Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1041 Ludendorff's Son

Chapter 1041 Ludendorff's Son

During the three hours that the Germans waited to attack, the British Expeditionary Force and the German air force fought endlessly.

As time went on, the importance of aircraft became more and more obvious. In order to counter the superior air force of the British Expeditionary Force, Germany did everything possible to develop a biplane with good performance. Of course, the "good performance" here is the same as the German army Compared with the previously equipped aircraft and the "strong wind" equipped by the British Expeditionary Force, the German biplane still has obvious disadvantages.

Although the performance of the aircraft was obviously inferior, the pilots of the German army bravely took off to fight.

But the gap in strength cannot be made up for by a mere amount of courage.

Southern Africa began to study aircraft ten years ago. During the Italian-Turkish War, when the aircraft first appeared on the battlefield, the Southern African Air Force already had quite mature tactics. Although the German Air Force was catching up after the outbreak of the World War, But in a short period of time, the Luftwaffe was the younger brother who had no ability to resist in front of southern Africa.

The role of "brother" is estimated to be played by the German army for a long time.

Relatively speaking, the air force in southern Africa has a clear division of labor, with fighter jets going forward to seize air supremacy, and ground support aircraft attacking German infantry units.

The German army is equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns, but the number is not large, and the air defense capabilities are extremely limited.

The number of German aircraft is not large. After all, Germany has been blocked for four and a half years, and various strategic materials are extremely short. If Romania had not been occupied, these German aircraft would not even be able to take off due to lack of fuel.

Speaking of fuel, just last month, Germany and Romania signed an agreement. The agreement stipulates that Romania will lease most of the oil fields in Romania to Germany for 99 years. If new oil fields are discovered in Romania, the Germans will also have priority. right of lease.

This agreement fully proves the greed of the Germans. Like the "Brest-Litovsk Peace Agreement", the Germans will not give up any opportunity to grab benefits, and it is almost like squeezing the bones.

The proud Germans probably would not have thought that any gift given by fate to the Germans is secretly priced. How the Germans are blackmailing the Russians and Romanians now? After the end of the World War, France and the United Kingdom will How to blackmail the Germans.

On the morning of the 21st, there was thick fog in the sky of Château-Thierry. Hundreds of British Expeditionary Force and German planes were fighting each other. From time to time, planes flew across the sky with thick smoke. And the various parts of the pilot rained down, like a painting that was constantly collapsing, collapsing, disintegrating, and shattering.

Soldiers on both sides of the river are all concerned about the air battle. If a German plane is shot down, the officers and soldiers of the Reorganized First Division will take off their hats and cheer collectively; if a British Expeditionary Force plane is shot down, so will the German soldiers on the other side of the river. Same.

In order to better fight against the Allied Air Forces, the German Air Force is now also beginning to study tactics, limited to the number of aircraft, the German Air Force uses a two-aircraft tactic, a lead aircraft and a wingman, and cooperate with each other to launch an attack on the expeditionary air force.

The tactic of the Expeditionary Air Force is still a "big circle formation" composed of six aircraft. This tactic has obvious advantages against the dual-aircraft tactic, especially when the performance of the aircraft is superior. Most of the aircraft shot down are German aircraft. , Only a few sporadic expeditionary force planes were shot down, and most of the pilots parachuted in time and were successfully rescued by ground forces.

The German pilots would also parachute when the plane was shot down. When the air battle was at its most intense, a German biplane was hit and the pilot was forced to parachute. The parachuting position was within the control area of ​​the expeditionary force.

Immediately there were more than a dozen gendarmes from the Reorganized First Division chasing parachutes in armored vehicles to arrest people.

A German pilot failed to control his parachute. When he landed, the parachute hung on a tree and was directly captured by the military police.

Another German pilot had better luck. His parachute landed in a forest. When the military police arrived, only the parachute was hanging on a tree. The pilot cut off the parachute rope with a dagger in time and escaped.

After the urgent interrogation of the captured pilots, the gendarmes received unexpected news that another escaped pilot was named Erich, who had the same name as Ludendorff, the current chief of the German general staff.

It is no coincidence that this Erich is Ludendorff's youngest son.

Ludendorff worked hard when he was young and was single until the age of 44.

At that time, Ludendorff had not yet made his fortune, and he worked next to the legendary Chief of the German General Staff, Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen, with the rank of major.

One night, Ludendorff walked home after a day's work as usual. It was raining that night. On the way back, Ludendorff met a woman who was taking shelter from the rain.

