Chapter 1076

The British Empire's reputation as a corrupt country is by no means in vain. Among all the "rotten" elements, the Royal Navy scored particularly high.

During his time in the Mediterranean Fleet, Patton knew all kinds of criticisms in the Royal Navy, and then the Southern African Navy began to accept female soldiers on board, which was basically impossible in the British Royal Navy.

You may not believe it, the Royal Navy’s insistence on superstition and tradition is deeply rooted, and women cannot be on board is one of them, which has led to the Royal Navy——

Not to mention.

In short, the various bad habits of the Royal Navy basically do not exist in the southern African navy that has just formed a few years ago. It turns out that the relatively short history is also good. Those so-called experiences are critically absorbed.

"You still have to keep good habits. You have to practice on different warships as much as possible. Destroyers, cruisers, supply ships, medical ships-I will say hello to Bridges, you'd better be prepared." Rock said to Barton has high requirements. To become a qualified fleet commander, one must have rich experience. Barton has Rock's trust, which is a prerequisite for everything.

Seeing Rock teaching Barton earnestly, An Qi had an envious expression on her face.

"How about it, do you want to go to the army to hone it too?" Rock asked An Qi to choose her own life. During this period of time with Rock, An Qi has always performed well. Anton, like Buck, is also Luo Ke. Rock's close comrade-in-arms, Rock will not favor one over another.

"My lord, can I do it too?" Angie was overjoyed. Although working with Rock was easy, Angie also longed for a brighter future.

During the time away from Roque, Barton's progress is obvious to all, and he will definitely be reused by Roque in the future.

Also as Rock's adjutant, An Qi was unwilling to lag behind.

"Of course, where do you want to go? Air Force? Marine Corps? Or Airborne?" Rock gave many options. After returning to Southern Africa, Rock will reform the army in Southern Africa. The size of the army will be extremely large. The size of the navy and air force will be greatly reduced, and the size of the marines and airborne troops will also be planned.

"Of course it's the Air Force, I have a pilot's license!" Only then did An Qi remember that she had already obtained a pilot's license a long time ago.

It was during the Italian-Turkish war. After An Qi got her flight license, she almost went to North Africa as a mercenary. Later, at Anton's request, Rock brought An Qi with her.

Now that she can return to the army, what An Qi desires most is of course the sky.

"Yes, but before that, you have to start a family first. Your father has complained to me several times. If it weren't for the world war, you would probably have children now." Rock sometimes thinks about it and feels ashamed of Anton And Buck, but it doesn't matter. The experience during the World Wars is a precious spiritual wealth for Angie and Button, and they will benefit endlessly in the future.

"My father has already arranged a marriage for me, and I will get married when I return to southern Africa." Barton had already made arrangements. The woman is the daughter of Minister of Education Douglas, so it can be said that he is a good match.

But looking at Barton's expression, he was not very happy. It is estimated that this is also a political marriage. Maybe Barton doesn't even know Douglas' daughter.

This is not a problem. Born in a wealthy family, you have to bear the corresponding responsibilities while having no worries about food and clothing. Most of the wealthy families are like this. Regardless of whether you have feelings or not, as long as you have interests, then you can be married together, and then each other after marriage. play various——

Rock certainly does not advocate this form, but Rock will not interfere.

Now southern Africa is getting stronger and stronger, and the elite class is taking shape. Even if Roque wants to interfere, he can't interfere. The alliance between the strong and the strong is inevitable. The love between the prince and Cinderella only exists in fairy tales, and the story of the prince and Snow White is reality.

"Douglas' daughter, that's good—" Rock seems to have the impression that Douglas's daughter teaches at Nyasaland University and is also a member of the Abu Institute of Biology. This is enough to prove that Douglas's daughter is very capable and worthy of Barton identity of.

"You mean Hannah? Hahahaha - Barton, you are miserable. Hannah is notoriously strict. I think you will have to ask Hannah for leave if you want to drink in the future." Angie graduated from Nyasaland University , It seems that I have heard about Hannah.

"You know Hannah?" Barton was surprised, he had never met Hannah a few times.

"Of course I do. When I was studying at Nyasaland University, Hannah was the teaching assistant of Principal Douglas, and was responsible for class discipline." An Qi looked at the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. He was really curious that after Barton and Anna got married, mode of interaction between the two.

"Very good, at least the person responsible for the discipline of the class will be very disciplined." Barton was serious and looked forward to the future.

