Chapter 1095 20 years

During the World War, all walks of life in southern Africa developed rapidly, which was very different from before the war.

According to data from the Ministry of Finance of Southern Africa, before the outbreak of the World War, the GNP of Southern Africa was only 14.3 billion pounds, which was only about the same as that of France, about half of that of the United Kingdom, and less than one-fifth of that of the United States.

As of last year, Southern Africa's GNP had reached 75.5 billion pounds, more than that of the United Kingdom, but still less than half that of the United States.

It is inaccurate to measure national power by GNP. In 1870, the GNP of a large country in the Far East still accounted for 17.3% of the world’s total. At that time, the United States only accounted for 0.9%. %, the proportion of the US economy has risen to 1900%.

To be fair, the GNP of southern Africa is hydrated, but this hydration is not an exaggeration, but a deliberate reduction. It is different from the statistical method in the United States that can increase the GNP by hand. Southern Africa has Many situations are not within the scope of statistics. For example, agricultural products produced on farms are not included in the gross national product as long as they are not sold to the federal government.

According to the statistical method of the United States, the gross national product of southern Africa may directly double.

Considering that southern Africa has only such a small population, the gross national product of southern Africa has a higher gold content, and its potential has not yet been fully released.

On the issue of the gross national product statistics method, everyone present knew what was going on, so no one cared. The United States should be the first. Southern Africa does not grab this honor, and it is more in line with making a fortune silently. Location of Southern Africa.

After the World War, the main export products of southern Africa to Europe have quietly changed from weapons and ammunition to construction materials and food daily necessities. Many arsenals in Nyasaland have been directly transformed into builders. The scale of Stoudemire's South African company is expanding rapidly. Food processing factories have been opened to the Mediterranean coast, and Fawalt Steel Company has made the most profits quietly. During the war, the demand for steel continued to rise. After the war, the demand for steel and other products did not decrease but increased, and the output of cement It also directly doubles, not only in Europe, but the federal government of southern Africa is also considering large-scale infrastructure construction.

Rock disagreed. At this time, more energy should be put on the reconstruction of Europe. The domestic infrastructure construction in southern Africa can be stopped for a while. After the reconstruction in Europe is completed, it is not too late to start the infrastructure construction in southern Africa.

"After the end of the world war, there will definitely be a wave of economic depression, but this wave of economic depression will not break out now, because the end of the world war will be followed by reconstruction, which will stimulate economic indicators to continue to improve-but after the completion of infrastructure construction , the economic indicators of various countries will experience a large shrinkage, and we will start the infrastructure construction in southern Africa at that time, and we can continue to stimulate economic development." Rock has reasons, but this "evidence" cannot be put on the table.

Another world war in time and space ended in 1918, but the gross national product of each country still increased, and it lasted until 1921 before a large decline generally occurred, with an average decline of about 20.00%.

What Roque means is to take advantage of the European reconstruction to continue to make another wave. After the European reconstruction is completed, it will continue to stimulate the economy by stimulating domestic demand. At that time, the economic strength of southern Africa will continue to grow.

Even if it falls, don't drop so much.

Rock knows what happened in another time and space after the economic crisis of 1921.

"That's right, our Ministry of Finance thinks the same way. Since April this year, Europe's demand for construction materials and food and daily necessities has risen sharply. Businessmen are always the most sensitive in this matter. They know what the market needs. , What we have to do now is to fully meet the needs of Europe, but unfortunately from now on, such good opportunities should not be many—” Aidado regretted, it sounded like he didn’t suck enough blood.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future—" Rock almost blurted out that after World War I, there will be World War II, and after World War II, there will be Cold War, and after the Cold War, it will not be peaceful, so for southern Africa, there are many opportunities. Can't hold on.

In another time and space, a group of Boers hid in southern Africa and quietly farmed, and they were able to build southern Africa into a quasi-developed country.

There are tens of millions of Chinese in Southern Africa in this time and space, and Rock, the "prophet", is hiding behind and advancing, so Rock is really looking forward to where Southern Africa in this time and space will go.

"Lock, explain." Ade's expression was obviously shocked. The damage caused by the world war was too great, and Ade did not believe that Europe would repeat the same mistakes.

"A world war of this level should not break out in the future. Europe has been reduced to a pile of ruins, and all the countries participating in the war have been seriously injured—" Philip has the same opinion as Ade, but when it comes to "severely injured", Everyone has a weird expression on their faces.

