Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1108 The Runaway Worker

Chapter 1108 The Runaway Worker

Workers imported from India still strictly follow the regulations of southern Africa, and the labor agreement signed with southern Africa will never exceed four years.

This also means that these workers will return to India after working in southern Africa for four years, so as to achieve the purpose of using Indian labor, but not accepting Indians to join southern Africa.

According to the official statistics of the federal government, during the World War, at least 200 million Indians came to southern Africa to work in factories and farms in southern Africa. They effectively filled the labor vacancies caused by the large number of southern Africans participating in the World War .

After Southern Africa annexed Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the labor shortage in Southern Africa became more serious. Qin Ling could only leave relevant information first, and it would take at least a month before new workers arrived in Tanganyika.

At that time, Qin Ling and Sophia should have gone to Los Angeles.

It's not a big problem for a month at night. Qin Ling's salary is enough to support the whole family. The two old people on the farm really can't spend much.

"In two years, we will bring my father and mother to Los Angeles. My father and mother are getting older, and life and medical care in Los Angeles are more convenient. The farm is contracted to an agricultural company, and it can earn less than a year. It’s less money.” In fact, Qin Ling now seems to let the old couple go to Los Angeles, but Garcia disagrees.

Garcia really loves this kind of leisurely life of fishing and hunting. In Garcia's opinion, there is nothing good about city life. At least fishing is not as convenient as here.

And the harvest is definitely not as good as here. Garcia doesn't want to leave because Lake Victoria is rich in tilapia. This kind of fish is tender and delicious, and there are few fish bones. good.

Of course, tilapia is not only found in Lake Victoria, but also in the whole of Africa. With the development of Lake Victoria by South African companies, it will not be difficult to eat tilapia from Lake Victoria in Los Angeles in the near future.

"It won't take two years. Now that Dad doesn't want to go to Los Angeles, we are all together. When we go to Los Angeles, Mom will probably go there soon. When Dad wants to stay here, let him look after the house alone." Sophia said Really ruthless, these children are the lifeblood of the old couple now, taking the children away is not afraid that the old couple will not go to Los Angeles with them.

After returning home, Sophia and Qin Ling were complained by the old couple again for their extravagant spending, but they were very happy again when they were trying on the clothes. Sophia didn't tell the old couple the real price of the shoes, otherwise it was estimated that the old couple There will be more complaints.

Of course, the tilapia that Garcia just caught is indispensable for dinner. Cooking the fish is actually very simple. After cleaning it, pour the seasoning on it and steam it in the pan. The deliciousness of the fish itself is enough to satisfy the taste buds. Steam one and then stew another. If this is lunch, Qin Ling can eat three bowls in one meal.

Of course, they should eat less for dinner, and Qin Ling and Garcia would have a drink to cheer them up, and the topic of course couldn't be separated from their life after arriving in Los Angeles.

"The newly bought house is next to Lake Niassa. You can see the invincible lake view when you open the window. After Sofia and Katie arrive in Los Angeles, I will buy another car. It will be very convenient to go anywhere. Actually You and your mother will not be lonely when you go to Los Angeles. You can also fish in Lake Niassa, and whitebait is more delicious than tilapia. What's more, after we are all gone, there are only you two here. Don't worry." Qin Ling is actively doing Garcia's ideological work. Everyone yearns for a big city. Los Angeles has already developed a trend of becoming a super city. It is still very convenient to go to Los Angeles now, but it will become more and more difficult in the future.

"You guys go, the two of us will stay on the farm and take care of the house. How much money can we make if we contract the farm to an agricultural company? We have more than 300 acres of rubber trees, and it costs more than one hundred pounds a year to tap rubber casually." Garcia is not willing to part with the farm. profits, but if there is a profit, the rubber must be cut out. Now there are no workers, so I can only look at the rubber trees with greed.

The "mu" here is acres, and 300 acres is converted to 1800 acres, so the profit is really huge.

The key point is that these farms are permanent property rights. As long as Qinling does not sell the farms, the farms will always belong to Qinling. This is wealth that can be passed down forever.

"That's right, now that life is getting better, you spend a lot of money, pick and choose when you eat, and go to the store in the town to buy clothes. The dress I made for you, you are also very happy when you wear it." Sophia His mother chimed in, and the last words were addressed to Sofia.

"Mom, I didn't have a choice back then, so I could only wear what I had—" Sophia knew now that she was talking back, and marrying a capable husband was not the same.

No, it should be said that it is different because of the stomach.

"Do you mean that the clothes I make don't look good?" The old lady expressed her anger.

"It's beautiful, but the clothes sold in the store are better, right Tony?" Sophia knew to find reinforcements. Sophia just bought a new set of clothes for Tony today, small leather shoes with round toes, a pure cotton Henry shirt, and corduroy suspenders. Trousers and a small baseball cap, Tony was so happy that he didn't want to wear a baseball cap.

