fake prince

Chapter 965

Chapter 965

In the middle of the night, there were almost no pedestrians on the street. Even the soldiers guarding the gate were wearing coir raincoats and hiding in the nearby stronghold, just looking at it from time to time.

Even if the rain paused and the gray sky was exposed, it would not be as bright as before. The light of the stars and the moon was thinner than before, and there seemed to be dark clouds gathering in the distance. I am afraid that it will rain again soon.

The oppressive atmosphere enveloped the entire capital, and it had nothing to do with the weather.

The Green Bamboo Alley on the east side of Wanglufang is faintly covered with green tiles and whitewashed walls, and several Korean and Chinese officials live there. The land price in this alley is not low, and anyone who can buy a house here is an official of the fourth rank or above.

For such an official, there are usually some cars and horses parked in front of the gate, but today not only here, but also everywhere else is quiet.

Occasionally, in the mansion, there is a night banquet, and there is no need for singing and dancing, just listening to the singing of singing girls. Choose to be a low-key person at this time.


The door of the mansion at the end of Qingzhu Lane was originally closed and opened from the inside, and the two walked out one after the other.

Following them came out a few attendants dressed in green clothes, but no one spoke except for the sound of footsteps.

There was no one to see them off, but looking behind the two of them, one could see a middle-aged man in private clothes kneeling inside the open door.

As long as anyone knows which official this mansion belongs to, he may be able to recognize that this middle-aged man who is kneeling and not daring to raise his head is the owner of this mansion, an official of the fourth rank?

Kneeling further back is the servant of the official's family, who is worse than the official. At this moment, he is profusely sweating, and his clothes are soaked in sweat.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of footsteps going out that the official kneeling at the front breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside, the great eunuch Ma Shunde, who had nothing to gain, had hostility in his eyes, obviously in a bad mood.

Although Qingzhu Lane is an alley, it is very wide inside and can accommodate two ox carts passing by at the same time. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a street.

Next to the mansion at the end of the alley, there were two ox carts parked, but the few people who came out of the mansion did not get into the ox carts immediately.

The man in Taoist robes is exactly Huo Wuyong. He has a serious expression, and he looks a little scary. With such an expression at this moment, people who know him may feel heartbroken.

Ma Shunde is very upset at this moment, not only frustrated, but also very angry.

He was ordered to go out with Huo Wuyong on errands, but he checked several people, but Huo Wuyong never said what to check.

The claims on the surface are all to deceive people, and the real intention is definitely not this.

Ma Shunde didn't want to be a fool, he wanted to know the truth, but he couldn't get it out from the emperor, so Huo Wuyong in front of him could ask.

"Huo Zhenren, you and I are acting according to the emperor's order. Now that we have reached this point, shouldn't we also say a few words, otherwise, it is really difficult to do the job."

"Even for the most secret errand, you and I must know about it."

After Ma Shunde asked with a serious expression, he looked at Huo Wuyong as he spoke, thinking that no matter what Huo Wuyong said, he could give him a little reminder.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist's muscles twitched twice, but he just shook his head: "Mr. Ma, I really can't say it."

Those who are assisting him can't know the inside story, what is hidden in it?The more Huo Wuyong kept silent, the more Ma Shunde wanted to know.

It's not out of curiosity, but unlike Eunuch Zhao's "self-cultivation and self-cultivation" these years, Ma Shunde, as a great eunuch who has just succeeded in his position, urgently needs more credits so that he can sit more securely!

The opposite is also the same, only by knowing the details of the errand can we be targeted and avoid disasters, otherwise, we will die without knowing how to die.

Ma Shunde saw too many of his own people who "worked silently" and were executed.

However, I am already the great eunuch by the emperor's side, and I have already done the reading of the memorial book, and I didn't realize that the emperor has something too important recently——Does this Taoist look down on our family, so he doesn't tell our family about it? ?
Since the emperor wants our family to help with errands, it means that he has no intention of making our family blind and deaf. Our family still doesn't know anything, and the problem must be with this old man with a nose!

Damn old-fashioned cow-nosed!

Ma Shunde was terrified in his heart, subconsciously he didn't dare to blame the emperor, so he couldn't help angering Huo Wuyong.

It's just that I also know that it is not good for me to turn against Huo Wuyong at this time. In this matter, he is now the emperor's favorite. The key to the matter is that although I have succeeded in becoming a great eunuch, among the most trusted people of the emperor, I'm afraid he can't even rank in the top five, which is a terrible thing for a great eunuch who serves the emperor.

Ma Shunde turned his eyes and said: "No matter what to investigate, Wanglufang has been investigated now. Is it only Dai Wang's mansion? The next step is to investigate Dai Wang's mansion?"

This was a mockery, but to Ma Shunde's surprise, the old man in front of him did not deny it, but walked slowly with a gloomy face, pondering for a while.

Ma Shunde suddenly felt uneasy, his face changed, this is not good, he thought to himself: "Could it involve Dai Wang? This matter will be troublesome."

Originally, he thought it was the same as usual, just came out to run some errands, and it would not exceed too much expectations, but Huo Wuyong's reaction made him see a clue.

No matter what he said, he was also the great eunuch beside the emperor, and he was still ordered by the emperor to work with Huo Wuyong on errands. In this case, Huo Wuyong refused to tell the truth in detail, or he was too lazy to do superficial work and looked down on him, or just It really matters!
Ma Shunde originally hoped it would be the former, but he didn't expect it to be the latter!
When it comes to princes and grandchildren, it has a lot to do with it!

Who is it that really needs to be investigated? Even the Daiwangfu must be investigated?

"Could it be that this time, it is false to check others, but the king is true?"

Although Ma Shunde thought about it carefully, he had an inexplicable dislike for the king, but he was the emperor's servant, and he knew it well. When it comes to such matters, he must not act according to his personal likes and dislikes, because if he fails to do so, he will Plunge yourself in!

With a dark face, he frowned and gritted his teeth: "If you want to check the Dai Palace, then our family has to ask the emperor for instructions again."

Huo Wuyong was startled, and the eyes that did not fall on Ma Shunde originally also followed him.

"I still need to ask for instructions?" He seemed a little puzzled: "Didn't there be a decree earlier?"

Although he is the emperor's imperial alchemist, he seems to be not as proficient in such tantalizing matters as these people who are planning every day to please the emperor and protect themselves.

Huo Wuyong seemed to feel that this Eunuch Ma was too troublesome, since they had already asked for an order, and it was getting late, they had to go back and ask the emperor again, wouldn't it be superfluous?
(End of this chapter)

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