Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1114 Never Compromise

Chapter 1114 Never Compromise

Don't underestimate the influence of the environment on people. If Wolfe lived in an African tribe, if he saw a girl he liked, he might be knocked out with a stick and fight back. don't do it.

Leaving aside the other places in Nyasaland, Los Angeles, Xuanji City, Port Edward, Xuanwu City, and Ulysses, the big cities in Nyasaland, are qualified to stay elites. In the environment, you are not qualified to slack off, and if you slack off a little, you will be abandoned by the whole city.

Otto still doesn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, Professor Hesling is an old man.

"Yes, Otto, don't rush to make a decision. Every decision you make now will affect your entire future life. If your father and your mother are still alive, they must not want to see you being so hasty .” Professor Hesling mentioned the Melkers, and Otto finally fell silent.

Then keep going, the train enters Bechuanaland, which is obviously more prosperous than Dias, and the degree of development is obviously higher than Dias. In Dias, sometimes the train runs for several hours without seeing human beings. Traces of civilization, the number of farms on both sides of the railway in Bechuanaland has increased significantly, and sometimes tractors can be seen working in the fields, and there are even young people riding motorcycles, chasing trains with their beloved girls at high speeds, bear children usually They will soon be scolded by the conductor, and there are quite a few accidents caused by this kind of behavior every year.

After entering Bechuanaland, the number of train stops has become more and more frequent. In the whole of Dias, there are only two railway stations, Walvis Bay and Windhoek, and there is a railway station dozens of kilometers away in Bechuanaland.

Every time you stop at the station, the platform is always very lively, small vendors selling snacks and special products, passengers who take the time to rest temporarily on the platform, middle-aged people with big bags and small bags in a hurry, reluctant relatives, couples reunited after a long absence , and of course the military police that can be seen everywhere.

"This city is called Anxi. The name comes from a military town 1000 years ago. Ten years ago, it was still a desert. Later, Chinese people began to migrate here. Now it has formed a city of about 2 people, many of whom are soldiers. Family, this used to be the garrison of the First Cavalry Division." Li Tai keenly noticed that Erwin and Otto looked a little embarrassed when talking about the "First Cavalry Division".

"We were captured by the First Cavalry Division—" Erwin grinned, expressing his inner fear with an exaggerated expression.

"You're wrong, it's the Second Cavalry Division." Otto corrected, the First Cavalry Division did not appear on the Western Front, and had been fighting in the Balkan Peninsula.

"Anxi—" Professor Heslin didn't pay attention to the dispute between Erwin and Otto, and subconsciously repeated the strangely pronounced name.

Li Tai didn't have time to explain. At this time, the police boarded the car for inspection. Even though Li Tai showed the letter of introduction from Nyasaland University, the police still registered the names of Professor Heslin's family. When they came to southern Africa, they came to the south. Africa's purpose, and destination.

Professor Hesling's family was very cooperative. Hu Ge noticed that when Professor Hesling introduced himself as a professor at the University of Munich, the police officer in charge of the registration subconsciously stood at attention.

"This police officer is probably German—" Hugo and Erwin whispered.

"It's German——" the police officer had good hearing, and he also said hello in German while correcting.

"Where are you from?" Professor Hesling was curious.

"Bavaria——" the police officer didn't want to explain much, and quickly finished registration and left, wishing Professor Hesling and his party a pleasant journey.

After the police officer got out of the car, Li Tai was worried: "Damn the American flu, I don't know how many people will die this time."

American flu!

Professor Hesling's hands and feet were suddenly cold. At the beginning of the year, the American flu ravaged Europe, causing millions of deaths. All trembling.

"Don't worry about Professor Heslin. In our southern Africa, the impact of the American flu is not serious. At the beginning of the year, when the American flu hit, less than 1 people died in our southern Africa. This time, the American flu has just begun. You can see that the police here have started to take action." Li Tai can only be thankful that Professor Heslin came earlier, and it is estimated that immigrants who arrive at Walvis Bay will have to be quarantined for 14 days before they can enter southern Africa.

Professor Hesling and the others don't need to be quarantined. The ship is already a semi-closed environment, and Professor Hesling's family lives in the first-class cabin on the top floor, which is similar to self-isolation.

Governments at all levels in Southern Africa are indeed very efficient. When the train arrived in Johannesburg, the staff on the platform in Johannesburg had already put on masks. Before Professor Hesling’s family got off the train, the waiter also brought masks to Professor Hesling’s family. , which is also standard in first class.

Professor Heslin and the others were going to transfer trains in Johannesburg, but this time it was a pity that Li Tai did not buy a first-class cabin, but only two sleeper boxes.

