Chapter 1077 Quotas

When Roque left Europe, about 25 officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force were stranded in France waiting to be evacuated in batches. The Federal Government of Southern Africa recruited all ships capable of oceangoing navigation to fully cooperate with the evacuation of the Expeditionary Force.

The evacuation of troops was not as simple as imagined. The heavy weapons used by the Southern African Expeditionary Force belonged to Britain and France. Fortunately, these heavy weapons did not need to be brought back to Southern Africa, otherwise the evacuation work would be more complicated.

At the end of the World War, Southern Africa had 4 artillery divisions, 15 armored division, and 1100 infantry divisions in France. The entire army was equipped with a total of 5500 tanks and armored vehicles, 1300 artillery pieces, and [-] aircraft. In southern Africa, all the ocean-going freighters in southern Africa need to be transported for one year.

Rock No matter how the British and French governments deal with these heavy weapons, when the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force leave France, in addition to the self-defense weapons they carry with them, there are also various trophies and souvenirs obtained during the World War, which are sold by military service agencies The supply of all kinds of luggage was in short supply. Soldiers directly sold bulky items that were inconvenient to carry to military service agencies. Many French also entered military service agencies and exchanged valuable gold and jewelry for necessary daily necessities.

Although the Allies had established the Relief and Recovery Administration and appointed Stoudemire and Hoover to be directly responsible, considering the efficiency of the Allies government agencies, the work of the Relief and Recovery Administration was progressing slowly.

But the war-torn French and Belgians were starving for food. After the end of the world war, people who fled their homes during the war gradually returned to their homes. Only then did they find that they were homeless, their houses destroyed by the war, and their land Because there has been no farming for several years, the harvest has been completely wiped out. Many roads and bridges have been completely destroyed due to repeated see-sawing by the coalition forces and the German army. Many cities have become huge ruins, and it is nowhere in sight to rebuild homes on the ruins.

During the World War, in order to alleviate the financial crisis of the government, the participating countries were desperately printing banknotes. The gold standard system implemented before the World War was completely cancelled, the circulation of gold coins was stopped, and the exchange between currency and gold was also forced to stop. Both the pound sterling and the franc appeared. After depreciating to varying degrees, the British pound is considering returning to the gold standard, but due to insufficient gold reserves, it is estimated that it will not be possible in a short time.

When the currency value is unstable, bartering becomes the most common way, but this raises another problem, that is, the value judgment of the item.

For example, before the outbreak of the World War, the value of a gem worth 100 pounds is now in the hands of the military service agency.

"Ms. Tamara, this necklace of yours is about 150 pounds according to the value before the outbreak of the world war, but I can't give you 150 pounds. You know, the price of jewelry has depreciated very much now, so I can only give you 30 pounds. Here you are—” Second Lieutenant Tom of the Military Service Agency looked at Mrs. Tamara’s expectant eyes, hesitated for a moment, and still offered a cruel offer: “——I can only give you 30 pounds, and you can also directly choose to exchange the value at the Military Service Agency For £[-], trust me, it's the best deal."

Recently, more and more people came to military service agencies to sell mortgages. During the World War, many people pinned their hopes that everything would be fine after the war ended, but now it seems that although the war is over, the distance between It is still far away that society will return to normal. On the contrary, compared with the war period, the situation has deteriorated to a certain extent, so more and more people are pessimistic and disappointed.

During the war, although life was also difficult, because there were a large number of soldiers with relatively abundant supplies, overall the supplies were not too lacking. After all, many soldiers would take the endless individual food to sell on the black market.

Now more and more troops were withdrawing from France, the French government began to disarm, and millions of people took off their uniforms and returned to their families, and their supplies disappeared with them.

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, this necklace is not 150 pounds. When I bought it, it cost me 400 pounds. Do you know that 400 pounds? Now you only give me 30 pounds. You are a shameful blackmail!" Tamar Mrs. Ra was emotional. If 150 pounds were devalued to 30 pounds, then Mrs. Tamara might be able to accept it, but now 400 pounds have been devalued to 30 pounds, which is really too much.

"Ms. Tamara, don't get excited. You should know that there will be a certain level of premium when the product is sold, so you paid 400 pounds to buy this necklace, which does not mean that the actual value of this necklace is 400 pounds. ——" Second Lieutenant Tom is patient. Many people always think that what they buy is worth as much as they spend, but in fact it is not. is not recycled.

In other words, even if a customer buys a diamond ring from Yitnor's specialty store for [-] pounds, if the customer wants to sell the ring to Yitnor, then Yitnor will only recycle the precious metal part , diamonds are unnecessary.

