Chapter 1109 Xintiandi

During the World War, the number of Africans in southern Africa was rapidly decreasing. On the one hand, a large number of Africans joined the army. More reasons were related to the change of the colonial policy of the Southern African Federal Government.

In the past, when European countries colonized Africa, due to the lack of human resources in Europe, they mainly relied on Africans to create wealth. Africans were squeezed by whites so that the colonial government could maintain its rule.

This is very unfair to Africans.

The natural environment in Africa is really good. The local Africans don’t need to work hard to live comfortably. This leads to the Africans’ natural nature and no sense of crisis. To put it harshly, they are lazy, casual, and lazy.

The white people regard themselves as the saviors of Africa, bringing advanced culture and modern industrial civilization with them.

The problem is that Africans don’t need your advanced culture and modern industrial civilization. This is imposed by white people on Africans. Now Africans have no ability to resist and can only submit helplessly. Wait for the awakening of African national consciousness to see how white people can justify themselves .

Southern Africa is more enlightened in this regard, with a large number of Chinese laborers supplemented, southern Africa is less and less dependent on Africans. In the past, farms in southern Africa were thousands of acres at every turn, and farmers had to hire a large number of Africans to work. Renovate and upgrade the farm.

Now more farms are "small" farms of one or two hundred acres. Coupled with the extensive use of agricultural machinery, farms' demand for African labor is declining. Only labor-intensive mines need cheap African workers. Still thriving.

After the end of the World War, southern Africa gradually released restrictions on the migration of Africans. If there are Africans who are willing to go to several African countries around southern Africa, southern Africa will not only not impose restrictions, but will also give Africans a certain amount of freedom when they give the green light. Amount of cash compensation, of course, the reason is definitely not compensation, but to buy the properties of those Africans in southern Africa, cutting off their hope of returning to southern Africa in the future.

In this context, there are a lot of workers who escaped from the mine.

In the past, Africans wanted to leave, but the colonial government refused.

Now that the colonial government has finally let go of the restrictions, there are really not many Africans who are willing to stay in southern Africa to be enslaved. More and more Africans voluntarily move to the Kingdom of Mozambique, the Republic of Congo, and the Kingdom of Congo.

These countries are all countries founded by Africans. For every African family who voluntarily leaves Southern Africa, the Federal Government of Southern Africa will give each person about two rands of compensation. Some African families have more than 20 people, and they can easily It is a huge sum of money for Africans in southern Africa to get about [-] rand in compensation.

Statistics from the federal government last year showed that the annual income of each adult African was about ten rands. This income was not bad compared to Africans before the establishment of the federal government, but it was not much on average, and Africans had not The habit of saving, the salary can be spent within three days after being paid, many factories have to change the monthly salary to weekly salary in order to limit the consumption behavior of African workers, so that at least the life of Africans will be more stable.

After the federal government implemented a new policy, the number of Africans in southern Africa is rapidly decreasing. It is said that in Basutoland, one of the two major African gathering places in southern Africa, there are now less than 20 Africans left. 20 are still rapidly decreasing. It is estimated that by the end of the year, the federal government will get a completely deserted Basutoland.

When Qin Ling handed over several escaped workers to the patrol team, Mumu came to Yaya's home in Ulysses to complain to Yaya.

"When the federal government launched an attack on Tanganyika, our Honor Hold went all out to cooperate with the southern African army - during the World War, our Honor Hold sent at least [-] troops to Europe to fight, all for the purpose of After the World War, our Honor Hold can get its due status, at least it will not be treated as cannon fodder that can be consumed at will-now the World War is finally over, not only have we not been recognized by the federal government, but we will be forced to leave Tangle Nika, why on earth is this, has the lord forgotten his promise to us?" Mumu really can't accept the current situation, Honor Hold did make contributions during the World War, these are all facts.

Just a few days ago, Mumu finally knew the result of the federal government’s discussion on Fort Honor. There was no applause or flowers, nor land and wealth. Africa's management, otherwise the Honor Hold troops will have to fend for themselves.

The federal government has given several options for Mu Mu to choose from. Whether it is to move to the Congo Free State or the Kingdom of Congo, the federal government is willing to coordinate. The Congo Free State and the Kingdom of Congo are also willing to welcome their African brothers.

