Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1098 What a miserable word

Chapter 1098 What a terrible word

Hu Ge really didn't ask the officer for coffee, it was the officer who gave it on his own initiative.

Hugo was still very fair, he gave the chocolates to Mrs. Hesling, Emma, ​​and Little Gretel, and hid the coffee and secretly gave it to Mr. Hesling. The relationship is very good.

After Mr. Hesling saw the coffee, he was very excited and asked for a cup. When Hu Ge went downstairs to boil water, Emma and Mrs. Hesling pretended not to see it. People, this is also very good, although it is noisy, but this is life.

After finally drinking the coffee he hadn't seen for a long time, Mr. Hesling was satisfied. Seeing Hu Ge's hesitation, Mr. Hesling asked.

"Uh, this is coffee from the East India. It tastes good, right?" Hu Ge didn't dare to say too clearly, for fear of being scolded and wasted.

"East India? That's really good. Before the outbreak of the World War, Munich could still drink coffee from the East India, but now there is nothing—" Mr. Hesling leaned back in his chair, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes, the East India It used to be a colony of the Netherlands, and Germany has a good relationship with the Netherlands, so Germany also has many East Indian specialties.

"The East Indies is now an independent country, but many say that the East Indies are a vassal state of Southern Africa. In Paris, it was at the strong request of the representatives of Southern Africa that the East Indies were able to obtain independent status, as well as our colonies in the Pacific Jurisdiction." The expression on Hu Ge's face was indifferent, unable to see the true thoughts in his heart.

Now Germany is in an unprecedented difficult period. For ordinary people, those islands in the Pacific Ocean have nothing to do with ordinary Germans.

After Germany acquired those islands, it did not invest too much energy in those islands. It was not that Germany did not want to, but that Germany expanded too fast in just a few decades, and its national strength could not keep up with the expansion of William II's ambitions. Germany has not even had time to fully develop Tanganyika and Southwest Africa, let alone the islands in the Pacific Ocean.

So the magic lies in this point. The existing German colonies have not yet been developed, but Wilhelm II wants to challenge the global colonial system established by the United Kingdom. This is indeed not the thinking that a normal person should have.

Mr. Hessling does not speak. As a German, he does not want to blame his king, but he is also unwilling to make the whole country pay for the ambition of a few people, so silence is the only choice for Mr. Hessling.

"Oscar and Herman both went to southern Africa by boat, and they may not come back in the future—" The expression on Hu Ge's face was very sad. Oscar and Herman are Hu Ge's best friends, and they are both Herman Mr. Sling's student, Mr. Hesling had high hopes for Hugo, Oscar and Herman.

Mr. Hesling still didn't speak, and the coffee in his hand suddenly became stale.

"I'm happy for them, Oskar went to teach at Rhodes University, Hermann went to Nyasaland University, supposedly joined Mr. Rudolf Diesel's dynamics laboratory, Hermann was always very smart , No matter what industry he is in, he is very quick to get started." Hugo lit a cigarette on the window sill, which was also given by the southern African military officer, Mr. Hesling does not smoke, so Hugo put the cigarette All left to myself.

"Hugo, do you also want to go to southern Africa?" Mr. Heslin realized why Hugo said this at this time.

"Oh, no, teacher, I will always be with you." Hu Ge was firm. If Hu Ge immigrated to southern Africa, he would definitely take Emma and Little Gretel with him. Mr. Sling and Mrs. Hesling, that was cruel for two old men.

"Don't worry about me and your mother, we can still take care of ourselves, if you want to go to southern Africa like Oscar and Herman, neither your mother nor I will stop you, you are a good boy, you shouldn't be at the train station Work, your mother is right, you should have your own life." Mr. Hesling sipped his coffee, the hot steam from the coffee cup was lingering on Mr. Hesling's face, and Mr. Hesling's glasses fogged up.

"I thought about this problem, especially when I saw little Gretel, I really wanted to immigrate to southern Africa, at least in southern Africa, I can do a job I like, and I can keep little Gretel from starving— —” Hu Ge also has sadness in his eyes, a better life is elusive, and I don’t know how many people can resist this temptation.

After being sad, Hu Ge quickly recovered: "—but I will not go to southern Africa, unless we go as a family. Southern Africa is very good, but if you are not here, it is not my home."

"You can take Emma and Little Gretel with you. I heard that the medical conditions in southern Africa are relatively good. We can't let the tragedy of Gretel repeat itself on Emma—" Mr. Heslin thought about his daughter's happiness, and said In Mr. Hesling's position, he will know more about southern Africa than ordinary people. In his letter, Abu also invited Mr. Hesling to go to southern Africa many times.

Not immigration, but "exchange".

