Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1053 Image Engineering

Chapter 1053 Image Engineering

Now in Soissons, everyone is confused, including Otto von Bülow and Hutier. They don’t know what kind of fate they are about to face. God has abandoned them. Although Wilhelm II did not Abandoned, but Wilhelm II was incapable of bringing them home, the food was gone, the ammunition was exhausted, the cannons were thrown away as they retreated, Otto von Bülow and Hutier Wounded soldiers will not be handed over to the British Expeditionary Force.

"After the war, we may all be judged—" Otto von Bülow was drinking coffee with Houtier in his temporary headquarters.

As a senior officer, the treatment must be different from that of ordinary soldiers. Ordinary soldiers don't even have food, and Otto von Bülow still has coffee.

Otto von Bülow drank instant coffee produced in the East India and sold by a South African company.

These coffees may be the spoils of the previous stage of battle. The quality of the coffee is indeed good, but the taste of Otto von Bilow is like chewing wax.

"After the war, whether the empire will exist or not is a question." Houtier frowned a little. He used to drink coffee with sugar and milk, both of which are luxury items in Soissons now.

This Hutil is the Hutier who invented the "Hutier Tactic" in another time and space.

"Houtier Tactic" is actually a relatively advanced infantry coordination tactic. This time and space honor does not belong to Houtier, but to Rock of the British Expeditionary Force. The infantry coordination tactic used by the British Expeditionary Force is also Known as "Locke's tactics".

Of course, compared with the "Houtier Tactic" in another time and space, the "Rocke Tactic" is indeed more advanced. The "Houtier Tactic" in another time and space only includes infantry coordination. "Including not only infantry and artillery coordination, but also infantry-tank coordination and air-ground coordination, Rock can be regarded as the originator of "air-ground integrated warfare". Based on this, all military works published after the World War should contain Rock's name.

"What should we do next?" Otto von Bilow finally asked this question. With all ammunition and food running out, it was almost impossible to break through, but the surrender——

It was also a difficult decision for Otto von Bülow and Hutier.

Houtier didn't speak, and looked at the steam rising from the coffee cup in front of him in silence. There was actually only one way in front of the German army in the encirclement, but neither Houtier nor Otto von Bülow could say it.

They also have the pride of being soldiers!

"General, it's time for dinner—" Otto von Bülow's adjutant brought dinner to Otto von Bülow and Hutier.

The dinner looked good, with vegetables, meat, and table wine.

It is an embarrassing fact that the German army in the encirclement lacks bullets and food, but there is no shortage of wine.

However, these wines are not high-alcohol wines that can be used as alcohol for disinfection, but fruit wines with relatively low alcohol content. Many fruit wines are robbed from the homes of French civilians. The French are not good at fighting, but their wine-making skills are not bad.

"It's so rare, you can still eat meat now—" Hutil didn't forget to pray before eating.

Otto von Bilow glanced at his adjutant, who hesitated to speak.

"Say—" Otto von Bülow tucked the napkin into his neckline.

"General Hans killed his little stone—" the adjutant raised his head slightly, not letting the tears flow from his eyes, the little stone is General Hans' war horse, and for soldiers, war horses are just like their relatives.

Otto von Bilow sighed, feeling that the knife in his hand weighed a thousand kilograms.

Hans is an officer under Otto von Bülow. Everyone knows that General Hans is an idiot. He bathes and feeds the little stone himself, and often chats with the little stone. Sleeping together, as a senior officer, a general is qualified to use a car, but Hans never rides in a car, and has been riding a small stone to command operations.

Now, the little stone who was inseparable from Hans finally made his final contribution to Hans.

"What's the soldiers' dinner?" Hutil finally finished his prayers. He also felt sorry for the little stone, but since the horse meat had already been served on the table, it couldn't be wasted.

Houtier is a very down-to-earth guy.

"Broth, potatoes, and maybe cabbage—" the adjutant was not sure, the generals ate meat, and the soldiers always got a mouthful of soup. For 10,000+ people, a horse is really not enough.

Otto von Bilow looked at the horse meat in front of him and couldn't swallow it.

"Let's go and see General Hans—" Hutil ate up all the horse meat as quickly as possible.

"General Hans shot himself after killing Little Stone—" the adjutant said nasally.

Neither Otto von Bülow nor Houtier spoke. It was not the encirclement that made General Hans despair, but the prospect of the empire's imminent defeat.

Just when Otto von Bülow and Hutier decided to let the wounded soldiers surrender, nearly a hundred wounded had committed suicide unwilling to be humiliated, including more than a dozen Junker noble soldiers.