"Aunt Sophia is right—" Tony stood firm, and it really was a cannibalism.

"You little traitor, it's thanks to me that I fed you up." The old lady said indiscriminately. The original words were not in this way, but the meaning was probably the same.


Except for the old lady, everyone at the dinner table disliked it. This sentence is a bit strong.

After dinner, Qin Ling and Garcia took their flashlights and went hunting. In Garcia's words, they tried to see if the gun Qin Ling had just bought worked.

In fact, Garcia mostly enjoyed the time with Qin Ling to the fullest. Qin Ling did not refuse Garcia's proposal. He did not forget to bring a pistol along with the shotgun, and he also brought six strong hounds with him when he went out.

The hounds were probably a little too excited about this kind of nighttime activity, and the prey was scared away by the barking of the hounds. Qin Ling and Garcia wandered outside for more than an hour without encountering a single prey.

"It was a mistake to bring the hound out. We should be the only ones out. At least we won't get nothing like this." Garcia was a little depressed, and he didn't think that the possibility of the flashlight scaring the prey away was even greater.

"Just go out for a walk after dinner. It doesn't matter if you have prey or not. The key is safety first." Qin Ling is not depressed. It doesn't matter whether he can get prey or not. Anyway, he doesn't rely on this for food. Although there are many farms around Lake Victoria, But it is still sparsely populated. There are crocodiles in Lake Victoria, and they are the most dangerous Nile crocodiles. Be careful when you come out at night.

"Hahahaha, you are a sniper who has killed hundreds of people, are you so timid?" Garcia laughed at Qin Ling's cautiousness. He didn't know that it was because of this cautiousness that Qin Ling could become a sniper of this level. .

There must be tens of thousands of accurate shooters in the Southern African Expeditionary Army. Among so many people, there are very few snipers at the level of Qinling. to postwar.

"Prudence and timidity are two different things. I have lived to the end of the war. If I came out at night and was killed by a wildebeest, it would be a real injustice." Qin Ling was not angry, it was normal for the old man to bully his son-in-law, and he turned to Sophia for revenge.

"Let's go, let's go back—" Garcia probably didn't know how much happiness his bad behavior would bring to his daughter. If he couldn't catch the prey, he would just go home and sleep, or it would be more efficient to fish, as long as he shot, there would be something to gain.

On the way home, I passed a forest, and suddenly several hounds barked wildly at the forest.

Before Garcia could react, Qin Ling directly loaded the bullet.

Qin Ling was carrying a shotgun, and it was useless to carry a rifle at night, as it was too far away to see clearly.

"There is prey!" Garcia also became excited, holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand and preparing to search in the woods.

"Don't go in—" Qin Ling called Garcia to stop him in time, he wouldn't come in anytime, Mr. Lin.

"Look at the dog barking so fiercely, there must be prey in the woods." Garcia thought Qin Ling didn't notice the abnormality of the dog.

"I know, but the dog is just barking, so we can't go in." Qin Ling is indeed cautious. If there are large wild animals in the woods, then Qin Ling can't guarantee Garcia's safety.

In the wilderness, it was better. Qin Ling's reaction speed was fast. As long as there were wild animals, Qin Ling could shoot in advance. With the help of hounds, there was no problem in terms of safety.

It was different in the woods. In case of a sudden attack by wild animals, Qin Ling couldn't guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed, let alone Garcia, who was already in his 60s.

Garcia was a little depressed, but still respected Qin Ling's opinion.

Just when Qin Ling was about to go back with Garcia, Qin Ling's flashlight inadvertently swept over several people.

They were indeed people, and they were local Africans. When Qin Ling's flashlight swept over them, these Africans were kneeling by the woods. If it wasn't for Qin Ling's vision of 8.0, Qin Ling wouldn't have noticed it.

"Who are you?" Qin Ling didn't approach, but shouted with a flashlight from a distance.

Several Africans didn't speak, but knelt on the ground and raised their hands in panic.

"I remembered. When the patrol team came to patrol in the afternoon, they said that some workers in the mine had escaped. These Africans should be the escaped workers—" Garcia pointed his gun at several Africans when he spoke. people.

"Get up, follow me—" Qin Ling didn't talk nonsense, he kicked up several Africans and lined them up, took them back to the farm and detained them, and handed them over to the patrol tomorrow.

"We happen to be short of a few workers on the farm." Garcia thought a little too much, and didn't think that these people could escape in the mine, and it wouldn't be easier to escape on the farm.

"No, you can't have this kind of workers, they have to be handed over to the patrol team." Qin Ling was sober, and strangers with unknown origins should not be taken home casually.

(End of this chapter)

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