Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1103 Should We Make a Bet

Chapter 1103 Should We Make a Bet

It is said that Professor Hesling was also a handsome guy when he was young, but unfortunately, as the years passed, Professor Hesling grew a beard and became bald on the top of his head.

The double blow of life and fate did not break down the spiritual world of Professor Hesling, and his academic achievements are enough to attract the attention of the whole world.

The days on the ship were long and boring. As a family with high IQ, Professor Hesling and his family quickly learned to play mahjong and indulged in it. Therefore, the first-class cabin of the luxury cruise ship "Cape Town" is not in the first class every day. When discussing quantum physics, it is full of "[-]", "five barrels", and "Hu Lie" full of surprises.

I have to say that mahjong is very helpful for learning Chinese.

Every time around this time, Professor Hesling would take Little Gretel for a walk on the deck, because Mrs. Hesling disliked Professor Hesling's level of playing mahjong, and would rather play with Otto than let Professor Hesling get started.

This made Professor Hesling sad. For many years, no one has ever despised Professor Hesling in terms of IQ, but it is a pity that Professor Hesling failed in mahjong.

The guests on the "Cape Town" luxury cruise ship are also mixed, but the guests in the second-class cabin are not allowed to go for a walk on the top deck. The captain Colin Pegg is very caring for Professor Heslin's family. Every now and then, there will always be a waiter with a big waist not far from Professor Heslin.

"Grandpa, how far are we from southern Africa?" Little Gretel would often ask this question.

With adequate nutrition, little Gretel changed quickly. She now has bright eyes, a cheerful personality, and is full of curiosity about everything in the strange world. Blood color appeared on her pale face before, and her thin body gradually became healthy. , now little Gretel has a braid, wearing a small beige windbreaker, and pink boots on his feet, he is really cute.

"About [-] kilometers—" Professor Hesling didn't know very well. He and Little Gretel were sitting on the bench next to the fence. The rising sun in the morning shone on the faces of Professor Hesling and Little Gretel. The melodious sea breeze messed up little Gretel's hair, seagulls passed by, a group of dolphins shuttled among the waves on the sea next to it, and a cargo ship approached on the sea in the distance, honking its horn and saying "Cape Town" Greeting the number, Little Gretel immediately covered his ears.


The whistle of the "Cape Town" was the loudest sound Little Gretel had ever heard. When he heard it for the first time, Little Gretel's ears were buzzing all day long. Live this lesson.

"That ship is so big, what's on it?" Little Gretel pointed to the freighter and asked Professor Heslin. His slender and white fingers made people feel affectionate. Professor Heslin gently stroked the hair of little Gretel.

"That's a cargo ship, and what's on it is the hope for the future—" Professor Hesling calmed down, and he was now able to accept the result of Germany's defeat.

"Damn siren, it's so unsettling early in the morning—" A fat man still wrapped in a nightgown cursed and came out of the cabin, probably woken up by the siren, in a bad mood.

Professor Hesling didn't take the initiative to say hello, and all his attention was on Little Gretel.

"Mister, good morning!" Fatty greeted Professor Heslin on his own initiative.

"Morning!" Facing strangers, Professor Hesling was polite with a distance.

"Your daughter is so cute, tell uncle what's your name?" The fat man immediately turned into a weirdo, his eyes are not good.

"Thank you, it's my daughter's daughter." Professor Hesling corrected.

"Oh hahahaha, that's such a coincidence. My daughter also has a daughter, who is smart, cute and cute. I wish I could give her the whole world." The fat man was not embarrassed. Although he was a bit presumptuous, he was not annoying.

"Where is your destination? To visit relatives or friends?" The fat man said carelessly, and sat down directly beside Professor Heslin.

Professor Hesling frowned.

Before Professor Heslin could speak, the waiter with a big arm and a round waist hurried over, and the gun handle under the armpit could be clearly seen in the open coat.

However, when the waiter saw the fat man, he immediately stopped in his tracks, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Christian from Nyasaland—Christian Locke. The life on the ship is too boring. The Lord keeps saying that civil aviation should be opened as soon as possible, but the guys from the Flight Research Institute are too slow. A simple I can’t even solve the sound insulation problem. In fact, I think even a little noise can be tolerated as long as it saves time. Time is money, my friend. It’s a pity that the people in the Flight Research Institute don’t understand this.” Christian babbled on and on. , The amount of information in this passage is relatively large, and Professor Heslin needs time to digest it.

This Christian is that Christian. Last year Christian changed his surname to "Locke".

