fake prince

Chapter 966

Chapter 966
"This old fox, pretending!"

Ma Shunde snorted coldly and didn't answer, just dropped a cold sentence: "I don't care who or what you are investigating, the investigation of the Dai Palace should not only have the emperor's will, but also have more people present, and also have to It's all set up front and back!"

If it wasn't for the fear of implicating himself, he wouldn't even want to say these words. After finishing speaking, he walked towards the ox cart he was riding in when he came.

The two young eunuchs following him hurriedly trotted up, one helped Ma Shunde get into the car, and the other jumped ahead to drive away.

Huo Wuyong stood where he was, watching Ma Shunde get into the ox cart, and then the ox cart drove away.

"The real man..." Some soldiers followed, one of them walked over and asked cautiously, "Where are we going next?"

I wanted to say directly "Go to Dai Wang's Mansion", but the words turned around and Huo Wuyong swallowed them back.

"Ma Shunde is afraid of getting involved, so he refuses to get involved inexplicably. Even if he comes again, he will come by request. I really have to prepare."

Thinking of this, Huo Wuyong was thoughtful, but felt a bitter taste in his mouth, and swallowed with difficulty.

"That's right, it's fine if you don't find out anything, it's nothing more than a few reprimands from the emperor."

"If it's really found out, it's fine if it's just waiting for the guests or servants. If it's the Dai Wang's family or even the princess... or the little prince, then Dai Wang's mansion and I will never die forever."

"Even if the Dai Wang has fallen, what about his henchmen? How can they let go of it with me?"

"I can't carry this blame alone!"

Thinking of this, Huo Wuyong immediately told the hundreds of households beside him: "Send someone to run an errand and invite some people for me."

"The real man ordered it!" Bai Huben followed Huo Wuyong and answered immediately.

Huo Wuyong thought about it and said, "Please come to me quickly, Mr. Liu Zhan..."

Then he mentioned a few more names, all of them were people with some reputation or power, or Taoists, or people from testing agencies.

The Taoist gates in the capital are more prosperous than those outside the capital, and to be able to settle down at the feet of the emperor, even if it is just a master of observation, it is generally a bit capable.

Huo Wuyong ordered people to invite them, even if they were Taoists, they were all guests at the banquet of princes and nobles, regardless of whether they had real skills or not, at least they were useful in sharing hatred.

In particular, people from the testing agency reported the news and made themselves in a dilemma. Can they stay out of the matter?This is impossible.

Baihu didn't understand what Huo Wuyong wanted him to do by asking him to invite people, but such trivial matters were not too difficult for him, so he accepted the order and immediately ordered a few soldiers: "Go quickly, give everyone I invite you, come quickly, I have delayed my errand, I have peeled your skins."


Seeing these people running away quickly, Huo Wuyong looked up at the large dark clouds that had gathered above his head, and let out a breath of foul air.

Royal Palace
With the three main halls as the center, there are more than 70 large and small palaces, and more than [-] houses, which are connected together. Although the most noble couple in the whole world lives here, except for this couple and some concubines, the rest are eunuchs, Whether the maids and nanny can live a good life is not certain.

In addition to the palaces that are close to the palaces of the emperor and empress, there are some small houses and courtyards in the farther area. The places are narrow and inaccessible. Passing by during the day will make people feel uneasy from the bottom of their hearts.

The Leng Palace is usually in this kind of place, or some out-of-control elders and supervisors and nuns will also move here to live out their last days with interest.

Eunuch Zhao, the chief eunuch who was once the most favored by the emperor's side, is also located in this yard.

During the day, apart from the occasional chirping of birds, the sound of people walking is rarely heard here.

It was already dark at this moment, and it was pitch black, with only one or two small lanterns swaying in the wind under the eaves of some courtyards, making one unable to help but wonder whether there were people living here or some Unseen ghosts.

The small narrow door is tightly closed. From the outside, most of the paint on the door has peeled off, plus the moss growing under the wall, it really makes people feel that the people living inside are too desolate and miserable.

But in fact, if you go in through this door, you will find that the courtyard inside and the outside are like two worlds, which is not really down and out.

There are a few small fruit trees planted in the yard, and a row of flowers and plants are planted by the window. At the moment, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and they are full of vitality.

The half-open windows were covered with half-worn muslin, and brightly lit by candles.

The eunuch sitting inside was leaning on the soft bed with his back leaning on the cushion, holding a book in his hand, and was slowly flipping through it.

In front of him was a low table, on which were not only refreshments, but also two plates of seasonal fruits, which looked fresh and delicious.

In the semi-old incense burner not far away, there is an excellent incense that can relax people's mind.

The whole room looks simple, but in fact, what should be enjoyed is that it has not been let down at all. Looking at Eunuch Zhao's expression at the moment, he is far more carefree than before!

At this moment, there was a knock on the outermost door.

The light knock on the door was not too loud, but everyone in the room heard it.

The two young eunuchs who were waiting beside Eunuch Zhao looked at each other, one of them quickly opened the door, and after a while, led a young eunuch with a face in his face.

The elderly senior eunuch raised his eyelids and took a look. When he saw the entry, he knelt down and saluted the young eunuch with something in his hands, as if he was coming to pay respects.

This is normal, don't look at Eunuch Zhao losing his power, but he has been the chief eunuch in the palace for so many years, even if he loses his power, it is very easy to protect a few small eunuchs.

So since he came here, some little eunuchs came to please him one after another. In the past, it was difficult to have this opportunity. Now it's their turn to cook this cold stove.

"Huh?" But at the next glance, Eunuch Zhao sensed that something was wrong, and when he saw it clearly, his eyes shrank and almost changed color.

But in the end, it was years of nurturing that kept him calm, and he raised his eyelids to take a look: "You are from Liu Cairen? What does she want to say to our family?"

The two people around were listening too much, and seeing that the little eunuch seemed to have something to say, and seeing his hesitation, it seemed that what he wanted to say could not be heard by others, and they immediately realized that the deep palace had its own unspeakable secrets. Taboo.

When a man is over forty, the bed is naturally not as good as when he was young, but how can the emperor let this be announced to the world?Therefore, the three-year or five-year draft will still be held.

Therefore, some beautiful women, although accepted as low-level concubines, are actually virgins all their lives. Liu Cairen is a female official and a palace official. If you have no children, what will you do in the future?
Therefore, even if he knew that the hope was slim, he still hoped that he could win the emperor overnight, and if he had a son and a half daughter, he could rely on something.

Sure enough, the little eunuch murmured: "Eunuch Zhao, I have something to tell you, look..."

(End of this chapter)

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