Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1045 Sending the German Chapter Home

Chapter 1045 Sending the Germans Back Home

What the Germans used to bombard Paris was a giant cannon called Kaiser Wilhelm.

The caliber of the "Kaiser Wilhelm" giant cannon is 8 inches, which is 203 mm. "It was transported to the front line to carry out long-range strikes on Paris. Fortunately, the number of artillery was insufficient, the firing speed was not fast, and the accuracy could not be guaranteed, so Paris did not suffer greater losses.

In order to guard against the raid of the expeditionary air force, the German army placed "Kaiser Wilhelm" in the woods, and also arranged anti-aircraft machine gun positions around it.

The Expeditionary Air Force did try to find German artillery positions, but failed to find them.

The losses caused by "Kaiser Wilhelm" to Paris were insignificant. Like the strategic bombing of military facilities in Germany by the Expeditionary Air Force, "Kaiser Wilhelm" caused more psychological blows to Paris, and the actual losses in Paris were not many.

After the British and French allied forces consolidated their defenses, the German offensive faced enormous difficulties, limited to Germany's domestic production capacity. Although the German army had A7V tanks, the output was seriously insufficient. The German army lacked an effective way to break through the British and French allied forces' positions. The battle was brilliant at the beginning The German attack method also lost its effect. The German army still sent elite squads to try to infiltrate the positions of the British and French coalition forces, but the elite squads that did not carry heavy weapons were beaten badly in front of tanks and heavy machine guns.

As the number of casualties continued to rise, the German army had actually stopped attacking by April [-]th. This day was Ludendorff’s birthday. Originally, Ludendorff hoped that the entry ceremony would be held in Paris on this day. Now it seems that Everything has become a fantasy.

Also on April [-]th, the British and French allied forces were also ready to counterattack.

Before the counterattack began, Rock and Petain had several phone calls. When the two met on April [-]st, they decided to launch a counterattack against the Germans on April [-]th.

As in Rock's plan, the British Expeditionary Force and French troops will attack Reims from Laon and Champagne-Chalons respectively, encircling all German troops in the funnel.

In order to capture Reims as soon as possible, the ace combination of the First Armored Division and the Second Cavalry Division was sent. These two units will serve as the forwards of the attacking force. Infantry Division and four Southern African Expeditionary Force infantry divisions, on April [-]th, according to the agreement with Petain, the British Expeditionary Force launched an attack on the German army.

In the First Armored Division and the Second Cavalry Division, the "Muscat Pirates" commanded by Hanke were the vanguard of the vanguard. Their task was to clear the way for the tank troops and cooperate with the tank troops to attack the German positions. The Muscat Pirates are actually equipped with 20 tanks, and these tanks are also included in the battle order.

"——We are the vanguard of the entire legion, so we have only one task, to advance to Lance at the fastest speed, everyone only carries the necessary weapons and ammunition, and does not bring anything unrelated to the battle, as many grenades as possible Bring some, if you encounter a strong German position, don't attack it, find a way to go around, let the tank troops deal with them, hope we can drink together after the battle, this is our last stop, let's work together and send the Germans Go back home!" Hank was murderous, and now he also changed into a combat uniform and put on a helmet with a gas mask under the helmet.

Hank doesn’t know if the German army will use gas bombs. Anyway, the tank troops of the British Expeditionary Force carry gas bombs. Hank filed the bullets with a file last night, filing the warheads of each bullet into irregular shapes. , so that after the bullet hits the target, it will cause a killing effect similar to that of the dum bullet.

To hell with Battlefield Covenant!

"Send the Germans back home!"

The officers of the Muscat Pirates are roaring. They all know the significance of this battle. If they can successfully surround the German army in the big funnel, then all the vital forces of the German army will be wiped out. Stubbornly, German civil servants would also consider a peaceful end to the war.

As for whether the German army in the encirclement can be successfully annihilated, the officers and soldiers of the Muscat Pirates have never doubted this issue.

The officers and soldiers got up at three o'clock in the morning, gathered at four o'clock, had dinner at five o'clock, and were ready to set off at six o'clock.

"Let's go, Hyena!" Hank patted the cold armor of the tank and screamed strangely. "Hyena" is Hank's nickname for the "Light Cavalry" tank. It is indeed a bit ugly.

"Shut your mouth, you damn Yankee!" The officer sitting in the tank yelled and started the tank, the tank engine spewed out clouds of smoke like coughing, and the rusty tracks screamed "creak" Get moving.

The infantry immediately followed closely.

