Chapter 1043 Private name

In the ancient battlefield of the Marne River, the fierce gunfire sounded again. Like four years ago, the German army returned to the Marne River again. Now the German army is stronger, with more advanced weapons, stronger attack power, and higher organizational efficiency.

Compared with the ever-improving German forces, the defensive forces dominated by the Anzac and Canadian Corps have made greater progress. The reorganized First Division's sniper battle at Fort Thierry won enough for the Anzac and Canadian Corps. At that time, when the main force arrived at the Marne River, it brought heavy weapons including tanks and heavy artillery, and the battle situation fell into a stalemate again.

In just one week, the French army lost 16 troops, the British Expeditionary Force lost 6 people, the attacking German troops also lost 16 people, the French army lost 700 artillery pieces, 360 tanks, and 120 soldiers. plane.

Most of the casualties of the German army were caused by the Anzac and Canadian Corps. Compared with the bulky, ugly and slow-moving A7V tanks, the tanks equipped by the British Expeditionary Force are more flexible, more efficient, and have a longer combat range. Rock is for Attracting more German troops into the "big funnel", that's why the Anzac and Canadian Corps were ordered not to counterattack. Otherwise, the number of tanks equipped by the Anzac and Canadian Corps could completely destroy a German army's foothold.

When Rock was listening to the battle report, he couldn't help sighing. After the Russian Empire withdrew from the war, the Germans finally had a new "transport captain". Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing if the German army used the captured weapons to turn against the British and French allied forces.

Foch, who listened to the battle report with Roque, also had an ugly expression. The world war has been fought for four and a half years, and the French government’s finances have been completely exhausted. Now the French government relies on loans from the United Kingdom, southern Africa, and the United States to continue fighting. These artillery, planes, and tanks were bought by the French government at a high price, and now they are being consumed on the battlefield so meaninglessly, what a bunch of prodigal sons.

Compared with the Marne River battlefield, Roque is actually more concerned about the US troops attacking the Liege Fortress.

This should be the first time that the U.S. military has led a large-scale battle as the main force. The American soldiers who entered the battlefield for the first time showed the fighting spirit of death. From the 21st to the 25th, in just five days, the number of U.S. casualties reached 15 people, of which nearly 4 were killed.

American troops occupied two German fortresses, but they were still unable to break through the Meuse River. There were a full six such fortresses in front of them.

After seeing the number of US military casualties, Rock and Foch both felt lingering fear——

Fortunately, fortunately, it was not the British Expeditionary Force and the French army that attacked Fort Liege, or else, with the current morale of the British Expeditionary Force and the French army, the tragedy that happened during the Sherman Dedham offensive might be repeated again.

"The performance of the Americans is not bad." Foch expressed his satisfaction with the performance of the US military. Some things cannot be said too clearly. A dead friend is not a poor man——

Roque expressed contempt for Foch's understatement. Fortunately, Roque did not order the British Expeditionary Force to launch an attack. Otherwise, if the British Expeditionary Force also paid a heavy price, and Foch also lightly said "The British Expeditionary Force is doing well", then it may be possible Spit blood out of Roque.

"How many U.S. troops arrived in Belgium this month?" Rock worried that the U.S. military would not be able to sustain consumption at this rate.

"25!" Foch gave an answer that surprised Rock.

Look at the courage of the United States. There are 25 reinforcements a month. If the British government gives Roque 25 people every month, Foch will not need to urge Roque to completely defeat the German army within half a year.

It was at this time that Rock understood the significance of population to Western countries.

It is no wonder that the British do not care about the large-scale Chinese immigration to southern Africa. It is no wonder that the British can tolerate autonomy in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and southern Africa, but they firmly do not allow autonomy in India.

No wonder that after the end of the World War, the French government wanted to immigrate from Africa to supplement the labor shortage in France caused by the World War.

Compared with the survival of the country, domestic ethnic conflicts are indeed secondary conflicts. Rock was born in a country with almost unlimited human resources of a single ethnic group, so it is impossible to understand the importance European countries place on population.

Just like white farmers cannot understand the Chinese people's feelings for the land.

If you let the white farmer cultivate the land intensively, most of the white farmer will think you are crazy. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of land, or even tens of thousands of acres. How can you intensively cultivate it?watering?weed?

Impossible, I am too busy at all, even farming is impossible, so I can only develop animal husbandry. If the Chinese cultivate the land according to the way that the Chinese cultivate the land, they will start to cultivate the land as soon as the spring begins, and there will be still land to be planted in the fall. The seeds planted are ready to be harvested.

In the same way, for France, regardless of whether it is Africans or Persians, there must be enough population first. Without people, it is impossible to form an army, and it cannot deal with the threat of Germany. Once the country perishes, what is there to ensure the purity of blood? significance?

