Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1052 Why Don't You Surrender

Chapter 1052 Why Don't You Surrender

The German soldiers who brought Major Miller over did not carry weapons. The leading German soldier still had bandages on his arms, and there were obvious blood stains on the outside of the bandages. It was full of exhaustion, and the two shorter soldiers still had childish faces, and they looked like underage.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how the commander will arrange it. It is our bounden duty to obey orders." The German soldier who spoke to him exuded a sturdy aura. Although his clothes were a bit dirty, he was dressed neatly. Like a javelin, this is the temperament that an elite army should have.

The expeditionary soldier who asked the question subconsciously clenched the shotgun in his hand and stared at the German soldier in front of him.

The atmosphere suddenly became very tense, and the expeditionary force and the German army were still at war. Putting an elite German soldier back would likely cause more casualties among the expeditionary force soldiers.

But if they are forced to stay, or even killed on the spot, it would be an overkill. After all, the current situation is very delicate, and if one is not handled properly, it may lead to a loss of control and develop in an uncontrollable direction.

"Soldier, come and have a rest, have a cup of coffee before going back, it won't take you too long." Zhou Bu came forward to break the deadlock, but in fact there was no need to be too nervous, it was just a soldier, no matter how strong he could be, how strong could he be? Can it be stronger than tanks and armored vehicles?

The German soldiers who were holding on and not flinching were obviously relieved. When standing in front of Zhou Bu, they respected Zhou Buduan with a German military salute.

Zhou Bu returned the gift very casually. A soldier brought a few horses over and brought coffee to a few German soldiers. The German soldiers looked a little greedy when they drank coffee, and the two younger German soldiers even became famous. eye socket.

"Drink slowly, there will be more after drinking, no matter what happens tomorrow, at least we can sit together and drink coffee today." Zhou Bu's attitude was casual, he didn't deliberately inquire about any news, just chatting casually.

"Thank you very much, General, you are a generous and benevolent person—" The German soldier sitting on the horseback with his back straight still had a complicated expression. He was actually ready to be imprisoned or even shot, but the expeditionary force obviously Bigger and prouder than he imagined.

This is the pride of extreme contempt for the enemy. I know that you may be very powerful, but I don't care. Even on the battlefield, I can defeat you with dignity.

This feeling is really powerless.

"Hehe, thank you for your compliment, Joe, bring some more cups of coffee and some food if you have any food, and call the doctor to come over and treat this gentleman's wound again." Zhou Bu arranged very thoughtfully. To create more pressure on several German soldiers, Zhou Bu nodded and walked away after making arrangements.

When the guards brought coffee this time, they brought several boxes of luncheon meat and canned braised pork,

Canned braised pork is made of pork and is made with traditional Chinese techniques. It is fat but not greasy and full of oil, giving people a perfect sense of happiness. It is very popular among all troops, including the Najd Sultanate troops.

The doctor also came to check the wound of the leading German soldier. The situation was not good. The wound showed signs of infection. The doctor asked the German soldier whether he should stay for treatment.

The German soldier looked sad and slowly shook his head to thank the doctor for his kindness.

The doctor then changed the bandages for the German soldiers, and used alcohol to clean the wounds, removed the rotten muscles around the wounds that had already shown signs of inflammation, re-sewed the wounds, applied wound medicine produced in Johannesburg, and finally replaced them with clean ones. bandage.

The German soldier didn't speak the whole time, holding the gradually cooling coffee in one hand and a box of canned lunch meat in the other with a dull expression.

"Remember not to get water on the wound these few days. If possible, change the medicine yourself in a few days, and find someone with experience to help you remove the stitches. Before changing the bandage, you must ensure that the bandage is hygienic—" the doctor left He gave a few instructions before, and finally looked at the appearance of several German soldiers, sighed helplessly, and asked the nurse to bring a roll of bandages, a pack of external wound medicine, and a small bottle of alcohol.

"This alcohol is not for drinking, it's for cleaning the wound—" At this point, the doctor sighed again, turned around and left without talking nonsense, and there were other wounded waiting for the doctor to deal with.

"Brother Scott, I don't want to go back, it's not bad to stay here as a prisoner—" a childish soldier muttered to himself, Soissons is in a very bad situation now, there is no food, no coffee, no Affable doctors, no affable generals—

"It's okay, you can stay if you want." The German soldier holding a pile of things didn't look up, and no one could see his expression.

