Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1099 The Camel About to Be Crushed

Chapter 1099 The Camel About to Be Crushed

On October 25th, although the "Peace Agreement" has not yet been formed, the Allied Powers have begun to release prisoners in batches. The main reason is that some French parliamentarians believe that not only will the prisoners not be able to generate profits in the prison camps, but they will also consume a small amount of resources. Materials, which made some French parliamentarians feel that the gain outweighed the loss, so they simply sent the prisoners back. Anyway, now that the war is over, letting these prisoners go home will not have serious consequences.

If it were Roque, he would definitely not do this, let it go, the world war caused such a great loss to France, and now the post-war reconstruction has begun, these prisoners are the best free labor, and they don’t even need to be paid. Eat as much as you can, just work hard, and if possible, these prisoners of war should never be sent back.

The French around Arras should feel this most clearly. When the British Expeditionary Force was stationed around Arras, the prisoners of war in the British prisoner-of-war camp had to participate in labor. As a result, after the end of the World War, the public facilities around Arras were in the worst condition. Well, it's all thanks to the British Expeditionary Force's judicious use of prisoners of war.

It was against this background that Erwin and Otto returned to Munich. As for why Otto came back from the dead, this kind of thing was normal during the World War. Otto was injured and captured when the German army retreated. Some companions thought that Otto Already killed, so the military issued a notice of Otto's death.

Erwin didn't come home until late at night, and Mr. Hesling's family stayed up except for little Gretel. There were twelve boxes of cans brought by Erwin piled up on the table in the dining room.

"Don't say anything, go take a shower first, and smell this scent on your body—" Mrs. Hesling has already prepared hot water and a change of clothes for Erwin, which is what a hostess should do.

After taking a nice hot bath, Erwin changed his clothes and went back to the living room, and then began to talk about what he had experienced in the past few years.

"When we got to the front, the Second Battle of Arras was just over, followed by the Battle of Verdun - we were on the mend, the French were beaten to the brim, and our company captured four hundred French troops in one day and one night Prisoners of war, the number of prisoners of war is three times the number of our company - when the British counterattacked, the artillery fire was overwhelming. Our company was ordered to hold on to a hill and cover the retreat of the entire division. We fought until the last moment and did not let go until we ran out of ammunition and food Weapons - I was assigned to the prisoner-of-war camp of the British Expeditionary Force. We all thought that the British would not let us go, and we would die miserably. I didn't expect the British to treat us well. They used 'cousin' 'Call us, because our king is the cousin of the King of England—" Erwin was not abused, he was still a little thin when he joined the army, and now he looks stronger than he was then.

Mrs. Hesling looked at Erwin, who survived the catastrophe, with tears in his eyes. It would be great if he could come back. Nothing is more important than a family reunion.

"What's with those cans?" Hu Ge was very interested in everything related to Britain, and cans were a good starting point.

"That's what the British paid us when we worked for the British—" Speaking of this, Erwin was overjoyed, and it must be quite a proud thing to be able to earn money from the British.

"Work for the British?" Mr. Hesling's eyes became serious, he didn't know the specific content of "work".

"It is to build bridges, pave roads, dig rivers and carry out these tasks. We were imprisoned in a prisoner-of-war camp near Arras. There were many battles in Arras. We fought repeatedly with the British, and many villages became a pile. The rubble, the roads were blown up, the river flooded, and the dead bodies of soldiers are still in the fields unattended, these are all part of our work." Erwin's explanation eased Mr. Heslin's expression, and these tasks are still in Hesling within the acceptable range of Mr.

"What's that expression on your face? As long as you can come home alive, it's understandable even if you do something excessive!" Mrs. Hesling opened her mouth at this time. With Erwin's explanation, Mr. Hesling was extremely embarrassed.

"That's not what I mean. No matter what the situation is, the bottom line cannot be broken." Mr. Heslin is an upright person. Joining the army is to serve the country. It doesn't matter whether it is justice or injustice. Even if you are captured, you must be an upright person Human, not a humble dog.

"Okay, okay, brother's return is more important than anything else, today is a happy day, mom, please don't say a few words—" Emma flattered both sides, the big belly woman is always the biggest, Mrs. Heslin immediately restrained, Hess Mr. Sling finally breathed a sigh of relief and gave Emma a grateful look.

It's better to wear a small padded jacket.

"I didn't even notice, Emma, ​​how many months?" Erwin noticed that Emma had a big belly.

"Seven months, the doctor said the expected date of delivery is January next year." When Emma mentioned the child, her face was immediately filled with the brilliance of motherhood. Hu Ge sat on the armrest beside Emma Sha, and Emma rested her head on Hugo's A look of happiness on the arm.

