Chapter 1100

In the early morning of the next day, Erwin continued to help Otto with the affairs of the Melkers, and Hugo arrived at the train station early to start work.

At eight o'clock, Second Lieutenant Duke from Southern Africa drove a multipurpose military vehicle to the train station to pick up Hugo, and together they went to the warehouse in Munich.

A multi-purpose military vehicle is an off-road vehicle similar to a Jeep, but there is no name "Jeep" in southern Africa, so it is called a multi-purpose military vehicle.

This multi-purpose military vehicle is very light in weight, with a total weight of no more than 700 kilograms. In order to reduce the weight as much as possible, all unnecessary parts, including the doors and armor, are removed, and even the roof is made of canvas to further reduce the body. weight.

"It's a good car, but it's not very convenient to use in Germany. The winter in Germany is too cold. I dare not drive too fast, or we will be frozen into popsicles—" Although the car is good, Second Lieutenant Duke While driving, I complained, without doors, there will be no windshield. Whoever drives in Germany in October will know.

Hu Ge smiled politely, looking at the familiar street scene, feeling more and more confused.

Judging from the route, Ensign Duke seemed to be sending Hugo home.

Facts have proved that Hugo’s luck is really good. The location of the warehouse is only two streets away from Mr. Heslin’s home. It seemed to be a food factory, but during the World War, the production was stopped due to lack of raw materials, and the former factory was converted into The warehouse is now full of various food and living supplies sent from southern Africa.

When the car entered the gate of the factory, Hu Ge found that the guards of the factory had been replaced by southern African soldiers. These soldiers were all Africans. They wore straight iron-gray uniforms, wore the helmets of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, and their leather shoes were polished. They were shiny, and the bayonet on the rifle reflected the dazzling cold light. When they saw Hugo, their eyes were not polite, which made Hugo very uncomfortable.

"You will take a shower later, change your clothes, and make documents at noon. The warehouse provides lunch and dinner. The weekly salary is one pound, which can also be converted into real goods. You are in charge of the No. 1 warehouse. Be optimistic about those Indians , If you steal the supplies in the warehouse, then you will lose the job." Lieutenant Duke parked his car in front of a huge warehouse door, which was painted with white paint with a striking "[-]", and the number outside Also made a circle with paint.

The dark red door, the paint has peeled off in some places, revealing the black background, and it looks beautiful with the white paint. The circle is quite perfect, which is very in line with Hu Ge's straight male aesthetics.

It can be seen that the outer wall of the warehouse has been temporarily painted and the roof has been repaired, so there should be no leakage. There is a small half of the space in the warehouse full of large boxes with uniform standards. The English on the boxes made Hu Ge secretly startled.

These boxes are filled with canned food, and each box contains [-] boxes. Ten boxes are stacked together, with a height of more than ten meters.

Hu Ge looked over, there were about [-] boxes in a row, and there were ten rows in the warehouse.

This only takes up a small and a half space.

In the words of Second Lieutenant Duke, there are 150 such warehouses in Munich alone.

If there are so many cans in each warehouse, moving out can distribute about 1250 boxes to every citizen of Munich.

There's food for the year!

There are more than 20 Indian workers with turbans on their heads working in the warehouse. When he noticed these Indians, Hugo frowned subconsciously.

A box of canned food is 250 grams, and a box plus packaging is actually about 150 kilograms. Under normal circumstances, four people can easily carry it away without too much effort.

What Hu Ge saw was that the eight Indian workers were still struggling to carry a box. They were clearly in good health. Although they could not be said to be strong, they were not thin either, so they shouldn't be so strenuous.

"As you can see, these Indians don't like to work. Such a box can be carried by two people in our southern Africa, but here it takes eight people—" Second Lieutenant Duke was also very helpless, In factories in southern Africa, all the manual laborers are Africans, so two people can carry a box without any problem, but here, it takes eight people to carry it, and the inefficiency is unbearable.

"Thank you for your trust, Second Lieutenant. I will definitely work hard." Hu Ge was not afraid of difficulties, and at the same time he finally understood why Second Lieutenant Duke wanted Hu Ge, a German, to work for him.

As long as Second Lieutenant Duke has a choice, it is estimated that this job will not be Hu Ge's turn.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Hu Ge felt a little uncomfortable.

Clothes are the most common jackets and overalls for southern Africans, and the shoes are the same military boots as southern African soldiers. Such a set of clothes is very expensive, especially the shoes. In Munich, you can buy such a pair of beautiful, comfortable, and beautiful It is not easy to wear shoes that are durable. The main reason why Hu Ge is worried is that he is worried that if such a set of clothes is worn out, it will bring unpleasant memories to some Munich people.

But such clothes are very normal in the warehouse. When he came to the warehouse, Hu Ge got the badge that was just made for him. With this badge, he can freely enter and exit the warehouse.