But Mr. Hesling is very clear that as long as he goes to southern Africa, there is a high possibility that he will stay, just like several of his friends.

Who doesn't want to pursue a better life——

Southern Africa is located in the southern part of Africa and is the most powerful country in the region with no security risks.

At the same time, because it is too far away from Europe, the flames of war in Europe will not spread to southern Africa. At the same time, southern Africa is still sparsely populated, rich in products, with great potential, and a suitable climate——

The key is that Southern Africa has a group of pragmatic and efficient leaders. Under their leadership, Southern Africa has developed rapidly. During the World War, the ability of Southern Africa to erupt is proof.

Germany also has a consensus on this aspect. If there is no participation from southern Africa, then at least Germany will not lose so quickly and so badly.

"Teacher, I will work hard and take good care of Emma and little Gretel as much as possible—" Hu Ge didn't dare to promise too much. Now the Germans are precarious, and no one knows which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Oh, forgot to mention, Emma and Gretel are twins.

"Come on—come on—" Before Mr. Hesling could speak, a terrified cry came from the neighbor's house.

Mr. Hesling's neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Melk.

The two sons of Mr. Melk and Mrs. Melk both died in the World War. Both Mr. Melk and Mr. Hesling worked at the University of Munich, and the relationship between the two families is very good.

Just this morning, Mrs. Melk received only three potatoes. After returning home, the desperate Mr. and Mrs. Melk committed suicide by burning charcoal.

"God, I should come and see Mrs. Melk's—" Mrs. Hesling sat down on the corridor in front of Mrs. Melk's house and wept secretly. Now that I think about it, Mrs. Melk's performance in the morning was not good. It's normal, but Mrs. Hesling was so focused on the family's dinner that she didn't notice Mrs. Melk's abnormality.

"Old man, you shouldn't be like this, you shouldn't be like this—" Mr. Hesling burst into tears. As an old friend and neighbor, Mr. Hesling knew that life was difficult for Mr. and Mrs. Melk, but Mr. Hesling Can't help anything, Mr. Hesling can't even take care of his own family, let alone help old friends.

"Poor Mr. and Mrs. Melk, what a miserable family—"

"Yes, both children died in the World War, the daughter-in-law disappeared, and the only grandson died, God is so unfair to Mr. Melker's family—"

"Mr. Melk is also a very famous person, but now he has ended up like this—"

The surrounding neighbors talked a lot, Hu Ge and several young people went to move the remains of Mr. Melk and Mrs. Melk to the first floor, trying to raise money to buy two sets of coffins for Mr. Melk and Mrs. Melk, but Several young people found that they couldn't even get together the money to buy the coffin.

This is very embarrassing.

"I went to the principal to apply for a sum of money. Mr. Melker has worked for the school all his life, so he can't just dig a hole and bury him!" Mr. Hesling decided to arrange the funeral for his old friend, which was the only thing Mr. Hesling could do. of.

"What happened?" A young man in military uniform pushed in from the crowd.

Mr. Hesling looked at the young man as if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh my god, dad—mother—" The young man who just appeared was Mr. Melk's youngest son Otto, who was clearly killed in the military report.

But Mr. Hesling was not in the mood to pay attention to this matter, because it was Mr. Hesling's second son Erwin who appeared with Otto.

"Erwin, Erwin, you are still alive, you are finally back, I pray for you every day, God bless—" Mrs. Hesling rushed over in surprise, holding Erwin's thoughtless kiss , although this environment is not suitable, Mrs. Hesling can't control her excitement.

"Dad, I'm back, Mom, are you okay? I miss you so much, I miss you every day—" Erwin was equally excited. After greeting Hugo and Emma respectively, Erwin took the initiative to ask Hugo.

"We want to pool some money to buy two sets of coffins for Mr. Melk and Mrs. Melk, but we don't have the money—" Hu Ge's expression was still awkward. Seeing that he was the father of two children, he didn't even buy coffins. There is no money for the auxiliary coffin, and poverty is not enough to describe it, it is even worse than abject poverty.

"Father, Mom, let's talk later when we get home. I want to help Otto deal with the funeral first." Erwin handed Hugo the burden on his back.

When Hu Ge received the burden, he felt that the weight of the burden was a bit heavy, and when he touched it with his hand, his face was full of joy.

There are cans in the bag!Canned food that money can't buy in Munich!

ps: On the first day of July, this chapter was coded last night before going to bed. Today’s normal update is still three changes. Originally, it depends on the mood, but Brother Hachijohe reminded me, come, come, 200 votes One more time, the rankings are just floating clouds, making the brothers happy is the purpose of Shuiyu——

(End of this chapter)

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