Chapter 1044 Bullet Cases

Ludendorff was a lonely man, his life was filled with only one thing, and that was work, work, and work.

After learning that his most beloved youngest son was killed in battle, Ludendorff often left the German Army Headquarters alone. Someone once heard Ludendorff crying.

The past 1916 was a cruel year for Ludendorff. His eldest son died in the English Channel. Dendorf's aura of glorious victories on the Eastern Front had dimmed.

Time came to 1917, and Ludendorff's depression showed no signs of improvement. It was good news that the German army broke through the Reims defense line, but Erich's death in battle dealt Ludendorff the heaviest blow. He said that Erich's death made the German victory on the front line meaningless. Ludendorff lost his spiritual support, and his wife also had an emotional breakdown. Ludendorff believed that his career had lost the best heir.

In order to get Ludendorff out of the haze as soon as possible, Hindenburg took the initiative to arrange a doctor for Ludendorff. The doctor was Dr. Hochheim, whom Ludendorff knew.

Post-Dr. Hochheim wrote from his own memoirs: He was always working, working, working, overtiring himself mentally and physically, he had no entertainment, no relaxation, meal time was in the car, wolfing down, not eating. Give yourself any respite, not laughing, not looking at nature, not looking at art, not listening to the rustling of the forest, not splashing the water in the brook.

After knowing his situation, Ludendorff sat for a long time without saying a word, and later he asked Dr. Hochheim: You are right, I have been like this for a long time, what should I do?

Dr. Hochheim tried his best to persuade Ludendorff to transfer the headquarters from Avena, which only had narrow barracks, to Spa, Belgium, where the environment is relatively comfortable. He also suggested that Ludendorff take more walks, take a deep breath, change his living habits, and rest as much as possible. ,sleep more.

Ludendorff really wanted to change, and he followed Dr. Hochheim's request earnestly, sometimes even with a little urgency.

Dr. Hochheim's method had an effect, and Ludendorff's spirit showed signs of recovery. Spa is indeed more comfortable than Avena, but Spa is also farther away from the French front than Avena, which makes Ludendorff Dendorf was unable to understand the changes on the front line in time, and could not make correct responses in time, which laid the biggest foreshadowing for the subsequent failure of the German army.

Just when Ludendorff's mental state was in trouble, the German offensive on the Marne continued.

With the help of tanks and planes, the British and French allied forces established a strong position. The German forces were not dominant at this time, and the suddenness of the campaign was lost. Pétain worked hard to organize the defense line and transferred more troops to the Marne River. Although Louis Despere lost Lance, he was not dismissed because of this. Pétain gave Louis Despere the greatest trust, and another person who gradually gained Pétain's trust was Charles Manking.

Manjing used to be a direct descendant of Joffre and Nivelle, a "butcher" known for his disregard for the lives of soldiers. Unable to survive, Manjing could not change the status quo of the French army, but could only work hard to adapt.

Regardless of the life of the model soldier, Manjing is a resolute and decisive person. He is very resolute in performing tasks and will not be disturbed by objective conditions. No matter what difficulties he faces, Manjing has the determination to face them, which is actually very rare. When the French army is facing a desperate situation, someone needs to take the initiative to stand up and turn the tide.

At this time, the lives of soldiers are really not important. After the outbreak of the World War, France has already lost 200 million people. As long as they can win, even if another 200 million people die in battle, the parliamentarians in Paris will not back down.

It is an intriguing fact that during the World Wars, many immediate family members of generals who served in the army died in battle, while few immediate family members of congressmen served.

In the current Marne River, Louis Despere and Charles Mangin respectively commanded an army group, cooperated with the Anzac and Canadian Corps, and finally blocked the German troops at a place less than 50 kilometers away from Paris.

On April 4th, Paris was bombed. Several powerful bombs exploded in Paris. The panic in Paris further intensified. It was believed that German planes attacked Paris. The air force was blamed because it meant that the air force lost Paris air supremacy.

"Impossible. No German bombers can break through the air force's defenses. What's more, there is no evidence that Germany has bombers. The Germans don't even have bombers. How could they bomb Paris?" Rock answered Foch's question in this way.

"Then how do you explain that there are bombs falling on the Paris city? The congressmen don't have enough confidence in our air force." Foch can't help it either. You can't ask all the congressmen to understand the situation like military experts.

If you don't understand the situation, at least don't express your opinions casually. If you don't investigate, you have no right to speak. These congressmen are not seeking truth from facts at all.

