Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1097 Hope is around the corner

Chapter 1097 Hope is around the corner

After Stoudemire became the head of the Relief and Rehabilitation Agency, a large number of southern African goods began to flow into Europe.

Not only Britain and France, but Germany is also within the scope of work of the Relief and Rehabilitation Agency. With the influx of food from southern Africa, the food shortage in Germany is gradually easing, which makes the French government very dissatisfied with the work of the Relief and Rehabilitation Agency. The French government insisted that Germany should not provide relief to Germany until the "Peace Agreement" was signed.

As long as Germany does not sign for a day, the Allies and Germany will be at war.

But now Germany has opened its borders to the Allied countries, especially merchant ships transporting food and daily necessities, and they do not even have to pay taxes when entering German ports.

Stoudemire's peace makes money, and France will not help Germany if it doesn't allow it. However, the things that should be delivered cannot be stopped. Food and daily necessities can be stored in Germany and distributed after the German government signs the "Peace Agreement". There are great articles to do.

Storing materials requires a warehouse and a large number of staff. The job that the southern African military officer provided Hugo was a warehouse manager for storing materials.

I have to say that as long as it is gold, it will shine no matter where it is. Hu Ge is an excellent researcher in research, and he is also an excellent worker even if he is carrying bags.

When eating in the evening, Mr. Hesling finally came down from the attic. When he saw the bacon sausage on the dining table, Mr. Hesling was also surprised.

"The bacon sausage produced in southern Africa, do you want to eat it?" Mrs. Hesling did not let Mr. Hesling go.

Hugo and Emma pretended not to hear. Little Gretel tasted a piece of bacon sausage just now, and immediately fell in love with the taste of bacon sausage. Now she is staring at the bacon on the table. The intestines, the eyes can literally burst into flames.

Mr. Hesling also pretended not to hear, and went to the kitchen to wash his hands.

It is very important to wash your hands before eating, and to be hygienic anytime, anywhere——

Although Mrs. Hesling was mean, when sharing meals, Mr. Hesling and Emma got the same amount, Hugo and Little Gretel got more, and she got only a thin slice.

That's why Mr. Hesling's family loves Mrs. Hesling.

"Mom, you usually have to take care of Emma and little Gretel, you need to eat more—" Hu Ge took the largest piece from his dinner plate to Mrs. Hesling, and then gave the second largest piece to Mrs. Emma: "The doctor said that you need to supplement your nutrition, and you should also eat more—"

Hugo gave the last piece to Little Gretel. Little Gretel is the daughter of Hugo and Gretel. This child is now severely malnourished, with a big head and a small body. There is almost no blood on the cheeks. Only two big eyes have been perfectly inherited. Her mother's merits.

"You eat yours, you are the only pillar of the family now, unlike someone who just hides in the attic to escape reality, you have to take care of the family, and you have to take care of your body, now your body is the most precious thing in our family Wealth." Mrs. Hesling put the bacon sausage back to Hugo, she knew very well what the family was living on now.

"Ahem——" Mr. Heslin's expression was a little embarrassed, and he coughed twice to brush his presence: "My research is about to be completed, this is not at all the 'unnecessary blank' that Professor Philip said, it is for the Department of Physics. Important addition, once the paper is published, I can book next year's Nobel Prize in Physics—”

"Teacher, is it true?" Hugo exclaimed before Mrs. Heslin and Emma could react.

"What's the use, you've been studying for ten years, but you can't bring your granddaughter a good dinner!" Mrs. Hesling chattered, but no one hated her.

"Mom—" Emma reminded Mrs. Hesling not to go too far. Mr. Hesling is fine, and Hugo's eyes already had tears.

"It's true, it's almost finished, and there's your contribution in it too. When I publish the paper, I'll put your name on it." Mr. Heslin was filled with emotion. Hu Ge was once his best Students, but now they have to go to the train station to do physical work because they have to take care of Mr. Hesling's family. This is an insult to an outstanding scientific researcher.

"Teacher, I am proud of you, everyone will be proud of you, you are the greatest—" Hu Ge's voice choked up, and only Hu Ge knew how much grievance was contained in these words.

"You are also very good, you are my best student, even in the most difficult times, you have the courage to take responsibility, I have never regretted marrying Gretel and Emma to you—" Mr. Heslin also expressed emotion Excited, as a husband, as a father, as a man, Mr. Hesling has no ability to bring a better life for his family, so he can only hide in the attic to study every day, and the pressure he is under can be imagined.

"Father~~" Emma's father called out nine twists and turns. Emma married Hu Ge not because of Mr. Hesling's arrangement, but because Emma loved Hu Ge.