"If we surrender, will they eat us?" The young soldiers didn't know enough about the situation. According to the propaganda in German newspapers, the soldiers of the Allied Powers were cannibals.

"What are you thinking Billy, look at the canned food in your hand, it is made of pork, and look at how many such canned goods are there, you can't even finish the canned food, do you think they will eat people?" Scott said The expression is broken, next to the iron bucket of coffee, there are wooden boxes of cans piled up like a mountain.

Scott put the coffee and cans in his hands on the ground, and carefully put the bandages, alcohol, and external wound medicines into his body pockets. These are not only life-saving medicines, but also a good memory.

In this cruel war, no matter how distorted human nature is, there will eventually be inadvertently emitted brilliance of humanity, and it is precisely because of these brilliance of humanity that people will not despair and still retain a glimmer of beautiful illusions about the world.

Before leaving, Scott saluted Zhou Bu again, then turned and walked towards Soissons.

He was the only one who went back alone, and the others chose to stay in the prisoner-of-war camp as prisoners. Scott didn't blame them, they also had the right to choose how to live. promise.

Returning to Soissons, there was another scene. There were groups of soldiers whispering together. Their expressions were terrified, and their eyes were as daunting as a lone wolf abandoned by a pack of wolves.

Someone soon noticed the bandages on Scott's arms. The white bandages looked very conspicuous, because after drinking coffee and eating a box of canned food, Scott looked much more refreshed now.

"Scott, come here, come with me to see the major, the major wants to see you." Scott's officer came over and called Scott away.

The major's temporary office was in a church. When Scott arrived, he found not only the major, but also a large group of generals sitting in front of the cross in the church.

"Sir, Soldier Scott is reporting to you—" Scott stood at attention and saluted, and there was no discomfort in his bandaged arm.

"Scott, tell me what you saw in Cruy?" Otto von Bilow frowned. The pressure on his shoulders was huge now, and the fate of 10,000+ German troops was in the hands of Otto von Bilow. In the hands of Bi Luo, every order he gives will determine the fate of 10,000+ German troops.

"Yes, General—" Scott reported everything in detail, without exaggeration or concealment.

"So, there are four of you in total, but you are the only one who came back. Why didn't you stay in the British prisoner-of-war camp?" A German general asked.

Scott pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. The generals are not all wise, and even most generals are relatively two. They don't know what the soldiers are thinking, and they don't care what the soldiers think.

"Okay, go back, soldier, have a good rest—" Otto von Bilow would not explode in front of Scott.

When Scott walked out of the church, there was a fierce quarrel in the church immediately.

"It doesn't make any sense for us to keep going, we've run out of ammunition, we've done everything we can—"

"It is our duty to be loyal to the king, and it is time for us to think for ourselves—"

"In any case, we are responsible for the 10,000+ soldiers we lead—"

Scott didn't dare to listen too much, and quickly left the church and returned to the army's station.

The station didn't stop. Scott just sat down on his bed when a group of soldiers immediately surrounded him.

Strictly speaking, this is not a bed at all. Scott's own blanket was lost in the previous battle. Now the blanket Scott uses is a curtain looted from a civilian home. The curtain is of good texture and light yellow The gold velvet was embroidered with white flowers, Scott didn't know what they were, but admired the beauty.

"Scott, is there anything to gain—"

"Scott, did the English give you a hard time—"

"Wow, I can smell booze, Scott, did they give you booze?"

There was no alcohol, just alcohol, and it was the alcohol the doctors used to disinfect Scott's wounds.

Scott searched in his pocket and took out a pack of Noble cigarettes produced in southern Africa, which was thrown to Scott by an expeditionary soldier when Scott left the expeditionary camp.

"Smoke? Where did it come from?"

"Scott, please, give me one—"

"Scott, I'll give you this gold ring in exchange for—"

A pack of crumpled cigarettes immediately caused a greater commotion.

Scott didn't hide his secrets, he split up the cigarettes and distributed one to everyone, so the soldiers finally calmed down. They sat in a row and smoked.

"The British promised to take good care of Major Miller. They changed the medicine for my wound. Billy and the others didn't come back, and they voluntarily stayed with the British as a prisoner—" Scott took a deep puff of cigarette, and then slowly spit it out , The smoke suddenly filled up, Scott couldn't see through the smoke in front of him, and others couldn't see Scott's face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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