In fact, the environment of the sleeper box is not bad, it is also clean and tidy, and the service is considerate. In the box next to Professor Heslin is an official from Johannesburg to Nyasaland. After meeting him in the aisle and chatting for a few words, he found out that this is the case. An official named Huang Sheng works in Nyasaland, but his home is in Johannesburg.

This situation is also common in southern Africa. Johannesburg is the earliest gathering place of Chinese in southern Africa. The first stop of many Chinese coming to southern Africa is Johannesburg.

After Nyasaland became the fiefdom of Rock, the Chinese began to immigrate to Nyasaland on a large scale. The earliest officials in Nyasaland were all from Johannesburg, and the relationship between the two regions is still very close.

"Of course I know Principal Kessel. I work in Nyasaland State Capital. Nyasaland University is the business card of our Nyasaland State." Speaking of Nyasaland University, Huang Sheng was also full of pride. From the very beginning The development history of Nyasaland University is the epitome of the development history of Southern Africa.

"Is Professor Kessel still in good health?" Professor Heslin seemed careless.

"It has been very good. I just met President Kessel in Pretoria a few days ago. Minister Douglas is a bit too much. We can't reduce Niassa just because the situation of our Niasaland University is better. The Cape of Good Hope University does not even have the qualifications to raise shoes with the Nyasaland University—” The situation Huang Sheng said made Professor Heslin familiar. Whoever said that the ivory tower is a pure land outside the world also has intrigues that cannot be put on the table. .

In fact, the University of the Cape of Good Hope has a longer history than the University of Nyasaland, but because of the support of Rock, the University of Nyasaland has developed much faster than the University of the Cape of Good Hope.

When Douglas was the president of Nyasaland University, he definitely focused on Nyasaland University, and Nyasaland University was the main focus everywhere.

Now that Douglas is the Minister of Education and Health in Southern Africa, a bowl of water must be leveled. Not only Nyasaland University needs to allocate funds, but Rhodes University in Rhodesia, Cape of Good Hope University in Cape, and Transvaal The Johannesburg Medical School must support——

The Johannesburg Medical College was officially upgraded to the Johannesburg Medical University this year. Port Edward is also preparing to establish the Imperial College of Technology in Southern Africa. The Nyasaland Army Academy in Los Angeles is about to move to Ulysses. Douglas grants are needed everywhere.

"The University of the Cape of Good Hope is the university with the oldest history in southern Africa, right?" Professor Heslin's expression turned ugly, and the clues along the way were finally confirmed.

"Indeed, it has the longest history, but the current situation is worrying. The only few departments are still dominated by seminaries. What can we do by training a bunch of priests? What we need are not priests, but engineers, teachers, doctors, accountants, even if Even cultivating lawyers is more useful than priests." Huang Sheng is a firm pragmatist, if his words are heard by devout believers, a dispute will inevitably arise.

Professor Hesling believes in Protestantism, but there are differences between German Protestantism and British Protestantism. There are also several different schools within Protestantism. Germany is Lutheranism, and Britain is Anglicanism.

"Many universities were initially invested and built by the church, so there are seminaries—" Professor Heslin explained the secret, and it really didn't make sense to not get up early.

Back in the box, Mrs. Hesling was coaxing little Gretel to sleep. Seeing Professor Hesling's displeasure, Mrs. Hesling asked casually.

"Kesel has always been in good health, and someone saw him a few days ago." Although he was tricked by Abramovich to come to southern Africa, Professor Heslin was surprised to find that he was not very angry.

"So what? It's normal to work when you're sick. No one said that you have to go to the hospital when you're sick." Mrs. Hessling took the rhythm. Against the backdrop of a comeback, Germany's outlook --

Can't even think about it.

"You know what I'm talking about." Professor Hesling said helplessly.

"I know, that's why I told you not to mind that, to tell you the truth, I've had enough of my life in Munich! I don't want to see little Gretel crying every night because of hunger, and I don't want to see Hugo dragging his feet every day." I don’t want to see Emma make the same mistakes as Gretel, and I want to see Erwin get married and have children. I don’t want the two of us to be silent like Mr. and Mrs. Melk. Die—" Mrs. Hesling was extremely strong at this time, she could tolerate Professor Hesling hiding in the attic to work, and she could take care of the whole family without complaint or regret. On this point, Mrs. Hesling would never compromise.

ps: The melon you want is here—this melon is actually not delicious at all. The eldest brother is a policeman, and the eldest sister is a doctor. The eldest sister was on the night shift the night before, and the eldest brother went to the police temporarily. As a result, the eldest sister came back in the middle of the night, and the child fell asleep on the floor crying ——then the two of them started digging through the old accounts, life was not easy, especially for these two professions, I stopped eating melons, I wish them peace and happiness in the future——

(End of this chapter)

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