Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1096 The Lost Professor

Chapter 1096 The Lost Professor

While officials in southern Africa imagine 20 years from now, Mrs. Hesling, who lives in Munich, is worrying about her family's next dinner.

In the second year after the outbreak of World War II, Germany began to implement a food rationing system. From the first bacon and ham to the later cabbage and now potatoes, Mrs. Hesling received less and less food every day. Today, Mrs. Hesling After queuing for four hours, they received only ten potatoes, which was the entire ration of Mrs. Hesling's food for the next week.

Don't be too small, Mrs. Hesling's husband is a professor at the University of Munich. If you think about the status of a "professor" in German academic circles, you will know how prominent Mr. Hesling is.

The famous "professor" only has ten potatoes a week, and ordinary people can imagine.

You know Mrs. Hesling's family has six people——

No, there are only five of them now. Mr. Hesling's eldest son, Karl, died in the Battle of Verdun last year.

No, maybe there are only four, because Mr. Hesling's second son, Erwin, was captured by the Allied Powers in the second year after the outbreak of the World War. There has been no news about it until now, and Mr. Hesling doesn't know whether his second son is still alive.

In the past few years, it has been very difficult for Mr. Hesling. His eldest son died in battle, his second son was captured, his eldest daughter died of dystocia, his son-in-law married his second daughter, and now his second daughter is pregnant again, but the eldest daughter died The shadow of this unfortunate family hangs over this unfortunate family. The second daughter received a doctor's examination a month ago. The doctor suggested to strengthen nutrition, otherwise the second daughter would also be in danger when giving birth.

But in this miserable age, nutrition is a very luxurious thing. Even a professor can't get enough nutrition for his daughter.

Well, needless to say enough, it's hard to even survive.

Mrs. Hesling went home with her neighbor Mrs. Melk. Mrs. Melk's husband also taught at the University of Munich. Their family has a relatively small population. Both children died in the World War. Only the old couple remained in the family, so Mrs. Melk received only three potatoes.

It hasn’t snowed in Munich in October, but the weather is already very cold. Mrs. Hesling’s clothes were purchased before the outbreak of the World War. Since the outbreak of the World War, Mrs. Hesling has never bought any more clothes. Money couldn't buy it, and then Mark depreciated rapidly, and he didn't even have the qualifications to enter the store.

During the journey, Mrs. Hesling and Mrs. Melk felt very heavy. They were not in the mood to speak, and said goodbye solemnly at the door of their own houses.

Damn the world, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Last month, an associate professor at the University of Munich and his wife committed suicide by burning charcoal at home. The body was discovered by neighbors a week later.

When I got home, the house was deserted. During the World War, not only was there a shortage of food, fuel was also scarce. At this time in previous years, the fireplace should have been lit, but this year it should be forgotten, unless Mr. Hesling's collection of books was used to keep warm.

"Mom, you're finally back. Gretel was so hungry and kept crying—" Emma, ​​the second daughter who was waiting at home, was still three months away from giving birth. Gretel was the daughter of the eldest daughter. Although the eldest daughter died on the delivery table, But the child survived, and Mr. Hesling let the granddaughter inherit the name of the eldest daughter, still called Gretel.

"Wait, I'm going to cook now—" Mrs. Hesling tried to smile, even if life was difficult, she had to face it with a smile.

Before entering the kitchen, Mrs. Hesling asked casually, "Where's your dad?"

Emma didn't answer, and looked up at the attic.

Mrs. Hesling was not surprised at all. At this time, Mr. Hesling should still be studying his "great" quantum mechanics in the attic.

Clean the potatoes and cook them directly in the pot. Under normal circumstances, they need to be peeled, but now the potato skins are also very precious. There is not much coal at home. The damn French are still asking for the largest coal producing area in Germany. They want to freeze the Germans to death in this cold winter.

The little flame was trying to radiate heat, and Mrs. Hesling carried Gretel out of the room to warm himself by the fire. Any waste of heat would be a shame.

After packing everything up, Mrs. Heslin carried the corner of her skirt to the attic and smashed open the wooden door of the attic.

"Please keep quiet and close the door casually." Mr. Heslin did not look up, he was writing a book, his desk was full of documents, and the floor of the attic was full of books, so many books were taken out to open a library That's enough.

"Mr. Hesling, can you put aside your damn quantum mechanics for a while, and pay attention to your daughter and granddaughter's dinner, can quantum mechanics be eaten?" Mrs. Hesling, with her arms akimbo, walked over to Mr. Hesling ears shouting loudly.

"Can you keep your voice down, the more we are in the dark, the more we have to look up to the light, you were not like this before—" Mr. Hesling didn't dare to speak loudly, only dared to whisper.