There is a transparent protective coat outside the blue badge. Hu Ge doesn't know what material the coat is made of. This is just a temporary work permit. After the photo is developed, Hu Ge's photo must be pasted on it before it can be used normally.

When Hu Ge came to the warehouse, a truck was parked at the entrance of the warehouse to unload the goods. More than 20 Indian workers were waiting in line. The unloading was slow, and the lifting was also slow. The Indian workers waiting in line were laughing and playing, and they were not helpful at all. It means that the driver was smoking in the cab, which also violated the warehouse regulations. Hu Ge went to remind the driver, the driver looked at Hu Ge's badge, and the slightly panicked driver looked at Hu Ge's badge, suddenly He regained his haughty expression.

"Please don't smoke here, it violates the warehouse regulations, smoking may cause a fire—" Hu Ge didn't know what the color of the badge meant, even if he knew, Hu Ge would remind the driver to abide by the regulations.

Hu Ge cherishes this job very much.

The driver glanced at Hu Ge contemptuously, took a puff of cigarette forcefully, leaned against the car door and let it out slowly, not paying attention to Hu Ge's reminder at all.

"I said, please don't smoke in the warehouse, it's against the rules—" Hu Ge reminded again.

The driver is still going his own way.

Hu Ge stopped reminding the driver, and looked down at the warehouse regulations that Second Lieutenant Duke gave him just now.

Found it, if someone doesn't follow the rules, Hugo, as the warehouse manager, can ask the military police for help.

Hu Ge turned his head and looked around, and there were two military policemen wearing white helmets not far away, looking at Hu Ge with a smile that was not a smile, and had no intention of coming to help.

Hu Ge strode over and explained the situation to the two gendarmes.

"You have to deal with this situation yourself. We are only responsible for the security of the warehouse. As long as they do not endanger the security of the warehouse, we should not interfere." The military police wearing the rank of sergeant seemed to be deliberately making things difficult.

"The driver smoking at the warehouse entrance has already threatened the safety of the warehouse, and the car did not turn off in accordance with the relevant regulations. This is also a violation of the regulations. I don't want to trouble you, but I don't have the right to enforce it." Hu Ge would rather put this As a test, it is not easy to integrate into a strange group, especially in the current situation.

Because the "Peace Agreement" was not signed, Britain and Germany are still at war.

The two gendarmes looked at each other and walked over Hugo to the car.

When the driver saw the two gendarmes approaching, he immediately turned off the engine and got out of the car, threw the cigarette butt, and stomped it out with his foot.

"Truck No. 1165, remember it once. If there is another time, you will carry the bags like these workers, understand?" the military police said sternly.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me, I still have children at home—" the driver begged bitterly, and could no longer see the arrogance just now.

"It has nothing to do with whether you have children in your family. Work honestly. No one will deliberately make things difficult for you. The gentleman reminded you just now, why didn't you correct it?" People hate it, they don't seem to notice it, but are proud of it.

After the two gendarmes left, the workers moved a lot more swiftly. The workers who were arguing just now are now honest, but they still look at Hu Ge with unfriendly eyes.

"My God—" There was a sudden wail in the warehouse. Several Indians lost their balance while carrying the box. When the box fell, it hit a worker's foot hard, and the worker rolled on the ground with his feet in his arms and howled. , The wooden box was smashed and there was a cry, and several boxes of canned food rolled out.

Hu Ge could see clearly that these workers were busy putting the cans on the ground into their pockets, ignoring the wounded who were still rolling and howling on the ground.

"You, you, and you, you send him to the doctor, you guys come over and register your names, and put back the things you just stole by the way, I can pretend I didn't see it, otherwise I will tell Second Lieutenant Duke , Think about the consequences.” Hu Ge opened the folder in his hand and began to record, today is Hu Ge’s first day at work, and Hu Ge has long been prepared for these situations.

"Damn German—"

Someone was scolding in a low voice, but Hu Ge heard it clearly.

"I don't care how you scold me, please be serious when you work. I remind you again that I will not tolerate any slack behavior. If you are dissatisfied with me, you can tell Second Lieutenant Duke. Second Lieutenant Duke did not cancel my contract. Before you get a job, you all have to be honest with me, do you understand?" Hu Ge is not a college student who just walked out of school, and the time he worked at the railway station gave Hu Ge a wealth of experience.

For some people, even a little bit of friendliness will be considered as a way to make progress.

ps: Today’s third update will be added in the afternoon—another reminder to those who haven’t gone to bed at [-] o’clock, I go to bed early at [-] o’clock, and I have to take a lunch break at noon, so although I wake up early, there is still time for sleep Guaranteed—Brothers must pay attention to the body, the body is the capital of a happy life—

(End of this chapter)

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