"What is civil aviation?" Professor Hesling was finally aroused.

"Civil aviation is to modify the current bomber, and replace the original position of the bomb with a seat, so that it can be used for inter-city transportation. It is such a simple thing, but it has not been completed until now. If it is in China In the enterprise, I will throw all those guys into the mine to mine." Christian did not know where to find a cigar and handed it to Professor Heslin.

Professor Hesling politely declined.

Christian put the cigar in his mouth, and looked at the waiter who was standing beside him with stern eyes.

The big-bodied waiter immediately took out a lighter and lit it for Christian respectfully.

This made Professor Hesling a little surprised. After boarding the ship, this was the first time that Professor Hesling saw the waiter so respectful to anyone other than Professor Hesling's family.

It's almost respectful to the point of dog legs.

"Mr. Christian, this is Professor Hesling from Munich, a friend of Principal Kossel—" the waiter reminded him softly, his voice was extremely disproportionate to his figure.

"It doesn't matter. Principal Kessel is also my friend. I will take good care of Professor Heslin." Christian waved his hand indifferently. The waiter wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to speak, and silently retreated ten meters away.

"Do you know Kessel?" Professor Heslin was surprised. He didn't think that Abramovich would become friends with this rude upstart in front of him.

"Of course I do. I built Professor Kossel's laboratory. Oh——I have some business in southern Africa, doing some construction, trade, and human resources work." Christian is modest, and the scale of Christian's business It's not as simple as "some".

"The development of science and technology should follow objective laws, and cannot be achieved overnight." Professor Heslin did not talk about business, and was quite critical of what Christian said just now.

"That's true, but we didn't require bombers to have no noise during flight, nor did we require bombers to fly as fast as fighter jets. It was just a simple modification, and we didn't start research from the most basic level. Is it very difficult?" Christian has his logic, and the economic development of southern Africa cannot be measured by common sense.

In fact, civil aviation is not Zenith Star technology. In 1919 in another time and space, the world's first air route was opened between Paris and London.

With the flight technology accumulated in southern Africa, civil aviation in this time and space can only be more advanced and safer than civil aviation in another time and space.

"Sorry, I don't understand this field—" Professor Heslin is not the kind of talker who speaks casually in unfamiliar fields. Professor Heslin has always been very cautious about fields he doesn't understand. Slapped in the face.

"How is Cosell's health recently?" Professor Heslin seemed to care about Cosell inadvertently.

"I don't know much about this. I haven't been back to Nyasaland for a long time, and I don't know what Nyasaland will be like now. You may not believe it. Every time I go back to Nyasaland, I It feels like I went to a strange area. Nyasaland is really changing with each passing day. Last year, the Rhodes Tower built by Mr. Rhodes was the highest in southern Africa. This year, he didn’t even enter the top three, but Rhodes Mister is planning to build a new Rhodes Building in Los Angeles, and it must be compared to the headquarters of Rand Bank." Christian inadvertently changed the subject, thinking of the business scope Christian introduced just now, Professor Heslin can understand Christian Why so happy.

Needless to say, most of the business of building a new building will be undertaken by Christian's construction company, otherwise Christian would not be so happy.

"How tall is the Rhodes Building?" Professor Heslin was easily taken away by Christian. Skyscrapers represent the height of a country's economic development and are a concrete manifestation of national strength.

"The previous one was 260 meters, and the planned building is 310 meters, the tallest building in the world." Christian is proud, and this is also the pride of all southern Africans.

I don’t know when it started, building skyscrapers became a special hobby of those big companies in southern Africa. The headquarters of Nyasaland Agricultural Company in Port Edward is 245 meters high, and the headquarters building of Rand Bank in Los Angeles is 230 meters high. The headquarters building of Johannesburg Pharmaceutical Company in Lagerstroemia City is 220 meters high, and the headquarters building of Fawalt Steel Company in Pretoria is 215 meters high.

This does not include the headquarters of Nyasaland Military Industry Group, Nyasaland Aviation Group, and the headquarters of Adan Company in Port Elizabeth.

"Construction of skyscrapers should be done step by step, from 260 meters to 310 meters, hehe—" Professor Heslin doesn't think this leap can be realized. It must be known that the difficulty will increase geometrically with each increase of one meter.

"Should we make a bet?" Christian is confident that leapfrog development is impossible in Europe, but in southern Africa——

It's just commonplace, okay?

ps: Shall we also make a bet that I can write more than 12000 words a day for a few days——

(End of this chapter)

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