Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1104 The side of the couch can't allow others to snore

Chapter 1104 The side of the couch can't allow others to snore

Building a house is really difficult if you build it up layer by layer, but if you are lucky, you can still build a tower on the roof or something. Anyway, the purpose is to compete for the title of "the tallest building" , and it is not really necessary to live in people.

Although Professor Hesling doesn't know how those profiteers in southern Africa will operate, but Professor Hesling is cautious as a professor, so Professor Hesling ignored Christian, and took little Gretel back to the room to see Mrs. Hesling's mother. Mahjong.

The fierce battle in the room was in full swing, the mothers were engrossed, and the breakfast brought by the waiter on the table did not move. Professor Heslin's eyes were full of anger, his beard twitched a few times, but he finally endured it.

Bear with it, bear with it for a while, and take a step back, the sea and the sky are bright, the so-called gentle, virtuous wife, virtuous son and filial piety are just floating clouds, the only role of the old man is to take care of the grandson——

No, not even a grandson, only a granddaughter.

Professor Hesling looked at the excited little Gretel and was very worried. Girls should not learn these bad things. Look at Hugo and Otto, their faces are covered with notes. Most of the paper on Hugo's face The post actually had Emma's name on it, obviously it was posted for Emma——

It's quite sad to hurt my wife so much.

Erwin doesn't play mahjong, but sits on the sofa and flips through the southern African edition of The Times.

"The Times" now has not only English and French versions, but also Spanish and German. In southern Africa, "The Times" is a Chinese version and an English version respectively. " added a Boer language version, but was rejected by the editorial board of The Times in Southern Africa.

No way, the Boers in southern Africa are not very willing to read newspapers. The sales volume of The Times in Orange State is the lowest among the 11 states in Southern Africa, with less than [-] copies per day. The Times The editorial department once considered abolishing the "Times" bureau in Bloemfontein, but Rock stopped it.

The Times was more than just a newspaper to Rock.

So no matter how low the sales volume of The Times in Orange was, Rock would rather lose money and continue doing it.

"If I don't read the newspapers, I don't know that the GDP of southern Africa has surpassed that of Germany and the United Kingdom, and it is only a thin line away from the United States. Who are these people? A desert." Erwin couldn't believe it, and put the newspaper in his hand on the coffee table at hand.

"Aren't there fewer miracles in this world? It hasn't been many years since the rise of the Americans. Southern Africa is backed by the huge market of the British Empire and has almost unlimited human resources. As long as the leaders of southern Africa don't make big mistakes, then the southern African The rise of Africa is almost inevitable. Southern Africa now has all the conditions for a superpower. It needs resources, people, and markets—”Professor Heslin knows more about southern Africa, after all, this Erwin had been in a POW camp for several years and knew a lot about southern Africans, but not enough about southern Africa.

Professor Hesling is right. In terms of advantages, the United States is not as good as southern Africa.

After all, southern Africa has a huge market in the Commonwealth, which the United States does not have. The "free trade" and "open door" that the United States has always advocated, the ultimate goal is to open the Commonwealth market.

The wolf ambitions of the Americans are well known, and Winston and Louis Botha are not fools. The "Commonwealth" that Rock mentioned to Winston before is nominally to maintain the British Empire's overseas colonies and dominions. The suzerain status is essentially to protect the market within the Commonwealth of Nations.

This can explain why Britain attaches great importance to India. India's population can not only provide the British Empire with almost unlimited human resources, but also a nearly unlimited huge market.

After the end of the World War, southern Africa began to export a large amount of various materials including food to India. Potatoes, which are used as feed in southern Africa, can be sold at a good price in India, not to mention the industrial products produced in southern Africa. Indian maharajas are big fans of southern African products.

"We also have Tanganyika and Southwest Africa in Africa. Why can't we do the same thing as in Southern Africa?" Erwin still had this old question, which may be a question that all Germans are struggling with.

If Tanganyika and Southwest Africa can be like Southern Africa, then—

Really fragrant!

"This problem cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Generally speaking, it is an all-round gap. Although Tanganyika and Southwest Africa also have mine resources, they are not developed enough and have no mature industrial system. What's more , even if the mineral resources of Tanganyika are fully developed, in the case of the British blockade of the coastline, the materials of Tanganyika still cannot be fed back to the mainland, so this is a deadlock, the kind that has no solution." Professor Heslin knows the problem , but there is no way to solve it.

In a word, in the final analysis, it is not how big the gap between Tanganyika and southern Africa is, but the gap between the overall strength of Germany and the Allied Powers is too large.