"Of course I wasn't like this before, otherwise you wouldn't marry me, but life will drive a lady crazy, and I will be driven crazy by this damn life, find a way to do something, even with Hu You can go to the train station to work like Ge, but you can’t let me, an old woman, carry bags at the train station!” Mrs. Heslin didn’t want to solve the problem, but just wanted to vent her grievances.

Mr. Hesling is now 60 years old. It is obviously unrealistic for a 60-year-old man to go to the dock to do manual work. What's more, Mr. Hesling is still a professor, the kind of professor who is very likely to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Hugo, the son-in-law of Herr Hessling, is now carrying bags at the Munich train station.

This job is not very respectable, but Hugo was once the best student of Mr. Hesling, otherwise Mr. Hesling would not have married both of his daughters to Hugo.

If it weren't for this damn war, then Hu Ge should also be an outstanding scientific researcher, the kind of scientific researcher who can be called a "scientist" in a few years.

"Old woman, can you give me a quiet environment and see what you have done, you have made a mess of my work." If it is just a simple complaint, then Mr. Heslin can bear it, but if it affects Heslin Mr. Hesling will resolutely resist the work of Mr.

"You're messing up my life! I just want to feed my daughter and my granddaughter. Is that too much?" Mrs. Hesling looked hysterical, but Emma wasn't. Lady Hesling's daughter.

Mr. Hesling's first wife died ten years ago, and now Mr. Hesling's four children are all born to Mr. Hesling and his first wife, so although Mrs. Hesling often disturbs Mr. Hesling's work, But Mr. Hesling was grateful to Mrs. Hesling.

Mrs. Hesling treats Mr. Hesling's four children as her own, and treats Gretel like her own granddaughter. For Hesling's children, she treats Mrs. Hesling like her own mother.

"Old woman, give me a little more time. I have already discovered something. As long as I complete my current work, I can apply for the Nobel Prize. At that time, we will have a large bonus and our lives will improve." He Mr. Sling patiently explained.

"Nobel, Nobel, you have been telling me about Nobel for four years, but where is the Nobel? Nyasaland University is also going to award you the 'Star Prize', why don't you accept it?" Mrs. Hesling was aggressive, The Star Award is an award set up by Nyasaland University. The specific award and selection criteria are similar to the Nobel Prize, but the prize money is much higher.

"The Star Award is an award for the British, and I am a German—" Mr. Hesling has simple values, and the Germans will oppose everything that is British.

Regardless of whether this statement is correct or not, in Germany in 1917, this statement was correct, and it can even be derived from everything in the Allied countries. As long as it is everything in the Allied countries, the Germans will oppose it.

"Mr. Abu who recommended you to win the 'Starry Sky Award' is a German. He is dead in Germany, but Mr. Rudolf Diesel, who is still alive in southern Africa, is also a German. The potatoes I brought back today were also shipped from southern Africa. Yes, do you want to eat later?" Mrs. Hesling turned into Gatling, spraying so much that Mr. Hesling couldn't reply.

"Eat or eat—" Mr. Heslin immediately lost his spine, what about the simple values ​​at the moment?

"Eat *you——" Mrs. Hesling turned into a song god, this is the German version of those who don't work don't eat.

Before dinner, Hu Ge finally came back after a busy day at the train station.

"Honey, look what I brought back—" Hugo beamed, and carefully took out a paper bag from his pocket, which contained a sausage and a box of chocolates.

"God, where did it come from?" Emma's sudden burst of surprise made Hugo feel that all the hard work of the day was worth it.

"Sausage! Chocolate! That's great, Hugo, you're such a good boy—" Mrs. Hesling was also pleasantly surprised, and then she looked at Little Gretel, who was staring at the potatoes, and Mrs. Hesling's eyes immediately filled with Tears: "Poor little Gretel, she hasn't had chocolate—"

After the outbreak of the World War, things like chocolate were out of reach of ordinary people’s families in Germany. As a professor at the University of Munich, Mr. Hessling managed to get some back in the first two years before the outbreak of the World War. Mr. Hesling could not acquire such luxuries.

"Today the train brought a lot of food and daily necessities. I helped a southern African military officer solve a problem. The sausage and chocolate were given to me by the southern African military officer. He also asked me to go to him tomorrow and said he would help me. Find a job." Hu Ge is very happy, any job opportunity is very precious now, especially working for southern Africa, it is simply a good job, even if there is no pay, there are many Germans who are willing to do it.

ps: Although it is water, I try to make it as exciting as possible. I originally wanted to open a new book, but after chatting with the editor in charge, I realized that it is not realistic to open a new book now. I don’t know whether the next book can write modern history abroad——

(End of this chapter)

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