Although life is difficult, the relationship between this young couple is enviable. They have always loved each other and will never leave.

Although Erwin had a smile on his face, there was deep worry in his eyes.

The shadow of Gretel's death in childbirth has not dissipated.

"Erwin, go open a box of canned food and let's try—" Mrs. Hesling was good at adjusting the atmosphere.

"I'll come, I'll come—" Hu Ge rushed to help, he was always the most diligent in the family.

While Hugo was opening the can, Erwin looked at Emma with questioning eyes.

Emma returned a happy smile.

Erwin forced a smile, and the expression on his face became resolute in an instant.

Hu Ge opened a box of braised pork cans, because the weather was a bit cold, the fat in the cans had solidified, and it looked so white that it made people's eyes shine.

You really have bright eyes. Don’t use the standards of southern Africa to ask the Munich blacks who are in extreme difficulties. Mr. Hessling’s family has not eaten fatty meat for a long time. Fat meat represents more calories these days. Lean meats are more popular.

"Ah, wait, braised pork is not good for Emma's health, the fat in it is palm oil, not pure animal fat, Emma, ​​you eat this - this is canned whitebait, a specialty of Nyasaland It is nutritious and delicious, but unfortunately I only got one box." Erwin and Emma have a very good relationship, or the relationship between Erwin and his brothers and sisters is very good, thanks to the warm family environment, Mrs. Hesling Although Mr. Heslin often finds fault with him, the family business is doing well.

The two boxes of canned food were rare delicacies for Mr. Hesling's family. Mrs. Hesling went to take out the little Gretel who had fallen asleep, so that he couldn't let the little Gretel miss this delicious meal.

In fact, one person could not share a few pieces, and no amount of canned food was enough, but everyone was satisfied. Mrs. Heslin led the family to pray before the meal, thanking God for their family reunion.

After eating the canned food, it was already midnight, and the women and children went to rest. Mr. Hesling, Hugo and Erwin came to the attic to talk all night long.

The coffee brought back by Hugo came in handy again. Erwin was surprised that there was still coffee at home at this time. After learning about the source of the coffee, Erwin encouraged Hugo to seize the opportunity.

"How should I put it, the British—especially the British in southern Africa, they are very proud. I can feel it when I was in the prisoner-of-war camp. The French army's prisoner-of-war camp. The environment of our prisoners of war is very bad, and the sanitary conditions No, there is not enough food, the wounded cannot be treated, many people who could have survived have died miserably - the reason why southern Africans are proud is that they will not even take our belongings, French and Indians The worst thing is that even the wedding ring will be taken away, but the southern Africans are not like this, they will allow us to keep things that have special meaning to us, and prevent Indians from robbing us—” Erwin’s perception of southern Africans is still Yes, this is exactly what Rock wanted.

"—Our work in the prisoner-of-war camp is actually paid, at least it will make our life better, and the food will be more every day. Those hateful Indians often deduct our food, which was later discovered by southern African military officers , this situation is much less—South Africa still has excellent medical care, and our prisoner-of-war camps are also equipped with doctors. I was injured when I entered the prisoner-of-war camp. Think I might have died in France—" Erwin rolled up his sleeves, a scar like a centipede was shocking.

Don't underestimate the wounds on your arms. In the era when there were no anti-inflammatory drugs, a touch of the skin could kill you.

Although there are anti-inflammatory drugs in southern Africa, they will not be used on prisoners.

"Is the medical level in southern Africa really high?" Hu Ge asked, which is what he was interested in.

"It's very high. Almost every company of them is equipped with professional doctors and nurses. Those surgeons who are just in their teens dare to perform operations. Although they have just finished medicine, they are improving very quickly. Their nurses are also Very responsible, as long as the person undergoing surgery does not die on the operating table, most of them will recover completely. There are many professional medical universities in southern Africa. After the world war, the medical level in southern Africa may be the highest in the world. Their doctors But they were all honed through World Wars.” Erwin also graduated from the University of Munich before joining the army. Although his scientific research talent may not be as good as that of Mr. Hessling and Hu Ge, his observation and learning abilities are also top-notch.

Don't doubt the gold content of college students in this period, that is, during the World War, college graduates will be used as cannon fodder to fill the front line. The life of college graduates in peacetime is still very enviable.

Mr. Hesling did not speak, he knew what Erwin and Hugo meant, but Mr. Hesling hadn't made up his mind yet.

ps: Come, come, get up at three o'clock to code words, enough sincerity!

(End of this chapter)

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