Chapter 1040 Compensation?

"Quick! Move fast! We have to dig the trenches before the Germans arrive, otherwise you will wait to fight the Germans with bayonets. Believe me, it will not be fun—" By a small river in the night, Australia and New Zealand The officers and soldiers of the Reorganized First Division of the Legion were digging trenches. They marched hurriedly overnight and just arrived at Château Thierry, less than 60 kilometers away from Paris.

The Anzacs did not receive the departure order until the afternoon of the 19th. The Reorganized First Division set off in a hurry. At that time, the railway was already in a state of paralysis. The first division didn't even have time to carry heavy weapons. The troops only carried general-purpose machine guns, and there was a serious shortage of bullets.

The Reorganized First Division mobilized almost all the trucks of the Anzac Army, and with the help of the French military police and police, it was difficult to reach Fort Thierry through the road.

There are rolling hills near Château-Thierry, which are actually not suitable for building fortifications, but the Reorganized First Division has no choice. Paris is behind them, and the Reorganized First Division must fight with its back.

While reorganizing the First Division was constructing fortifications, the sound of shell explosions could be faintly heard in the distance, and the distant sky flickered like clouds containing thunderstorms. It was the attacking German troops and the defensive French troops. The French army is fighting desperately, the German army is eager to capture Paris, completely dispelling the French will to fight, and the French army is maintaining the last glory of France. As long as Paris has not fallen, then France can persist.

"General, the Second Division and the Fourth Division have not followed up. They are still 30 kilometers away from here, and they may not be able to arrive before dawn." Wayne Stilwell, chief of staff of the Reorganized First Division, had an ugly expression, which meant , The Reorganized First Division may fight alone.

"Where are we now? Is this Château-Thierry?" Henry Gardner was not worried about the Second and Fourth Divisions. Marching at night and going the wrong way is normal.

"Yes, this is Chateau Thierry!" Wayne Stilwell finally gave a definite answer.

"That's no problem, urge the troops to hurry up and build the fortifications, the Germans are coming soon—" Henry Gardner also had an ugly expression, and within Henry Gardner's line of sight, there were sporadic French army routs soldier.

Compared with the defenders of the French army, there were too many attacking German troops. Ludendorff used the tactic of taking turns, and every two divisions formed an attacking front line. Each attack would not exceed four hours, and if it exceeded four hours, The offensive force is about to rotate, and now the salient part of the German army has poured into the two armies, the third and fifth armies led by Otto von Bülow and Hutil,

Under the crazy attack of the German army, the French army, which was already severely understrength, collapsed across the board.

With the solid fortifications left behind, the performance of the French army in the field was unsatisfactory, and the troops were unable to organize an effective defense. Even if some officers temporarily assembled troops to prepare for resistance, they quickly collapsed under the ferocious German attack.

The German army learned the lessons from the previous battles and attacked all night without rest. Some French troops had been running for a whole day. They were tired and hungry. Some threw away their weapons and some threw away their coats. Some people ran away and lost their military boots, and everyone was in a mess, even worse than a beggar.

"How is the situation on the front line?" Henry Gardner grabbed a French soldier who was fleeing. The French soldier's arm was wrapped in bandages and his head was bleeding. It seemed that the injury on his head had not been treated in time .

Wayne Stilwell asked the guards to call the doctor, wanting to give simple treatment to the wounded French soldiers.

The French soldiers panicked, and their voices were trembling: "The Germans are overwhelming, the front line has collapsed, we are all over—please let me go, I want to go home—"

"Fuck, you dare to run away!" Henry Gardner drew his pistol.

"I don't want to do this either—" the French soldier was crying, his body trembling violently: "—I don't want to run away either, but I can't find my squad leader, the platoon leader has died, and the company commander has died too. , no one told me what to do, I did what I was supposed to—”

Since the outbreak of the World War until now, the casualties of officers in the French army have been particularly heavy. At the outbreak of the World War, there are not one officer in ten, and none in ten soldiers.

"Let him go Henry, we don't have time to waste here." Wayne Stilwell didn't dare to let Henry shoot. The French army was routing more and more. mutiny.

"Let the gendarme lead them away from our defenses, don't let them affect our defenses, set up the machine guns immediately, the Germans may arrive at any time-mortars, mortars! Order the mortars to fire flares, machine gunners Get ready, riflemen, keep your grenades at hand, get your sappers ready—" Henry Gardner was hoarse, and more and more French troops were retreating in sight, some of them couldn't pass the only bridge in time, Just jump straight into the river and swim over.