"Don't be complacent. Uncle Anton must have prepared a wife for you. What are you going to do? Should you choose a wife you have never met, or choose your Aretha?" Barton also began to reveal his old truth. The daughter of a Parisian official, she met Angie at a banquet and became close.

Rock doesn't know these things, and it's normal to think about it. An Qi and Button are both young men in their 20s. Having received higher education and working beside Rock, Rock had strict requirements on Angie and Barton. Referring to the mate selection criteria of this period, Angie and Barton were both diamond kings, and the girls around them were simply not too much. many.

"I have nothing to do with Aresa—" An Qi's expression was stiff, she stroked a red string in her hand and remained silent.

Rock knows what the red rope represents. In southern Africa, the red rope represents turning bad luck into good fortune, and it is a gift often given to each other by lovers.

"Don't worry about An Qi, follow your own heart, choose whichever you like, if your father doesn't agree, I will do your father's work." Rock takes everything, although Rock has never experienced political marriage, But judging from the comparison between Stoudemire and Henry, Stoudemire is not happy.

Stoudemire's marriage was arranged by Cecil Rhodes at the beginning. His wife's father was a business partner of Cecil Rhodes at the time. Cecil Rhodes' original intention must be a strong alliance, but The relationship between Xiaosi and his wife is not very good, which can be seen from Xiaosi often going alone.

Compared with Stoudemire, Henry and Lacey chose love. The relationship between Henry and Lacey has been very good these years. No matter whether Henry is in Transvaal or Cape, Lacey is always by Henry's side.

Henry is still the Minister of Justice of Southern Africa, and Cape Town is the judicial capital of Southern Africa, so Henry spends more than half of each year staying in Cape Town.

"Really?" An Qi's eyes suddenly burst into a strange brilliance, and the excitement was [-] times higher than when he heard Rock let him out just now.

"Of course it is true. It seems that you have already made a decision—" If you don't want to love, Rock will not force two people to be together. Big mistake, and they will remain in the power centers of southern Africa.

The fleet sailed all the way, entered the Mediterranean Sea after passing through the Strait of Gibraltar, and then landed in Beirut via Cyprus.

Rock came to Beirut to inspect Beirut's oil pipeline.

In Beirut now, there are hardly any buildings left over from the Ottoman Empire. The walls around the city have been demolished, and the removed stone slabs are used to pave the streets. Compared with the previous streets, the current streets are spacious and straight. Neat, the main roads are all hardened with asphalt, the city has been divided into areas with different functions, some are residential areas, some are commercial areas, and the most important port area and station, the railway extends to the port, and goods can pass through the railway Send directly to the port for loading.

In order to rebuild Beirut, Li De and Tang En recruited [-] Ottomans. Since the surrender of the Ottoman Empire two years ago, Beirut has been undergoing large-scale transformation.

After two years of hard work, the renovation work is not over yet. In order to remove the influence of history on Beirut, Beirut’s name was changed to Marlborough. This is to pay tribute to Winston’s family. After Winston knew the news , donated [-] pounds to Adan Company to express his gratitude to Adan Company.

The current Marlborough covers an area of ​​15 square kilometers and can accommodate nearly 3 people after it is fully completed. Among the six residential areas that have been built, there are also planned vegetable markets, parks, schools, hospitals, bus stations, etc. , The completeness of infrastructure is second to none in the entire Mesopotamia.

It should be noted that the French government very much hoped to obtain the surrounding areas including Marlborough, but was firmly rejected by Roque.

"We are now immigrating to Marlborough, but this work is not going well. Except for port workers and management personnel, not many new immigrants are willing to settle in Marlborough. On the contrary, there are more new immigrants from Europe." Li De expressed his expression. Ashamed, I did not complete the task assigned by Rock.

To completely annex a region, the population structure is the most important thing. If the main population of Marlborough is Chinese, then the annexation of Marlborough in southern Africa will be easy in the future. For this point, you can refer to the future Crimea Peninsula.

"Don't worry, the immigration work can be done slowly. Next, we have more time to cultivate carefully. Remember that it is better to be short than excessive. The reluctance of the Chinese to immigrate to Marlborough has a lot to do with the insufficient benefits provided by Marlborough. The next two The land in the river basin can be freely sold, and the land on the Marlborough side can be directly distributed, as long as you are willing to settle in Marlborough, one family has [-] acres!" Rock still likes to spend money, and this is indeed the best effect.

ps: "Fujiatianxia" is still blocked, and the state is very bad today, brothers, please forgive me——

(End of this chapter)

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