Mumu doesn’t want to go anywhere. There is only one river between Honor Hold and Nyasaland. If Southern Africa is under the jurisdiction, then the Africans in the area controlled by Fort Honor can also enjoy the same development speed as Southern Africa.

Now it seems that everything is in vain, the promise of the white people is still unreliable, and Rock is unable to change the overall situation. No matter whether the ruler of Tanganyika is German or British, Honor Hold is the abandoned party.

"Mumu, think about it. Some things are beyond our control. The lord is also British. Don't expect him to help us fight for our interests wholeheartedly." Yaya is not stupid. He has lived in Ulysses for a long time now. , daily behavior and language are no different from those of Ulysses.

But Yaya is still not a southern African. Southern Africa is so stubborn on this point that people are surprised. Even Africans like Yaya who have huge wealth and a certain social status cannot obtain an official identity in southern Africa, so Yaya Ya is always Ulysses' guest, not Ulysses' host.

The current Ulysses is the processing center of aquatic products along the coast of the North Sea. The South African company has built two food processing plants in Ulysses, which not only process the aquatic products of the North Sea, but also process the agricultural products around the North Sea. There are also African-American workers working in food processing factories, but those African-American workers are usually only responsible for some manual work with little technical content, and white or Chinese are responsible for technical work and management work.

"Then what should we do? Just endure the oppression and slavery of the southern Africans like this?" Mumu's face was expressionless, and anger could be seen in his eyes.

"When the Belgians left the Congo Free State, I thought that Southern Africa would easily annex the Congo Free State. Unexpectedly, Southern Africa established two local-dominated countries in the Congo Free State, and the white people of the Congo Free State established the Republic of Congo. We established the Kingdom of Congo, this is the hope that the Lord prepared for us, go to the Kingdom of Congo, if you have the strength, overthrow the king of the Kingdom of Congo, and you come to be the king of the Kingdom of Congo, isn’t this better than staying in southern Africa Is it a good choice?" Yaya understands the situation in southern Africa, the low status of Africans in southern Africa is not caused by Rock, and the life of Africans in southern Africa will become more and more difficult in the future. Now that there are better choices, Yaya Asia supports Mumu to jump out of southern Africa and look for more room for development.

"To overthrow the king of the Kingdom of Congo—" Viciousness and greed flashed across Mumu's eyes. It sounds like this is indeed a good choice.

Mostly Mumu didn't know this sentence, but the meaning was similar, Mumu had been in a high position in Fort of Glory for a long time, and there were still people who lived there.

"Yes, to overthrow the king of the Kingdom of Congo. Although the Kingdom of Congo has a large number of troops, their equipment is outdated and morale is low. Honor Hold has at least [-] troops, and now they are well-equipped and their morale is high. To overthrow the Kingdom of Congo, or the Republic of Congo It's easy—and the point is, the lord will definitely support you in doing this, even if you overthrow the Republic of Congo, the lord will support it, as long as you continue to be loyal to the lord." Yaya really understands Rock, if Mumu continues to be loyal to Rock , Narok will really support Mumu.

Just like supporting Honor Hold against the Germans.

"Continue to be loyal to the lord, will he be abandoned by the lord again?" Mumu is not worried about whether he can overthrow the Kingdom of Congo or the Republic of Congo and survive around Nyasaland. The first thing to consider must be with Nyasaland Relationship.

"No, think about it, if the Kingdom of Congo or the Republic of Congo under your rule becomes the labor base of Nyasaland, open the mines or farms in the territory to attract investment from wealthy people in southern Africa, and provide various raw materials for southern Africa , Then why did the lord abandon you? The lord will even continue to provide you with weapons, help you stabilize the country, and even support your expansion.” Yaya’s positioning is low, and these days, don’t try to completely break away from the control of the imperialist country. Impossible, Rock can support Mumu to overthrow the Kingdom of Congo, and of course he can also support other people to overthrow Mumu, which Yaya has understood a long time ago.

Otherwise, why is the territory of Nyasaland constantly expanding? When Rock first got Nyasaland, Nyasaland was only 20 square kilometers. Now Nyasaland, and Rock just got Nyasaland Compared with Lan, it has almost tripled. The Katanga mining area of ​​the Kingdom of Congo is now under the control of the Nyasaland government, but it still belongs to the Republic of Congo in name.

(End of this chapter)

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