Chapter 1054

According to Zhou Bu's idea, all the exclusive flags of each unit should be displayed, so as to show the momentum of the expeditionary army.

Even if you think about it, it is impossible to implement it. The British Empire Army cannot be titled "Royal", but each battalion or regiment has a unique name and an exclusive flag. It is called the Southern African Expeditionary Force. In other words, a division has three brigades and nine regiments, each regiment has its own "regiment flag", and some battalions even have their own "battalion flag", so it is not realistic to display all the flags.

The final plan was to use only the British flag on the scene, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Charles Manking, commander-in-chief of the French Third Army. Manking thought it was inappropriate to use only the British flag, and at least half of the flags should be replaced with French flags.

In this way, the question arises, if half of the flags are replaced with French flags, should we add a few more American flags?What about the Kingdom of Belgium?What about the Kingdom of Italy?What about the Kingdom of Romania?

Forget about the Kingdom of Romania, the national flag is really hard to find.

This kind of trivial matter does not need Roque to come forward to solve it. The commander-in-chief of the Ninth Army, Paul Coker, has a solution. Since Manjing asked for a French flag, let Manjing do it. There is no French flag here in the 16th Division.

Cruy is in France, and there are many French flags, but it will take time to send them to Cruy, and Otto von Bülow and Houtier have already set off from Soissons, and the French flag will be brought over at this time It must be late, so Manjing and Foch who arrived in Cruy later did not look good.

Petain is still on the way, and it is estimated that he will arrive at Cruy at noon.

Roque would not delay meeting with Otto von Bilow and Hutil because of Pétain.

When the cars of Otto von Bilow and Hutier arrived at Kluy, the military band began to play music, the salute was fired at the same time, the tank phalanx and the armored vehicle phalanx were waiting in line, and a red carpet was laid on the ground leading to the tent. Lined up next to them are guards of honor carefully selected. These guards of honor are all about 1.8 meters tall, with an upper and lower error of no more than two centimeters. They are all wearing the 1917-style military uniforms that have just been issued, and the Lee Enfield bayonets in their hands are sharp.

What Baiyun said: the sound of gongs and drums, the sound of firecrackers, the waving of red flags, and the sea of ​​people——

That's pretty much what it means.

Not to mention Otto von Bülow and Hutier, even Manjing and Foch have never seen such a battle. It is estimated that the British King George V received foreign heads of state with this level of grandeur.

Roque and Foch greeted Otto von Bülow and Hütil at the tent door together. Otto von Bülow and Hütil walked fast, and they saluted at the same time in front of Foch and Roque , although Foch was standing closer to the center, both Otto von Bülow and Hutier's eyes fell on Roque.

"General Billow, General Hutier, welcome to come—" Rock replied with a smile, respecting both Otto von Bilow and Hutier.

This is really not the Holy Mother or hypocrisy. As opponents, Otto von Bilo and Hutil are worthy of respect. I believe that if Rock surrendered to Otto von Bilo and Hutier, Otto von Billo and Hutil will also give Rock the respect he deserves——

blah blah blah-

I, Big Locke, will never be a slave!

Walking into the tent, there is a small long table in the center, with two chairs on each side. There are many people in the tent. On one side are the entourage of Otto von Bülow and Hutil, and on the other side are the British and French troops. Generals, only Foch, Roque, Otto von Bülow, and Hutier can sit down, everyone else must stand aside.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Foch took the initiative to speak, and strongly demanded that all the Soissons German troops lay down their weapons and surrender unconditionally. On behalf of the British and French coalition forces, Foch promised that the surrendering German troops would be given treatment matching their status.

This promise is not just talk, since it must be done, the treatment that matches the status means that after Otto von Bülow and Hutil surrendered, they can still retain the general treatment, they can keep the saber, You can even have adjutants and guards. Of course, the adjutants and guards at this time must be arranged by the British and French coalition forces.

"We only have one request. If we want to enter a prisoner-of-war camp, I hope that the administrators will be sent by the British Expeditionary Force, not the French government-" Otto von Bilow did not want to fall into the hands of the French. Hatred cannot be resolved, relatively speaking, Britain is much better. At least, the King of England and the Emperor of Germany are cousins, so there is a bit of love.

"Yes—" Foch agreed very simply. Although there was national hatred between Foch and the Germans, Foch would not make mistakes in matters of right and wrong.

Rock didn't speak, looked at Otto von Bilow and Hutil, and Rock wondered if he should abduct more Germans to southern Africa.