For a ring worth 9990 pounds, the price of the diamond itself may be 10 pounds, but when it is recycled, the ring may only be worth [-] pounds.

Of course, if the customer feels disadvantaged, he can take the diamond down and keep it for himself. For the customer, the value of this diamond is 9990 pounds, but for Eternal, the diamond itself is worthless, just a stone dug out of the ground That's all, there are so many companies in South Africa, and even the cost of the diamond itself is not as high as the processing cost.

"Then how much do you think it's worth? The price of 30 pounds is too low——" Mrs. Tamara refused to accept the price, but she would not leave in a hurry. The price of 30 pounds was only offered by the Military Service Agency. After entering the door of the Military Service Agency, the necklace that I bought at the price of 400 pounds couldn't even be sold for 30 pounds.

There is a pawn company opposite the military service agency. Before Mrs. Tamara came to the military service agency, she had just left the pawn company. The price the pawn company offered for the necklace was only 20 pounds.

"Ms. Tamara, this 30 pounds already includes the price of the gemstone itself. If the gemstone is not included, then this necklace is worth about 15 pounds!" Recycling, of course, don't expect the price to be high.

Gemstones are actually non-renewable resources, but because of different processing techniques, some gemstones with low craftsmanship cannot be sold at a price.

Just like the gemstones on this necklace, because the previous processing technology was not advanced enough, so from the perspective of current technology, if the gemstones are reprocessed and polished with newer technology, they can be put on the counter and sold again. As for the price? ——

Definitely more than £400.

Really fragrant!

According to the salesperson in Eternal, in 1917, the world’s gemstone mines were on the verge of being exhausted, so gemstones, a non-renewable resource, should be mined as little as possible.

This is the same as oil. In 1917, oil experts predicted that the reserves in the world would be enough for 30 years.

Then another ten years later, with the emergence of new oil fields, experts were surprised to find that the existing oil is still enough for the world to use for 40 years.

And a fact that experts never say is that even if all the oil in the world is exhausted, there will be new energy sources to replace oil.

So the value of oil --

Also Schrödinger's cat.

"A little more, sir. I have four children to support. My husband died during the World War. This is the only property I have—" Mrs. Tamara begged Ensign Tom to give him more .

Perhaps in Mrs. Tamara's view, begging is the ultimate that Mrs. Tamara can do. After all, it is very shameful for a person of status to beg.

But for Second Lieutenant Tom, every guest he faces will beg in the end, so it is really not that Second Lieutenant Tom is ruthless. If Mrs. Tamara is an exception, maybe Second Lieutenant Tom will give Mrs. Tamara Relatively satisfactory price, but everyone is like this——

It's really pathetic.

"Mrs. Tamara, I really can't offer you a higher price. We also have regulations—" Second Lieutenant Tom's eyes were still sincere, and his words were still cold.

"Well, 30 pounds is 30 pounds, but I want to exchange all of them into canned braised pork, not less than a box!" The pleading was ineffective, and Mrs. Tamara immediately put away her tears, and the speed of changing her face was amazing.

"Sorry Mrs. Tamara, we also have a quota for our food. If you want to exchange supplies worth a total of 30 pounds, it's impossible for all of them to be braised pork. You know, canned braised pork is always in demand." This request Second Lieutenant Tom The same cannot be done. At the end of the World War, the British Expeditionary Force still had nearly 250 million tons of surplus materials in France, and these surplus materials should be digested locally in France as much as possible.

"Then what about canned beef? Chicken or luncheon meat is also fine, in short, it must have enough nutrition." Mrs. Tamara didn't bother this time. She knew that this was also the regulation of the military service agency, but everyone hoped that a miracle would happen. .

"I'll try my best to arrange it for you. In fact, canned green beans and canned fruits are also delicious—" Second Lieutenant Tom strongly recommended. In the British Expeditionary Force, various canned vegetables are actually more popular.

"If I want to eat green beans, can I exchange them with shopping coupons?" Mrs. Tamara is not fooled. It is true that nutrition must be balanced, but for the French people nowadays, balanced nutrition is not the most important thing. It is serious to fill the stomach first. .

When Mrs. Tamara walked out of the military service agency, her box was full of various foods, and canned food was of course essential. There was canned braised pork requested by Mrs. Tamara, but the quantity was not large, and there were also The canned vegetables that Madam doesn't want must be exchanged, otherwise they cannot be exchanged for canned braised pork, and the military service agency also has a quota for canned food.

ps: I just suddenly discovered that it has been four years since I wrote the first book, 1494 days, and I wrote 321 million words.

(End of this chapter)

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