fake prince

Chapter 970 Promise

Chapter 970 Promise
"Actually, from what I've seen, although the Dai Wang has a royal air, he has some deficiencies. He has a weak appearance. He must have been implicated by the crown prince, and he was fostered among the people before, so he doesn't have much family relationship with the emperor."

"It's not surprising that being close to the emperor is enough to affect the strength of the king's spirit."

"But not long ago, Dai Wang seemed to have become very powerful... How can this situation be explained?"

In fact, thinking of this, Huidao felt a bang in his heart, and was immediately enlightened. He didn't need to think about it anymore, he had connected all the details since this period of time.

"Dai Wang is the son of the crown prince, but the crown prince lost love with the emperor, committed suicide and died, and was lost to the people for 20 years. Naturally, the king's spirit is not prosperous. It is already a matter of luck to be able to have the current number."

"Otherwise, as far as the Duke of the State and the King of the County are possible, there is absolutely no chance of winning the championship."

"But not long ago, the king's aura was very strong, and there was a fierce look. Could it be that the princess has a precious son, and the father is more expensive than the son, so she has the hope of aspiring to the top, so there is such a dangerous and complicated look of the king?"

"If you think about it that way, everything makes sense."

"There is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, but this is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous road, and there is a hurdle to become a dragon!"

"If it works, it will go smoothly, if it fails, it will be a complete failure, and there will be no chance!"

"The reason why I was backlashed is because I helped the king set up an array, so I entered this fate..." Thinking about it, I felt the weight of the invisible force on my body was even heavier.

This is tantamount to responding to these speculations!

Regardless of whether the guess is correct or not, at least the direction must be correct. The son in the womb of the princess is extremely important!

Dai Wang did have the hope of ascending to the throne because of this!

Hui Dao flicked his sleeves lightly, and shook off the Dao boy who was trying to hold him, and walked quickly a few steps towards the pavilion not far away.

Daotong thought that the master was going to take shelter in the pavilion, but unexpectedly, Huidao just walked over and stared at a place in a silent trance.

Daotong has a pretty good memory, remember that this is also a point of the big formation in the mansion!

The large piece of rockery stone placed there is actually not only for viewing, but also for setting up formations!
Master stared there, could it be that there was a problem with the layout of the formation?

Didn't complete the task this time?

Dao Tong was flustered, but Hui Dao had only one thought, which was: "If this is the case, I will solve the backlash. It is actually very simple, and you can know it by testing."

This stone is a corner of the formation. As long as this stone is smashed, even if it is just quietly smashing a part of the ground, gaps can be exposed in the formation, but the appearance is not damaged. In a short time, even a Taoist master like Liu Zhan will find out If not, this array is already damaged.

As long as this is done, even though he helped Dai Wang arrange a large formation, he would not have to bear the backlash.

After staring at it for a while, Dao Tong was soaked and trembling.

But Huidao walked over and gently stroked the real half of the jade used as the "corner" under the cover of the huge stone.

"But in this case, how can I avenge my master?" Hui Dao stroked the jade and smiled coldly. He who showed this smile in the rain was different from the simple and old-fashioned one in the past.

Like a tiger that has been entrenched for a long time, it finally opened its mouth, revealing its fangs.

On the other hand, Zeng Nianzhen walked in the mansion with a few armored soldiers, passed by an old Taoist with a Taoist boy, and couldn't help but stop and look back.

"Who is that?" He also asked.

One of the armored soldiers has been going back and forth between the two places recently, but he knows something about what happened in the mansion: "My lord, that is Daoist Hui Dao, who came to vote for the king some time ago, and was left by the king as a guest minister, so he stayed in the mansion."

"Reverend Huidao?" Zeng Nianzhen is not very familiar with this name, and he seems to have heard it somewhere, but right now he has other business to do, it is important to go to see the prince, so for the time being, let this passing person be given to him. Forget it, don't think about it.

But when he saw the door of the moon cave, there were bushes of flowers and morning glories crawling on the wall, following Dan Xiang, he walked directly to the front of Dan's room with the door half-hidden.

As soon as he opened the door and went in, he saw Dai Wang wearing a gauze robe in front of the alchemy furnace, sitting quietly with his eyes closed, with a futon under his body, as if he was in meditation, so quiet that he could hear a needle drop.

Seeing Dai Wang like this, Zeng Nianzhen didn't speak at the moment, just knelt down, touched the ground with his head three times, and knelt and waited.

After sitting for a long time, Dai Wang opened his eyes, looked at the man in front of him, got up and stretched out his hand to press the furnace, as if checking the furnace, and said after a long time: "Zeng Nianzhen, can I trust you?"

Although this sentence was light, Zeng Nian's scalp was numb, his head "boomed", as if it had exploded.

It's not because of Dai Wang's trust in him, but because of these words, he suddenly remembered the scene of deja vu many years ago!
He suddenly looked up at the young man in front of him who was looking at him calmly, his eyes became moist.

In a trance, it seemed that the person in front of him and the old prince had joined together!
Zeng Nianzhen made up his mind, kowtowed down, and said: "My lord, if you have anything to do, just tell me!"

After a pause, he continued: "No matter who the enemy is, I will go all out and never hesitate!"

A person with lofty ideals promises, it is really heart-wrenching!
Zeng Nianzhen's reputation in the world is not all because of his sword skills, but because he has a heart of commitment!
He would never break his promise, not to mention that the young man in front of him was the only son of his lord.

When Zeng Nianzhen kowtowed and said these words, he already had the heart to die!
Su Ziji actually didn't expect Zeng Nianzhen to have such a reaction, he was a little surprised, after watching it for a while, he understood, and he was deeply moved.

How did the prince gather this group of people back then?With this group of people, how could they lose and commit suicide again?But things have changed, let yourself enjoy the shadow?

Su Ziji thought to himself, turning his thoughts around, following his own people, afraid... only wild Taoists who pin all their hopes on themselves, can this be done?
After being dazed for a long time, he finally came to his senses and said, "Okay, Gu will naturally believe you!"

Then he ordered solemnly: "Now is the autumn of major events, there is no room for hesitation, Gu ordered you to go to the princess's place to guard immediately, if something happens, don't worry about Gu, immediately take the princess out of the city through the underground passage, without any delay!"

How many underground passages are there in the palace, and where are they? Zeng Nianzhen's confidant naturally knows.

As for what will happen after taking the concubine out of the city, although Dai Wang didn't say anything, Zeng Nianzhen also knows that at that time, no matter whether there is anyone to meet him or not, he must stay away from the capital as soon as he leaves the city. The sooner the better!

Zeng Nianzhen suddenly showed joy and bitterness, as well as the tranquility of the imminent event - back then, the crown prince did not choose to send the son out by himself, but now, the young master chose himself.

"Yes, I take orders. If something happens, even if I risk my life, I will send the concubine and the eldest son out of Beijing safely." Zeng Nianzhen kowtowed on the ground and said in a calm manner.

(End of this chapter)

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