Once the country is destroyed, the bloodline is even more impossible to be pure.

"We must order the troops to maintain the current front line for at least a week, and attract more German troops into this big funnel. At that time, we will directly attack Reims and completely swallow the German troops in the big funnel. Now these in the big funnel The German army should be the last elite unit in the hands of Ludendorff—" Rock doesn't feel sorry for the Americans. If he wants to get the benefits he wants after the end of the world war, he has to hand in the vote certificate now. If you don't pay, you won't get anything. God is always fair——

"Attacking Reims directly—it's very difficult." Foch frowned. Although there were millions of people in the world war, it is fair to say that the generals of Britain and France really did not have the ability to command millions of people to fight.

There is a saying in the 21st century in another time and space that a certain country is a civilization disguised as a country.

This statement contains evil intentions, but it also makes sense from a certain point of view. Countries such as Britain and France simply cannot understand how strong a mentality is needed for a civilization that has existed for 5000 years and has a continuous culture. Even if it is conquered by foreigners, it will eventually make a comeback.

From the perspective of the Chinese, countries such as Britain and France are actually tribes pretending to be countries.

To use some intentional or unintentional jokes, the level of the leaders of some countries or regions is not as good as that of county officials, and the work of the masses is not good enough.

It simply belittles the gold content of the title of "national leader".

"The gap in the current defense line is about 80 kilometers from Laon to Champagne-Chalons. Once the time is right, the British expeditionary force will attack from Laon to Reims, and the French army will attack from Champagne-Chalons to Reims. The first army occupies Lance, and as long as the encirclement is not closed, it must continue to attack until it joins the friendly forces." Rock is actually talking about it on paper, but how advanced is the level of strategy and tactics required to serve as the British Expeditionary Force?

No need, look at Frenzi and Haig, at least Rock didn't blindly order the troops to attack, attack and attack again.

Winston was right, as long as the leash dog was behind the desk of the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force if it was just attacking and attacking.

"How many troops are you going to invest?" Foch had expectations for the British Expeditionary Force. Rock still had a reserve force of nearly 50 people, and Foch knew this situation.

"At least one group army." Rock certainly wouldn't throw all the reserves into it. A group army of about 25 people is enough.

"Southern African Expeditionary Force?" Foch had expectations, if it was the Southern African Expeditionary Force——

Well that's fine too.

Sure, the Southern African Expeditionary Force in France has a total of 21 divisions, or a reorganized division of 1.8 people, with a total strength of nearly 40 people.

"Hehe——" Rock was noncommittal, and Foch had a good idea. Rock would definitely join the Southern African Expeditionary Force, but not now.

Good steel must be used wisely. The Southern African Expeditionary Force is the most powerful force in Rock’s hands. No matter where it is invested in any direction, it is enough to form a decisive force that changes the situation on the battlefield. Rock will invest in the South after the encirclement is formed. The African Expeditionary Force is used to annihilate the besieged German troops, so as to maximize the combat effectiveness of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

This is the legendary "fruit picking".

As the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force, this is within Roque's purview, and no one can fault Roque.

Don't think it's easy to annihilate the besieged German army. The trapped beasts are eager to jump over the wall to find out. Switching to other troops, Roque is really worried. If the small universe of the desperate German army explodes, it will be like a certain Iron Cross winner. Ke also had a headache.

In the battle of the previous few days, a certain mustache who had already won an Iron Cross fought bravely with a pistol, and captured 12 French soldiers by himself, creating a small miracle.

With his astonishing feats, the mustache raised the Iron Cross he received during the First Battle of Ypres to the first class, which became the capital for someone to boast about in the future.

It is undeniable that ignoring the things that Mustache did in another time and space, it is indeed amazing that one person captures 12 people. Even the expeditionary force in southern Africa is eligible for a hero medal.

The Hero Medal is the highest decoration a soldier can receive.

While Roque and Foch calculated Ludendorff, the battle on the Marne continued.

Ludendorff was unwilling to stop at the Marne River. Paris was already far away, almost within reach. This was the second time since the outbreak of the World War that the German army was so close to Paris. Now replaced by Ludendorff, Ludendorff would like to hold the entrance ceremony in Paris.

At this time, Ludendorff already knew the news of Erich's death in battle. Because the Reorganized First Division treated Erich's body with the courtesy of an officer, Ludendorff sent a telegram to Rock in his own name to express his gratitude.

In private name!

Hehe, he can still pretend than Rock.

ps: I just found out that when I set the timed update, I accidentally added an hour - sorry, it was not intentional.

(End of this chapter)

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