"There are many reasons. The German army has super cannons with a range of more than 80 kilometers. It is not surprising that they used them to attack Paris. In addition, it may be that the munitions stored in Paris exploded, or the kitchen of a restaurant exploded, or Things like gas stations, in short, there are many reasons for the explosion, we have to analyze the specific situation." Rock casually found a lot of reasons, the councilors are the group of creatures that Rock hates most, and they are not successful enough. More than a failure.

If Roque becomes the leader of Southern Africa one day in the future, Roque will definitely gradually lower the status of the parliament and transfer most of the power belonging to the parliament to the government.

Rock is in favor of the saying "the truth is in the hands of the few". Since this sentence is correct, then "the minority obeys the majority" is wrong.

Even if "the minority obeys the majority" is correct, Roque has a way to deal with it. After all, in southern Africa, the Chinese have become the majority, and the whites are the minority. Unless the whites are willing to unite with the Africans, but in that case——

Ha ha!

"Now is not the time for us to shirk our responsibilities. Now we are discussing how to solve the problem." Foch had a headache. He knew that Roque was right, but the congressmen would not believe it.

"As long as we drive the German army out of the Marne River, the threat of Paris will naturally be lifted." Rock knows the core of the problem, but it will take time to solve it.

At the same time that Paris was attacked, Charly-sur-Marne, the positions of the First Canadian Army came under heavy attack from the Germans.

After the capture of Vimy Ridge, the Canadian Expeditionary Force became famous in the first battle, and no one dared to underestimate this force that had no sense of existence before.

The soldiers of the Canadian Legion are young and full of impact. They are physically strong and well-equipped. They are fearless in the face of the German attack. Since the Canadian Legion entered the combat state, the First Army has repelled the German attack many times in a row.

The reorganized First Division of the Anzac Army won enough time for the Canadian Army. After the first Battle of the Marne, the French government had the foresight to not dismantle the fortifications built by the French army. These fortifications are now being reused. Check for deficiencies and re-fortify. After adding more machine gun positions and artillery bunkers, the defensive capabilities of the positions are further strengthened.

At the forefront of the entire defense line, Smith and his comrades are fighting.

Here is a re-reinforced bunker. There are two heavy machine guns inside the bunker. The firing holes face different directions. One squad of soldiers is responsible for the defense, and six people control one heavy machine gun.

In order to guard against the gas attacks of the German army, regardless of whether the German army used gas bombs or not, officers and soldiers were required to wear gas masks on the front line, and they could only take them off when eating.

The small bunker is full of gunpowder, and a dozen soldiers wearing gas masks are busy. Although the heavy machine guns use smokeless gunpowder, this "smokeless" is also relative. The gas overflowing from the heavy machine gun is still It was unbearable. The ground in the bunker was full of bullet casings. When walking, the feet could not leave the ground. As long as people moved, the bullet casings on the ground would be kicked and rattling.

"Faraday, throw out these empty ammunition boxes, and bring a few more boxes of ammunition over here—" Smith, the squad leader, was the highest commander in the bunker. He and Chaplin, the deputy squad leader, each commanded a heavy machine gun. The Germans have been attacking like crazy these days, and Smith and his comrades are under tremendous pressure.

"Yes—sir—" Third Class Faraday was originally a rifleman in the squad, and now Chaplin carried the rifle on his shoulders. Although he had no chance to use it at all, he was still required to keep the rifle close to his body.

"William, the officer at two o'clock, kill him!" When Chaplin commanded the heavy machine gun, he did not forget to remind the precision shooter William that German officers and machine gun shooters were the focus of the precision shooter.

William did not speak. In order to ensure an unobstructed view, William was the only person in the entire bunker who did not wear a gas mask.

Hearing Chaplin's reminder, William raised the Lee Enfield with a scope to take aim, but before he could shoot, William jumped up from the ground and began to take off his clothes, swearing: "Damn it, Todd! Damn it, you're going to scald me to death—"

Todd is a heavy machine gun shooter, and he is suppressing the German heavy machine gun. The hot shell casing is thrown from the ejection hole and just falls into William's collar.

Fortunately, Todd used burst fire, and there were only two or three bullet casings that fell into William's collar. If this was a long burst, William would almost be able to get a contribution medal.

"Who made you blind, don't bother me—" Todd's temper is also bad, and now Todd wants to smoke a cigarette, but the gas mask can't be removed, so Todd's heart is simmering .

Then vent all your anger on the Germans.

(End of this chapter)

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