This is the purest love.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something happy, Hugo, what happened to the southern African officer you mentioned?" Although Mr. Hesling hid in the attic every day, he was not concerned about what happened at home. Know nothing.

"I warn you, old man, that you are not allowed to make any demands on Hugo. I can allow you to hide in the attic every day to study your quantum physics, but you cannot interfere with Hugo's work. In order to maintain this family, Hugo has worked very hard He has to do ten hours of physical work every day, you have your choice, Hugo also has his life." Mrs. Hesling reminded decisively, based on what she knew about Mr. Hesling, I am afraid that Mr. Hesling would not let Hugo Go accepted a job offer from a Southern African military officer.

"I'm not a pedantic person—" Mr. Hesling muttered and defended. When one of the couple was strong, the other had to be tolerant, otherwise life would be difficult.

"You are! Otherwise, you should accept the recommendation of Professor Abu. Look at Professor Abu, a Nobel Prize winner in biology and the president of Nyasaland University. He can get hundreds of thousands of pounds every year with his patents. How about you— —” Can’t blame Mrs. Hesling for getting angry, hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, how much is Mr. Hesling’s annual salary——

Now one pound is about 37 gold marks.

Mr. Hesling's annual salary is less than 2000 gold marks, which is about 54 pounds in conversion.

"Our research is in different fields, which cannot be measured by money." Mr. Heslin patiently explained that Abu is in the field of biology. He can earn 10,000+ a year by researching casual medicine for trauma, and his liquidity is not comparable to that of Mr. Heslin. .

The field of Mr. Hesling's research is fundamental physics. It is really difficult to realize this thing. Except for the funds allocated by the state and the school, it is probably to go to the Nobel to try your luck. Experts and professors are not popular these days.

"But money can bring your family a better life!" Mrs. Hesling does not study quantum physics. She only worries about the family's daily dinner. If there is spring and snow, there must be people from Lower Liba, and those who study quantum physics have to eat .

"Everything will be fine! Isn't it, Little Gretel—" Mr. Hesling could only find comfort in Little Gretel.

Little Gretel could only cry, she had eaten her own bacon, and now she was eyeing Emma's.

"Don't spoil her, eat your own." Mrs. Hesling is more worried about Emma's health. Emma treats Little Gretel just like her own daughter. Mr. Hesling's family decided not to tell Little Gretel about her mother The secret of having passed away will not be discussed until little Gretel is older.

Now Little Gretel is too young to form a complete set of values. Telling Little Gretel this fact when she is too young may make Little Gretel have the wrong idea that "Mom died because of me".

Even if there is only one percent risk, Mr. Hesling's family is not willing to take it.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, the southern African officer wants me to be a warehouse keeper, because I'm better at mathematics—" Hugo said with bitterness on his face, as an excellent researcher, Hu Ge's better grades are not limited to mathematics.

"A warehouse for what? These bacon sausages and chocolates?" Mrs. Hesling was good at focusing.

"So what, Hugo, you have to be an upright person and set a good example for your children." Mr. Heslin has high requirements, and even if life is so difficult, he will not lower his requirements.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't ask Hugo to do anything. A warehouse with bacon sausages is better than a warehouse with machine guns—" Mrs. Hessling has a clear mind. In the current Germany, the Mark depreciates greatly. Hugo, working for officers in southern Africa, is more likely to be paid in kind than salary, so if the warehouse is filled with bacon sausages——

Let's just say it was fantastic.

"Yes, there are indeed bacon sausages and chocolates in the warehouse, as well as coffee and various cans. The southern African officer invited me to drink a cup of coffee. I'm sorry, but I'm not ashamed to ask the southern African officer for some Hu Ge is also a person who wants face, and he can't do such a thing by asking for it.

"You really should ask that southern African officer for some, and I haven't had coffee for a long time—" On the contrary, Mr. Hessling is not pedantic in this kind of thing, and it is indeed ungentlemanly to take advantage of it, but if it is Taking advantage of Southern Africa--

This should be regarded as serving the country!

Look, the professor's thought is so enlightened, quick-witted, and not rigid in form, or else he studies quantum physics.

Coffee may be Mr. Hesling's only hobby, especially when working late into the night, Mr. Hesling would often make a cup of coffee to refresh himself, but after the outbreak of the World War, such situations became less and less frequent.

Hu Ge didn't speak, but his eyes were strange.

Professor Hesling's heart moved, and immediately he couldn't sit still under his buttocks like grass.

"Follow me Hugo, I have something to teach you—" Professor Hesling said solemnly.

Emma and Mrs. Hesling looked normal, they knew their husbands very well.

ps: The last chapter in June, the next chapter may be at midnight, or it may be tomorrow morning-how many brothers will have the final say tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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