Britain, France, Germany, and Russia were the ones who suffered the most. There were more than these countries participating in the war. Some countries successfully turned around through the world war, such as Japan in Asia, the United States in America, or a certain country hiding in the Commonwealth of Nations. The so-called British Overseas Territories who have made a fortune from within.

The same overseas territories of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand should be very depressed. In the same nine years, He Ruxiu——

On this issue, Canada is the most obvious. It is said that after General Arthur Kerry returned to Canada, he was sued by the Canadian government on the grounds that the Canadian Expeditionary Force suffered heavy losses in the World War. General Arthur Kerry did not Take due responsibility.

This accusation is nonsense. The commander-in-chief of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the early stage was not Arthur Kerry at all, but Marcus Lloyd, Rock’s old friend. After Marcos Lloyd resigned due to illness, Arthur Kerry became Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

Moreover, the heavy casualties of the troops were not Arthur Kerry's responsibility. Objectively speaking, Roque was more responsible. According to the logic of the Canadian colonial government, Roque should be brought to court.

In other words, the Anzac commander who suffered more casualties should be brought to court.

General John Monash has something to say to MMP here, you can play by yourself, don't get involved with me.

"Paris is in chaos now. France wants to completely dismember Germany. It is best to make Germany as harmless as the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, this is not in the interests of the British Empire. We need a country that can pose enough threats to France. Only by going to Germany can we guarantee our right to speak in the European continent. When I left France, I heard that there was a draft resolution. When Prince Baden saw the resolution, he only said one sentence: Germany rejects this peace. agreement." From the standpoint of an outsider, Roque, the Germans did have enough reasons to refuse.

The draft of the "Peace Agreement" is said to have been sent back to Germany. The Germans now hate the imperial officials who want to surrender, especially the German troops on the western front. At that time, there was no power to fight back, but the German army on the western front was not completely defeated. On the front line in charge of the French army, the German army even successfully organized a counterattack on some battlefields.

This gave the German army on the western front an illusion. If the government in the rear did not want to surrender, then the German army on the front line could continue to fight.

In fact, it was all an illusion. Germany at that time was already unsustainable, and the most basic bullets could not be supplied. If the fight continues, the casualty list will only become longer.

"So peace is only temporary—" Ade was really speechless, and he wanted to say something about MMP, but he didn't know who to scold.

Are the French irrational?

No, both Poengale and Clemenceau are mature politicians, especially Clemenceau. This old man has been ups and downs for decades, and he has made decisions that are most beneficial to France.

Winston should not be scolded. Like Rock, Winston was also ordered in a crisis. After leading Britain to win the World War, some members of Congress suggested that Winston should be awarded the title of "Duke of London".

Fortunately, Winston refused very rationally. The duke was not granted casually, let alone the "Duke of London". If Winston accepted the canonization unaware, then I am afraid that after Winston resigns, he will have to settle accounts later. .

Winston is working hard to prepare for the general election for re-election.

"Yes, peace is only temporary. Now the Germans are not reconciled, but Germany is unsustainable, so it can only be forced to accept this result-but when the next generation of Germany grows up, and when Germany's strength is restored, then I am afraid there will be more The next world war will break out." Rock, this is not a leak, and many people in the Allied Powers have the same opinion as Rock.

Foch hit the nail on the head when he saw the draft of the Peace Agreement: it was a 20-year armistice agreement.

Even the butcher Manjing did not approve of the end of the world war in this way. At the end of the world war, Manjing was heartbroken. He believed that the coalition forces should continue to attack until they captured Berlin and forced the Germans to sign in the palace of Wilhelm II. A peace deal so that the Germans can be truly defeated.

If this is really done, it may really dispel the illusions of many Germans.

"The next generation, 20 years—" Ade thought deeply. In 20 years, a new generation of Europeans will grow up, and the same is true for southern Africa. Given the current situation in southern Africa, if they really come back in another 20 years A world war, then maybe southern Africa will take center stage.

ps: When I finished writing this chapter, I suddenly found that it would be good to finish the whole book like this-it is obviously impossible. If I finish the whole book here, then how can I be worthy of the name of a big fish in water, so I will continue to dive Yes, by the way, today is the last day of June——

(End of this chapter)

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