by 478. Although it is not much, but as the upgrade approaches, the increase in experience is getting slower and slower. It is a surprise to have such a gain."

"Fortunately, in the name of rectifying the shrine, I cut off the goods and filled the building, which made this rapid progress. Now there are only 1200 points left."

I went to read the remaining three volumes, which was more or less profitable.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +730, Level 14 (763/15000)"

"[Outer alchemy] +618, level 14 (14430/15000)"

"Level 15 is a threshold. Judging from the received content, I'm going to squeeze Liu Zhan dry in terms of the alchemy scriptures." Su Ziji thought, and put the four volumes of the alchemy scriptures back.

When the box was closed, the servant brought tea and then went out. Su Ziji sat down, drank his tea, thoughtful.

"Although what was given was basically sporadic, and maybe a few hands were kept, but what was learned was not about martial arts, and almost all of them were pieced together to get the essence."

"It's possible to win by a few points."

After a short rest, he opened the box offered by Hui Dao, looked at the three volumes of alchemy scriptures inside, and picked up the top volume to read.

"Hey, Huidao has a heart."

Although it only takes one swipe to absorb the contents of the entire book, but Su Ziji's level is now, and he knows the value just by scanning it.

This book of alchemy is even slightly more subtle than the one given by Liu Zhan. Thinking of the inextricable relationship between Hui Dao and Liu Zhan's lineage, Su Ziji couldn't help but secretly sighed: "There is a deep foundation after all."

Continue reading, and when he saw the last book, Su Ziji suddenly had a hunch that this book might be the key.

"There is a real decision in it, which can improve my realm."

Just thinking about it, my heart moved, my eyes lowered, and I saw half a piece of red sandalwood tin.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +1730, Level 14 (2493/15000)"

"[Wai Dan Shu] +1481, promoted to level 15 (48/16000)——I have heard the alchemy scriptures in a lifetime, and the jade in the hanging spring!"

Level 15 is the division of masters. Theoretically, this is the time to gain insight into the true meaning of alchemy. Sure enough, after flipping through the last book for a while, a large gulp of cool and refreshing water poured down, and Su Ziji felt as if he drank a cold drink that was too cool, and his body shivered. .

In an instant, the knowledge of the seven volumes of alchemy in Su Ziji's mind, like seven small vortexes, spun rapidly and merged together to form a larger vortex, forming an integration similar to a storm in his mind. The place is instantly clear, the gaps are filled, and the whole person is instantly connected with the outside world. I feel that I am originally a lake, and it is instantly filled with a lot of running water, and it expands into a river in an instant!
All this happened in an instant, and when Su Ziji came back to his senses, he realized that there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

But the perception of pills seems to have changed in an instant.

"Finally upgraded, level 15 alchemy obtained!" Looking at the value that emerged from half a piece of red sandalwood, Su Ziji was convinced.

With this level 15 alchemy, as long as there is an alchemy formula, there is no reason why it cannot be refined, and you can immediately refine the elixir that conceals the spiritual energy of Bugui's body!

Even if the aura of entering the Tao was detected before, after all, Dai Wangfei, it is impossible to start without verification, she must send someone to test it, and then the matter can be covered up!
Moreover, after talking with the prince before, Su Ziji had a feeling that the power of agitation and backlash had already blossomed, but when this alchemy technique came out, it immediately suppressed most of it.

"You have to have your own strength." Su Ziji breathed a sigh of relief, recalling the flash of inspiration just now, and suddenly shouted: "Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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