The whites in southern Africa are mainly British and Boer. If Germans are added, the division among the whites should be even more serious, so that the status of the Chinese will be even more unshakable.

Both Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, which were annexed by Southern Africa, were taken away from the Germans. In the short term, the Germans have no ability to resist, and in the long run, it is not conducive to maintaining the relationship between Germany and Southern Africa. German immigration, then leaves considerable room for relaxation.

Compared with the British and the Boers, Rock indeed prefers the rigorous and staid Germans, at least the Germans have fewer personnel.

Otto von Bülow and Houtier were also straightforward people. After receiving Foch's promise, they both untied their sabers and put them on the table at the same time. They did not bow or sign. They were so straightforward. handed over command of the troops.

It took only 10 minutes from when Otto von Bilow and Hutier entered the door to when they handed over their sabers.

This is called efficiency.

Pétain finally arrived at noon. Although he failed to catch up with Otto von Bülow and Hutil to surrender, Pétain was still very happy.

Otto von Bülow and Houtier also expressed considerable respect for the French commander-in-chief who had turned the tide twice. The luncheon was held in the big tent, and after three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

"We lost the world war from the very beginning - after the failure of the Schlieffen Plan, we realized that we had underestimated the poor little British army, or we ignored the variable of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, which was originally in our It is estimated that the British army should not be fully mobilized until a year and a half after the outbreak of the war. By then, we had already captured Paris and forced France to withdraw from the war.” Huthier was usually taciturn and talkative when he drank too much. In the face of Foch, Petain, Manjing and other generals, Hutier also spoke out.

"You picked the wrong teammate and the wrong opponent, and started the wrong war at the wrong time. You were doomed from the beginning of this war, and have nothing to do with a certain army." Rock noticed The generals of the French army all looked a little ugly, so they simply changed the topic to ease the conflict.

"We had a chance to win the war. When the world war just broke out, if our commanders on the front line hadn't made a mistake and kept Paris from fighting, and lost the pursuit of the French army, we would have completed the occupation of Paris early. , then the war would take a completely different direction.” Hutier insisted that when the World War broke out, Hutier served in the German Second Army, and Hutier’s superior happened to be Otto von Bülow brother of Fritz von Bülow.

The commander Hutier said "made a mistake" was Crook. The First Army commanded by Crook at that time resolutely pursued the French Fifth Army commanded by Langlezac, and thus competed with the German Second Army commanded by Bülow. The group army was getting farther and farther away, which made Xiafei seize the opportunity.

The victory of the first Battle of the Marne is also due to the deceased Gallieni. If Gallieni hadn’t discovered the fighter plane and reminded Joffre continuously, Joffre might not be able to defend Paris.

"Come on, you don't have any chance from the beginning to the end, and the temporary victory can only make you go further and further down the wrong path." Manjing finally couldn't help interjecting, this guy is a weirdo, sometimes he performs surprisingly well, Sometimes it behaves like a mess.

Petain gave Manjing enough trust that Manjing would only have one army group and participate in the siege of the German army on the Marne.

Manjing is worthy of Pétain's trust. If he was still under Joffre and Nivelle, Manjing would never be able to achieve his current achievements.

"Charles, Germany does have a chance. When the first Battle of the Marne broke out, I was still in southern Africa. To be honest, the southern African staff conducted many replays, and each time ended with the German army occupying Paris. Let's pay tribute to those soldiers who died in the war with this cup—" Rock didn't give Manjing and Hutil a chance to quarrel, and they wanted to quarrel slowly after the end of the world war.

These battles that took place during the World War will definitely be studied repeatedly by the armies of various countries in the future. It is normal for the staff officers in southern Africa to judge that the French army failed every time.

Among the people present, almost everyone has relatives and friends who died in the World War. Hearing what Roque said, everyone raised their glasses to respect those soldiers who died in the war.

It has nothing to do with justice or not.

"Our failure was actually due to logistics. The Allied Powers had southern Africa, while Germany only had Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, but it was occupied by southern Africa at the beginning of the World War. If Germany also had an overseas territory similar to southern Africa, then It is not yet known who will win and who will lose." As Otto von Bülow said, the role played by southern Africa in the World War is indeed unparalleled.

"I'm really curious about this, Locke, how did you do it in southern Africa?" Foch was also curious about southern Africa. France also had overseas colonies. How effective it is.

This question is really hard to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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