"Sapper, where is the engineer? Blow up that damn bridge, blow up all the bridges—" Henry Gardner ordered the bridge to be blown up, otherwise the bridge would be used by the Germans.

Immediately, engineers rushed over carrying explosive boxes, and then clashed with the broken soldiers who were crossing the bridge.

"Damn it, our people haven't evacuated across the river, and you are going to blow up the bridge, you are all butchers!"

"Asshole, is this how you treat your allies?"

"This bridge is the property of the French government. If you dare to blow up the bridge, then you should wait for compensation!"

The broken soldiers who had just crossed the bridge surrounded the engineer regiment who were installing explosives, and the engineers who were talking about it couldn't argue with each other.

"Machine gunner, get ready to shoot!" Henry Gardner's eyes were on fire. He was already on fire, and he wanted compensation?

Henry Gardner would love to turn around and go back to Australia, and let the damn French go to the Germans for compensation.


The machine gunner didn't hesitate, the ammunition belt with tracer bullets was extremely conspicuous in the night sky.

The rout of the French army who besieged the engineers immediately slipped away in desperation, but was stopped by the military police of the reorganized First Division.

"You can't leave, you have to stay and help us build the fortifications." The military police are catching strong men, and there is one more.

"Sir, we fought the Germans all day, and now we need to rest—"

"It's not our job to build the fortification—"

"Let's go, gentlemen, if you please—"

The French soldiers who came back to their senses finally realized who was in charge at this moment.

"We ran all night to help you, not for you to insult!"

"Hurry up and repair the fortifications, or we won't be able to withstand the German army, and you can wait to watch the German entry ceremony in Paris."

"Stop talking nonsense—"

The military police of the Anzac Corps were also grumpy. The engineers had already loaded the explosives and were setting out the lines. Finally, the German army appeared in the distance.

"The Germans are coming!"

I don't know who yelled, and the French soldiers who were pleading just now went berserk instantly, and someone suddenly pushed away the military police blocking the front and was about to flee.

"Clear the field, prepare to fight, prepare to fight!" The officers of the Anzac Army were trying to organize the defense.

The French soldiers who have become frightened are rushing forward.

The German soldiers in the distance discovered the rout of the French army gathered by the river and were advancing towards the small river.

The speed of the German soldiers was not fast, but their speed was very uniform and their footsteps were firm. They appeared in small groups and shot at the fleeing French soldiers unhurriedly, as if they were in a hunting game.

tom tom tom—

The flares fired by the mortars illuminated the night sky as bright as day. The German soldiers finally found the position of the Reorganized First Division on the river bank. The brown soil turned out was still very conspicuous on the white snow. The Germans were not in a hurry to attack. They lurked on the other side of the river and waited for follow-up reinforcements.

Or waiting for heavy weapons.

"General, do we want to launch a counterattack?" Wayne Stilwell wanted to give the German army a blow.

Henry Gardner looked at Wayne with strange eyes, who gave you confidence and made you want to give the German army a blow?

Leaving the defensive position to attack the Germans—

Are you courting death?

"I'm just saying—" Wayne Stilwell smiled awkwardly, it was irresponsible for the chief of staff to give such a suggestion.

The fuse finally detonated the explosives.


The stone bridge was blown to pieces in the sight of officers and soldiers on both sides of the river.

The German army on the other side of the river is obviously in a commotion, how cold the river is in March——

Tsk tsk, who knows.

The sky finally turned white, and there were more and more German troops on the other side of the river. They hid behind the embankment on the other side of the river, and they happened to be in the blind spot of the machine gunners of the Reorganized First Division.

"Send a telegram to the headquarters, we need support, we need mortars, we need bombers, don't care what it is, give us some help!" Henry Gardner had a clear blood bubble on his mouth, and he could feel it. The danger is approaching, but they don't know how to solve it.

Should have set up a position on the other side of the river—

But it was too late to regret it.

There were German soldiers watching vaguely on the embankment on the opposite bank, which was a precursor to the German attack.

"Ready to fight!" Henry Gardner's voice was more desolate than howling wolves.


Suddenly there was the sound of an airplane engine in the distance, and when Henry Gardner looked up in surprise, the officers and soldiers of the Reorganized First Division on the ground were already cheering one after another.

Six ground support planes flew over quickly and continuously dived to the opposite bank of the river. Bombs flew down with screams. The violent explosion was the most beautiful music. Broken limbs, this is the most beautiful picture in the eyes of officers and soldiers of the Reorganized First Division.

Because of the support of the air force, the German attack was delayed for a full three hours.

When the Germans began to attack, the second and fourth divisions finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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