On the surface, Germany also had the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire as allies during the World War. In fact, the roles played by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire were extremely limited. The Austro-Hungarian Empire even needed the help of Germany to withstand the Russians. Crazy attack.

As for the Ottoman Empire, it hardly had any positive effect on Germany. On the contrary, Roque's outstanding performance as the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force finally led to Roque as the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force. Since then, Germany has been at a disadvantage on the Western Front. cause irreparable defeat.

"Otto is going to immigrate to southern Africa, and he doesn't plan to go back to Germany—" Erwin looked at Otto, who was playing mahjong happily, with reluctance in relief.

"It's good to leave the place that made him sad in Germany, and maybe he will be happier if he leaves the previous environment." Professor Hesling can understand Otto's choice. The country will be ruined in just a few years, and ordinary people cannot bear this kind of blow. Before boarding the ship, Otto entrusted friends in Munich to deal with the house left by the Melk couple, and gave all the books collected by Mr. Melk to Professor Hesling, these old friends.

Erwin stopped talking, and looked at Otto with envy.

Professor Hesling hesitated to speak, and said some words of encouragement to Erwin, but he couldn't say anything.

When Professor Hesling was having a heart-to-heart talk with Erwin, Roque was attending the ministerial meeting of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"——Southwest Africa and Tanganyika will definitely be handed over to us in the form of mandated rule. This has been confirmed by Paris in written form. The development of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika is also accelerating. Since we occupied After Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, about 150 million people immigrated to these two regions, of which about 80.00% of the high-quality farms in Tanganyika have been sold, and the transformation of the desert area of ​​Southwest Africa is also in progress. Now a The main problem is Honor Hold. In the past, in order to cause trouble for the Germans, we gave support to the Honor Hold troops to a certain extent. Now that the world war is over and Tanganyika has become our territory, the problem of Honor Hold has become more and more obvious. We now have Two plans, one plan is to move the Fort Honor troops to the Kingdom of Congo or the Congo Free State, and the other plan is to wipe out all the Fort Honor troops to eliminate future troubles.” Rock is cruel, in order to permanently annex Tanganyika, Rock will not Care about leaving personal stains.

When it comes to personal stains, if you really count them carefully, none of the leaders of European countries have a clean buttocks, especially the two old colonial countries, Britain and France.

At the beginning, Nyasaland supported Honor Fort just to cause trouble for the Germans. Now this foundation has disappeared, and the Honor Fort troops have also completed his historical mission. During the World War, the Honor Fort troops sent about 12 people to Europe. More than 8 of them were killed, and the rest remained in Europe.

Therefore, it is easy to eliminate the Honor Hold troops, especially when the [-]st Cavalry Division and Rhodesian Northern Division have returned to southern Africa.

The First Cavalry Division is now stationed in Tanganyika, and the Rhodesian Northern Division is stationed in Nyasaland, one south and one north, just forming a corner against Honor Fort.

"If it is wiped out, will it cause problems for the Fort Honor troops in Europe?" Ade worried whether the Fort Honor troops in Europe would rebel after knowing that their home base had been copied.

"Maybe, maybe not—" Rock said vaguely, even if the Honor Hold troops rebelled, they would have no chance to return to Southern Africa, and would not have any impact on Southern Africa.

"That won't work. We need to deal with this issue more safely, and we can't affect the stability of Tanganyika because of the Honor Hold issue." Ade was also worried that if the Honor Fort troops were wiped out, it would cause instability in Tanganyika.

"Actually, we still have another way to deal with it—" Henry actively suggested that in the past few years when Roque was not in southern Africa, Henry has also become more mature, and his voice in the federal government has been rising: "—why don't we put the glory The Fort troops are rushing to West Africa to see if they can cause some trouble for the Portuguese, Locke, how do you say that - sleep on a couch -"

"How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch—" Rock said it in Chinese first, and then explained it in English.

The ministers attending the meeting immediately whispered to each other, and the meeting room was as chaotic as a vegetable market.

Ade stared helplessly at Rock, who stared back without fear.

It's not my idea, why stare at me? ! ! !

Henry shut his mouth after he came up with his idea, and leaned back in his chair contentedly. Anyway, no matter how he dealt with the Honor Hold troops, it had nothing to do with Henry.

ps: 600 votes - Jiageng is estimated to be at midnight, I think this rhythm is very good now, four changes a day, the time distribution is very even - of course, I have no way of guaranteeing how long it will last, I can only code desperately To return the support of brothers——

(End of this chapter)

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