So Ludendorff invited the woman to share an umbrella, and Ludendorff sent the woman home, who became Ludendorff's later wife Margaret Pennelt.

At this time, Margaret Pennelt was married, with three sons and a daughter. Her marriage was not happy. Later, Margaret Pennelt divorced, and Ludendorff immediately married Margaret. Special formed a new family.

In this way, Ludendorff had three stepsons and one stepdaughter. Fortunately, the children all admired Ludendorff, and they all followed in Ludendorff's footsteps to join the army. He was injured for one year and won the Iron Cross. After recovering from the injury, the military believed that Franz's injury was not suitable for returning to the army, so Franz became a pilot after arduous training.

In September last year, the plane driven by Franz was shot down over the English Channel. The sea search and rescue personnel did not find Franz's body, so Franz was included in the list of missing persons.

The escaped Erich is Ludendorff's youngest stepson. He has a very good relationship with Ludendorff and is Ludendorff's hope. He just turned 18 this year.

Erich followed in the footsteps of his stepfather and elder brother to join the army. Unexpectedly, he was shot down in Château-Thierry. The military police immediately reported the situation to Henry Gardner. Henry Gardner sent a company of soldiers with The military dogs carried out a carpet search around Erich's parachute.

"Erich—come out, we know you're here, we'll keep you safe—"

"Erich, think about your mother, he is waiting for you to come home, come out, we will give you the treatment that matches your status—"

"Erich, I see you, don't hide baby, I know you're behind the tree—"

The Australian soldiers shouted while looking for them in the woods. There was an open space around the woods. Erich might still be in the woods, and he had nowhere to escape.

"Look carefully, pay attention to every tree around you, every tree hole, every hole in the ground, don't rush to shoot, we have to catch alive—" the officer waved his pistol, urging the soldiers to take an inch After an inch of searching, there were scattered snow on the ground in the woods, and the footprints were still very conspicuous. Soon, the soldiers surrounded the tree hole where Erich was hiding.

"Erich, I know you are inside, don't make unnecessary resistance, throw out your pistol, and I promise to give you treatment that matches your status." The officer shouted to Erich, hoping that Erich could Voluntary surrender.

"Dreaming, I will not surrender to you even if I die!" Erich was emotional, his voice was still immature, after all, he was a young man who had just turned 18, but Erich definitely did not lack courage, as Ludendorff Son, Erich will never surrender.

"Don't rush Erich, listen to me, you have done everything you can, it is not your fault that the plane was shot down, you have done your duty as a soldier, there is no shame in laying down your arms, bravely Facing life is what a warrior should do. I promise, I will not use your identity to do any despicable acts. You just need to stay in our prisoner-of-war camp and wait until the end of the world war, and you can go home—— "The officer said earnestly that even if the British Expeditionary Force did nothing, as long as they could capture Ludendorff's son, it would be a great honor.

Erich didn't speak, obviously struggling inside.

"Erich, you are only 18 years old, your life has just begun, think about your mother, she raised you up through hardships, she must not want you to die in this tree hole in obscurity, listen to me, put Guns out, if you have a saber to keep, we won't take your rank off, so many higher ranks and older men have surrendered, no one asks too much of you, you've done it Very good——” The officer does psychological work, and shouting is actually a very difficult thing, and no one knows that a sentence will work.

"Shut up! I am the son of Ludendorff. My elder brother died heroically in battle last year. I will not use disgraceful behavior to shame my family because of me—" Erich's voice gradually became agitated.

"Don't be impulsive Erich, don't be impulsive, we can temporarily withdraw from this forest, and give you enough time for you to think about it—" The officer realized that Erich might go to extremes, and quietly motioned a few times A gendarme approached the tree hole where Erich was hiding.

As long as Ludendorff's son can be captured, it is worth paying some price, not to mention that the value of life is the same, the life of a soldier is also life, in the real world, the value of life is really different, let alone in the world war, life--

It is worthless.

"Don't come here, don't come here, don't make me—" Erich howled crazily.

"Okay, okay, we're not going to—" the officer tried to reassure.

The military police who were about to arrest people could not advance or retreat.

The surrounding soldiers with guns on alert looked indifferent.

Even the military dogs lay on the ground and did not dare to bark.


In the silent woods, the sound of gunfire is particularly crisp!

ps: Breaking the chapter here, I will definitely be scolded again, but this is needed to promote the plot—the point is, 3000 words for this chapter are enough——

(End of this chapter)

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