fake prince

Chapter 969

Chapter 969
Dao Tong kept talking, Hui Dao nodded casually after thinking about it, and said: "The concubine is pregnant with a precious son, and should be taken seriously."

After finishing speaking, there was a sudden "Huh", and he covered his chest with his hands as if feeling something, only to feel that in an instant, it was like a stone was pressing on his heart, and it became more and more stuffy.

Seeing this, Dao Tong hurriedly supported him, and asked, "Master, are you too tired? You don't look very well, go back and have a rest!"

Huidao didn't think it was the reason, but his heart throbbed, and he nodded: "Alright, I'm fine now, let's go back."

With that said, he was about to leave.

The master and apprentice's residence is in a remote part of the palace, for the purpose of being clean and less disturbed by people.

Usually when they go in and out, they seldom meet guest ministers and aides in the mansion, but just now they set up a large formation, and the last place is near the gate. When they go back, they will inevitably walk along the corridor and pass a rockery pond, and they can hear footsteps in the distance. There are people talking.

At a glance, Huidao's expression changed slightly as a few people approached in the distance.

"Who is this?"

Among the few people walking towards them, except for a few armored soldiers, there was only a man in his thirties who walked in front and seemed to be surrounded by people.

Said to be a man in his thirties, this person striding forward, his expression was calm, restrained and dignified, it seemed like a sword that had learned to conceal its sharpness after a long battle!
Or this person is older than he looks, but because of his martial arts, he looks young!

On Huidao's way back, there were not only two people, but when the big formation was set up, there were people arranged by the housekeeper waiting in the distance.

Hearing Huidao's inquiry, someone immediately replied: "This is Zeng Nianzhen. I heard that he used to be a guest in the mansion. Because of his wild background, the prince didn't mind. He even allowed him not to stay in the mansion all the time. This time he should Something happened, so I entered the mansion again."

The person who spoke was a little indifferent, as if he didn't care much.

"A quack? No, no, this kind of momentum is definitely not like it!"

This is not supernatural powers, but quacks are basically rogue temperaments, and the man opposite is not angry and majestic, and is used to being surrounded. He is obviously in power and is an official or general, which can be seen at a glance.

"When will there be such a general in Daiwang's mansion?"

Huidao originally thought that Dai Wang's foundation was not strong, but now he was stunned. At this time, he didn't have time to think about it, and after walking a few steps, he was close to this person, so he nodded towards him, and the man on the other side also bowed his head in return. People are passing by.

"Go and do your own business, we master and apprentice will go back by ourselves." After walking for a while, Huidao said to the few people who followed him thoughtfully.

"Then the real man walks slowly." These people also have other things to be busy with, anyway, they are in the palace, Huidao master and apprentice obviously have to go back after finishing their work, and there is nothing else to order, so they bid farewell to Huidao .

Hui Dao and Dao Tong went forward by themselves. Because they lived in a remote place, they rarely passed by these places before. Now the night was getting dark, and the stars in the sky were also covered by the moon. Even if they were walking on the road, there was no scenery to enjoy.

It was pitch black everywhere, and occasionally the dark clouds parted a bit, allowing the faint moonlight to shine a little, but it was not so clear.

Fortunately, there are some glass lamps hanging on both sides of the corridors and roads.

Even if it is windy now, these glass lamps are shaken by the wind from time to time, and it will not affect the lighting.

The small area that can be illuminated is enough to see the luxury of the mansion. This is not the luxury of the owner of the mansion, but the life that the prince would have had.

Daotong is more interested than his master. He is still young, only in his teens. He is just at the age of curiosity and loves to play. On the way back, his eyes will be attracted by some exquisite rockeries and pavilions from time to time. .

But seeing the master's eyes half downcast, only looking at the front and walking, he gradually restrained his excitement, not daring to jump too far, lest he be reprimanded by the master.

Walking and walking, when he passed a place, he didn't show a strange expression, but Huidao, who had a calm expression and occasionally frowned due to chest tightness, changed his expression slightly, looking around, with a look of sizing up.


Hui Dao was not stopped because of the good scenery in this area, but because he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance of elixir!

Standing still, he smelled it carefully, confirming his guess again.

This is the top-grade danxiang, at least the delicate fragrance that can only be found in top-grade dancheng. It feels flawless when you smell it, but because of a gust of wind, it is blown over from the upper air outlet!

In this mansion, who can secretly make alchemy here, unless the owner of the mansion is the acting king, who else?Unexpectedly, Dai Wang actually has such a means?

Rao had long seen that Dai Wang was hiding a lot of secrets, but this astonishing discovery still shocked Huidao.

Just thinking about it, when the wind blew suddenly, I couldn't help coughing.

"Master!" Daotong was shocked when he saw this.

"What are you panicking?" Hui Dao, who didn't know why Daotong suddenly changed color, took the handkerchief from his hand, wiped it on the corner of his mouth, looked down, and was also surprised.


There is blood?

Hui Dao's heart sank, he didn't feel anything, why he vomited blood, he just thought about it, only heard a "boom", there was a thunderbolt in the sky, and then a thunderstorm fell.

Although it has been brewing for a long time, the sudden downpour of rain still gives people a sense of being caught off guard, just like this sudden discovery of the secret!

Hui Dao seemed to have realized something, looked at the main courtyard of the palace, where the princess lived, and looked up at the sky, muttering: "Could it be that, without knowing it, I was involved in a major event again?"

The downpour instantly drenched the ground, and streams of water gathered on the ground and flowed towards the drainage canal.

From the time of the previous dynasty, the mansions of this kind of princes and grandchildren had various ingenious designs.

Whether it is heavy rain or heavy snow, there are some ways to deal with it.

The only ones who really have no choice but to resign themselves to fate in rainy and snowy weather are ordinary people.

The predecessor of Daiwang Mansion was owned by the previous dynasty, and all kinds of rainproof facilities are extremely sound. Even Huidao's station is not far away, and there is a pavilion for temporary shelter from the rain.

You only need to walk a few steps quickly, and you can rest there and take shelter from the rain.

Huidao ignored Daotong's persuasion, just stood in the rain, bent over, looked up at the surroundings, and at the sky.

I saw the heavy rain pouring down, and the tumbling black clouds were crisscrossed with lightning flashes, which exploded from time to time, illuminating the loquat leaves not far away, the rain dripped down his cheeks, and the clothes on his body were already soaked. Dao Tong was frightened by his appearance!
"Master! What's the matter with you? What happened?" Daotong stepped forward to pull Huidao's sleeve.

Huidao's condition at the moment is not very good. He is bent over, as if there is a stone on his back, which makes him a little stooped.

But under his seemingly bewildered appearance, there was a heart that was turning rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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