Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1101 Clothes and Food Parents

Chapter 1101 Clothes and Food Parents

Throughout the morning, Hu Ge has been fighting wits with Indian workers. Some people went to the toilet for half an hour, some people hid in the corner of the warehouse and smoked, and they refused to admit it when they were caught. The most outrageous thing is that some people deliberately If you hurt yourself, you have to ask for half a month's leave, of course it's the kind of salary.

During lunch, Second Lieutenant Duke took Hu Ge directly to the second floor of the restaurant. As a manager, Hu Ge did not have to dine with those Indian workers on the first floor.

Lunch was quite rich, classic goulash with potatoes, traditional German fried ham, and a glass of table wine for each person. Since he would continue to work in the afternoon, Hu Ge chose German dark beer.

During the meal, Hu Ge raised the issue of those Indian employees, and Second Lieutenant Duke was not surprised at all.

"Those Indian workers do have a lot of problems, but we can't do anything about it. Their salaries are very cheap, and India is a colony of the British Empire, so we can only hire Indian workers. The salary of a southern African is fine. We hired four Indian workers, and even the salaries of those Africans are higher than those of Indians." Second Lieutenant Duke only ate beef when he ate goulash, and the potatoes were left on the plate, which made Hugo very upset Comfortable.

Little Gretel hadn't eaten goulash since he was born. Hu Ge really wanted to ask Second Lieutenant Duke if he could take his share of goulash home. Hu Ge would rather not eat it himself.

Of course, Hu Ge didn’t do that in the end, his self-esteem and education didn’t allow him to do that, Hu Ge could do what he could and eat more, so that he didn’t have to eat anymore when he got home.

"After a while, you will get used to those Indians. Our administrators in other warehouses all carry a stick with them. Do you know why?" Reincarnation, so they don't care about the difficulties of life itself, and they don't have much strong will to change themselves.

"Why?" Hugo satisfied Second Lieutenant Duke's desire to show off, and he was indeed not even interested in chatting with those Indian workers.

"This is a habit passed down from the Indian colonies. You need to keep pumping those Indians' asses with a stick to ensure that they will not be lazy." Think they are British.

Hu Ge was dumbfounded. He had almost no contact with Indians, and it was really difficult to understand Indians' thinking.

People really don't want to lose face.

Second Lieutenant Duke still kept the dining habits of the military, quickly finished what he wanted to eat, and then prepared to leave the restaurant.

Hugo stuffed the last piece of beef into his mouth and followed Ensign Duke.

Don’t worry about the tableware after use. There are people in the restaurant who are responsible for it. They are also workers hired from India, and they are also Indian women.

The strange thing is that even those Indian women are more diligent than Indian men, which makes people have to sigh.

On the way back to the warehouse, Hu Ge suddenly remembered something: "When I was working in the morning, a box was damaged, and some tin boxes were damaged—"

Hu Ge was quite guilty in his heart. After all, this was a mistake in Hu Ge's work.

Unexpectedly, Second Lieutenant Duke didn't care at all, and just asked casually: "How much?"

"Fifteen boxes."

"That's okay, it's normal wear and tear, as long as it's not too much, it's fine." Second Lieutenant Duke doesn't care. Hundreds of boxes are put into storage every day, and it's normal for some problems, as long as the damage is not intentional.

"Then what to do with those cans?" Hugo's heart suddenly beat violently.

"Do whatever you want, send it to the cafeteria, or share it with the workers - no, the family members of those workers are not here, you can take it home after work, and give it to your family to taste, just treat it as It's your first day's bonus." Lieutenant Duke didn't care, it was just a dozen boxes of canned food, and the Rehabilitation Agency was not so stingy.

Throughout the afternoon, Hu Ge's mind was full of canned food flying around, so that he almost made a mistake in his work.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Hu Ge finished the inventory, carefully locked the warehouse door, and stared at the fifteen boxes of cans in a daze.

These fifteen boxes of canned food are all luncheon meat. In fact, the outer packaging of the canned food is damaged, and the canned food has not deteriorated. It is no problem to eat it normally.

In Munich now, not to mention that the canned food itself has not deteriorated, even if it has deteriorated, many people are willing to eat it.

"Why don't you go back? Are you waiting for someone to see you off?" Lieutenant Duke drove his multi-purpose military vehicle past Hu Ge, and it was clearly past, and then slowly backed up: "Ha, I almost forgot Come on, come on, I'll take you back, where do you live?"

"Thank you Lieutenant, my home is very close to here, only two blocks, I can go back by myself." Hu Ge was taken aback, thinking that Lieutenant Duke had changed his mind.

"That's good, go back early, and don't forget to go to work at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Second Lieutenant Duke did not force, and drove away in a multi-purpose military vehicle.