Hank climbed onto the tank and crouched behind the turret to observe through the binoculars.

In the early morning, Laon is silent, the distant forest is surrounded by white mist, and the air contains a fresh and natural atmosphere. If it is not for the murderous army that is advancing, this will be a beautiful morning.

Not long after the troops set off, a tank broke down.

The tanker climbed out of the tank with difficulty and repaired the tank with the maintenance personnel. The infantry who accompanied the tank attack were at a loss. Too advanced weapons are not good. It won't be the same as fighting.

Hanke didn't care about the malfunctioning tanks. In order to occupy Lance as quickly as possible, Rock sent 850 tanks to participate in the attack. The failure of some tanks would not affect the actions of the troops at all.

There was the sound of an aircraft engine in the air. When Hank looked up, six planes passed by quickly. Their task was to seize the airspace of Lance, create favorable conditions for bombers and near-ground support aircraft, and protect the ground troops. offensive efficiency.

Not far from Laon, the tank unit encountered the German army. Two tanks were destroyed at the beginning of the battle. The tank crew had no chance to climb out of the tank. One of the tanks was shrouded in fire, and then the sputum in the tank exploded , The whole tank is full of sparks like gorgeous fireworks.

The other tankers were undeterred, and after gathering about 40 tanks, the attack began immediately.

This time, Hank didn't dare to squat behind the turret. He jumped off the tank and followed the tank with other soldiers. As a commander, Hank didn't need to be on the front line in person, but this is Hank's habit, and Hank doesn't want to change it. .

During the march just now, in order to cooperate with the infantry, the tanks did not move fast.

Now the tank troops are attacking with all their strength, and the tankers have almost stepped on the accelerator. When the improved "light cavalry" tank is fully loaded, the cross-country speed is about 20 kilometers per hour. Can't keep up with the speed of the tank.

Fortunately, when the tank is advancing, if it finds a German machine gun position or artillery position, the tank can counterattack. At this time, the tank cannot shoot while in motion. Every time it shoots, it needs to stop and aim. Only the attacking infantry could barely keep up.

In order to reduce the losses during the attack, the tank units of the expeditionary army would not stop and counterattack during the attack. They rushed to the German positions at the fastest speed, and several tanks even ran over the German machine gun positions arrogantly.

After Hanke led the infantry to the German position, the German position was already in a mess.

"Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, hand them over to the troops to deal with—" Hank panted violently, patted the tanks that were strafing the German troops and shouted, a German soldier rushed out from behind a big tree next to him, He held four tangled grenades in his hand, and white smoke was rising from the wooden handle of the grenade.

"Fuck—" Hank knelt down on one knee, his posture was similar to a marriage proposal, but Hank held up a Browning Hi-Power pistol.


The bullet hit the face of the German soldier, and the whole head of the howling German soldier suddenly exploded. The Dum bomb was indeed powerful.

The grenade in the arms of the German soldiers is still smoking.

Before Hank had time to remind the surrounding soldiers to lie down, the grenade—the cluster grenade exploded.

Two soldiers of the Muscat pirate regiment who did not have time to dodge were hit by grenade fragments.

"Military doctor, doctor, come here, a doctor is needed here!" Hank rushed over, grabbed a moaning soldier and dragged him into the trench.

"Cough, cough, I'm fine, Mr. Colonel, send the Germans back to their hometown!" Accompanied by a severe cough, blood spilled from the wounded soldier's mouth.

"Don't talk, where is the injury?" Hank directly tore the soldier's clothes.

The soldier's chest and abdomen were not injured, and the wound was near the ribs. Hank took out his towel from the satchel to press the soldier's wound, and looked up for the military doctor: "Doctor, where is the doctor?"

If it is a simple wound, Hank also has the ability to deal with it. Now this situation is obviously beyond Hank's ability.

Soon a military doctor with a Red Cross on his sleeve rushed over, followed by two Indian Legionnaires carrying a stretcher.

The two Indian legionnaires were terrified. They jumped into the trench and lay down on the ground, not daring to lift their heads.

"Colonel, let go, he's dead—" The military doctor conducted a simple examination on the soldier and directly determined that the soldier was dead.

Hank gritted his teeth and said nothing. This kind of thing is actually very normal. Life and death are really in an instant.

"Go ahead, keep going!" Hank patted the military doctor on the shoulder, ignored the two trembling stretcher bearers lying on the ground, jumped out of the trench and returned to the tank, and continued to follow the troops to attack Lance.

(End of this chapter)

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