Others may not understand these soldiers who would rather die than be taken prisoner, but Otto von Bülow and Hutier could understand that some people are attached to family, some pursue wealth, and some regard glory as their life!

"Send a telegram to Marshal Locke of the British Expeditionary Force. I hope to get a chance to meet with Marshal Locke." Otto von Bülow made up his mind. Commanders are honored, and failed commanders are held accountable. Otto von Bülow realized this from the day he became a soldier.

"Sign my name too—" Hutier also made up his mind. It was strange that before making the decision, Hutier felt that it was difficult to breathe. After making this decision, Hutier felt relaxed.

"Oscar, you don't have to do this at all." Otto von Bülow sincerely said that if Houtier also signed, then he and Otto von Bülow would bear the infamy of defeat and surrender.

"Come on, Otto, we are partners. If we occupy Paris and hold the entrance ceremony, we will walk into the Arc de Triomphe side by side—" Hutier did not shirk his responsibilities, and shared blessings and difficulties.

"General Hutier, it's an honor to cooperate with you!" Otto von Bilow saluted Hutier, and Otto von Bilow may not be qualified to use military salutes in the future.

The surrender would have ended the military careers of both Otto von Bülow and Hutier.

"I salute you, General Billo!" Huthier returned the salute, the despair of the end permeated the entire headquarters, the adjutant who sent the telegram just walked out the door, and slid on the ground with his back against the wall covering his face, his shoulders twitching , Sadness flowed from his fingers, with tears and blood.

Rock received a joint telegram from Otto von Bilow and Hutil that night, Yamin was a little far away from Cruy, and Rock set off overnight.

"My lord, you don't have to go to Soissons yourself. You can let Otto von Bülow and Hutil come to Yamin. They are surrendering, and we are accepting surrender, as if we are asking them." Sidney Milner, who just returned from vacation, returned to the front line and felt very uncomfortable.

Sidney Milner is a father again, the second child of Sidney Milner during the World Wars.

Don't think too much, there are no plots that shouldn't be there. As a senior officer, Sidney Milner can bring his family members on the front line, so it is normal to have children.

Phyllis did not come to see Roque this winter because she was expecting to give birth in Nyasaland.

And the finance minister of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, who is still single, is said to have adopted a baby boy last month.

The reason why "adoption" is not put in quotation marks is because people are used to this kind of thing.

"You're right. I did ask them. I asked General Otto von Bülow and General Hutier to surrender to our British Expeditionary Force. Is there any problem?" Rock laughed loudly, since he got it For real benefits, some appropriate concessions must be made in other aspects.

Taking a step back, Otto von Bilow and Hutier are both the best soldiers of this era, and they are indeed worthy of Rock's courtesy.

Don't forget that after the end of the World War, the feast of Germany will start to be divided up. Rock doesn't like those broken factories, farms, and castles in Germany, but he covets all kinds of talents in Germany. Military talents are also talents. The military academies in southern Africa are in great need of strong instructors like Otto von Bilow and Huthier who have experience, ability and ability.

The car was galloping all the way, and when it arrived at Cruy, Zhou Bu had already made preparations. Although Rock did not say anything to the public, the news had already spread. Paul Coker, commander-in-chief of the Ninth Army of the Expeditionary Army, and the Army Commander-in-Chief Charles Mangin arrived in Cruy earlier than Roque, 16th Division Commander Horn and Chief of Staff Peter Broad also arrived early, Foch and Petain were still on the way and would arrive in Crewe later Iraq, this is the first time that such a large number of German troops surrendered collectively after the outbreak of the World War, although they only had the willingness to surrender.

No one wants to miss this big scene that may be written in the history books.

Zhou Bu put a lot of thought into the preparations and prepared a huge field tent for Rock. All the tanks and armored vehicles of the 2nd Brigade were arranged around the tent by Zhou Bu, ready for Otto von Bilow and When Hutier stepped down, the number of tanks was not many, only about 60, and the number of armored vehicles was quite large, about 100. The gathering of so many tanks and armored vehicles was indeed a great shock.

When Rock came to the scene, the layout of the Zhou Bu had not yet been completed. The military police pulled the rope in front of the tanks to make sure that all the tanks would stop on the same straight line, and the pointing and lifting angles of the muzzles should be uniform. A British flag was erected on a tank, and the tankers all put on new clothes and looked energetic.

In terms of image engineering, Southern Africa is definitely outstanding.

ps: Only halfway through the writing did I realize that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, too sad and not good, life itself is hard enough, I can’t add trouble to my brothers——

(End of this chapter)

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