Back home, Hugo still didn't feel real.

A dozen boxes of canned food usually cost more than 15 gold marks. According to Second Lieutenant Duke, this is just a day's work bonus!

Mrs. Hesling and Emma were also in a daze, and only Little Gretel was feasting.

Mrs. Hesling directly cut a box for Little Gretel, so that he could eat as much as he could.

"Why is that Second Lieutenant Duke so generous? Is there any conspiracy?" Emma's angle was very strange. Pregnant women really like to think wildly.

"Is there anything worthy of Second Lieutenant Duke's conspiracy—" Hu Ge smiled wryly. If it was Mr. Heslin, then it was indeed worthy of Second Lieutenant Duke's favor, but Hu Ge—

Hugo never mentioned Mr. Hesling to Lieutenant Duke, and Mr. Hesling's paper has not been published. Hugo doesn't think there is any conspiracy in this matter from beginning to end.

In other words, even if there is, Hu Ge is unwilling to believe it, and even Hu Ge still has a faint expectation deep in his heart.

As he learns more about southern Africa, Hugo is becoming more and more curious about southern Africa. If possible, Hugo really wants to go to southern Africa and see what is so magical about that land. It has become so powerful in just ten years.

During the Second Boer War, the German domestic news media also carried out numerous reports on the Boer War. Hugo did not know about southern Africa, but he did know about Tanganyika and Southwest Africa, both of which were African colonies of European countries. It is located in southern Africa, and Hugo really doesn't want to admit that there is such a big gap between the Germans and the British in operating overseas colonies.

"I just found out today that in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Melk, Mr. Delano and Mr. Clark have also passed away, as well as Alan, Franklin, and Andrew—" Erwin was not in a good mood, he learned too much today Bad news, Alan, Franklin, and Andrew are all Erwin's playmates, and they all died or disappeared in the World War.

The disappearance in these years is basically similar to death in battle. Otto was also missing in the first place, so it was attributed to death in battle.

"Erwin, don't think about that, think more about the living, life must go on." Mrs. Hesling's sudden wisdom is surprising, which is normal. If Mrs. Hesling can only quarrel, then Mr. Hesling will not will marry her.

"A few of us discussed the "Peace Agreement" today. We agreed that the "Peace Agreement" will not bring peace at all. Now we are unable to continue, so we have to be forced to surrender. In a few years, let us take a breather , Then there will be World War II, what should we do at that time, let our children continue to experience all of this?" Erwin's voice was full of confusion, uncertainty about the future and difficulties in life, making this newly escaped prisoner of war The young people in the battalion were at a loss. Erwin originally thought that the end of the war would be a new beginning, but he never expected that it would be another tragic reincarnation.

"No, Erwin, everything will be fine, if life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be impatient—" Mrs. Hesling is indeed well educated, and the poems quoted are very suitable.

"—In the days of depression, you need to be calm. Believe it, happy days will come!" Emma and the Hesslings are definitely not ignorant. The education level of their family is unrivaled in 1917. .

"Thank you mom, I feel better—" Erwin finally smiled. It is normal to be temporarily confused, and people with a strong heart are always good at adjusting.

Bang Bang Bang --

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Hu Ge went to open the door, and was surprised to see that it was Second Lieutenant Duke.

Second Lieutenant Duke was also surprised when he saw Hu Ge.

"Hugo, why are you here?" Second Lieutenant Duke was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a bag at his feet.

"Second Lieutenant Duke, this is my home—" Hu Ge really didn't expect Second Lieutenant Duke to be so enthusiastic. He just gave a dozen boxes of canned food, and now he is sending flowers——

This seems a little too enthusiastic.

"Isn't this Mr. Hesling's home?" Second Lieutenant Duke was puzzled, and leaned back slightly to look at the house number again.

Yes, it is indeed Mr. Hesling's home.

"Mr. Hesling is my father-in-law and my teacher, and I also live here." Hu Ge suddenly realized that this is right, the flowers are indeed not for himself.

"Ha, what did I say—" Second Lieutenant Duke also suddenly realized, no wonder they can live together with different surnames.

"Hugo, hurry up and let the guests in, don't be so impolite." Mrs. Hesling reminded Hugo that Second Lieutenant Duke, who was dressed in the uniform of a southern African officer, was still very conspicuous standing in front of the door.

"I'm sorry, please come in—" Hu Ge was enthusiastic. This is the basic necessities of life, so it's impossible not to be enthusiastic.

ps: The brothers are also the parents of Yutou. Chapter 1 will be delivered, and the second update is estimated to be midnight. If you can’t hold on, it will be tomorrow——

(End of this chapter)

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