Chapter 1115 Repatriation

The resurgence of the U.S. influenza pandemic has made southern Africa feel like an enemy from top to bottom.

There are no borders in front of the virus, especially in southern Africa, a country where a large number of immigrants are pouring in every day. The danger of a major influenza outbreak is extremely high. If the defense work is not in place, then the whole of southern Africa will fall overnight.

Walvis Bay and Port Edward, the two immigrant import areas, took the first action. The quarantine area built due to the pandemic was reopened at the beginning of the year. New immigrants arriving in southern Africa must first undergo isolation and observation to ensure that they are not infected before entering southern Africa.

Except for necessary going out, all public activities have been completely cancelled. Citizens must wear masks when going out, and report influenza infection in time. Farmers have set up eye-catching signs at the entrances of their farms and declined all social behaviors.

For some public places that must be opened, a stricter sanitation system is also implemented. The staff of government departments at all levels take the trouble to explain to everyone the role of maintaining personal hygiene. The clean and tidy city appearance has taken a new level. After the train that Professor Sling took arrived in Pretoria, the staff thoroughly disinfected the train compartment, which caused the train to stay in Pretoria for half an hour before continuing to depart. After that, there will be workers at each station The personnel came up to disinfect, and the frequency was so frequent that Professor Hesling felt that it was overkill.

"Is it overkill? This is responsible for your health. See if your proud Germany can do this. Why can't you face up to the gap and admit that the federal government of Southern Africa is doing better in public health?" Mrs. Hesling is not polite, and Professor Hesling really has nothing to say.

Frequent disinfection not only requires a large amount of material support, but what makes Professor Hesling feel palpitated is the efficiency of the federal government of Southern Africa.

You must know that Germany is already considered a relatively efficient country in Europe, but there is still a huge gap compared with the federal government of Southern Africa. When the train arrived in Anxi, the American flu had just broken out. It took only 30 hours to disinfect the car. In Germany, a decision may not be reached in three days. It will take at least a week for the relevant agencies to start taking action.

Considering the speed at which trains run, you can travel from Walvis Bay to Port Edward in a week.

The speed of the current trains is about 40 kilometers per hour, and the speed of the trains in southern Africa is no faster than [-] kilometers. Including the stop time at the passing stations, it takes about three and a half days from Walvis Bay to Los Angeles. Now add the stops It takes at least four days for the disinfection to arrive in Los Angeles.

"During the last flu outbreak in the United States, the federal government established an emergency command, and Lord Farwalt of the Ministry of Justice served as the head of the emergency command. Once the federal government enters a special period, the emergency command will take over public affairs." Li Tai said He was cautious when he was talking, since Professor Heslin knew about Abu's situation, he never gave Li Tai a good face.

If you are not angry, you are not angry, you must have the attitude you should have.

What surprised Professor Heslin was that in November, southern Africa is in midsummer, but the temperature is not high. Southern Africa is closest to the tropics in Victoria, with an average annual temperature of 11 to 25 degrees, and the hottest summer is only 28 degrees. , basically seldom go up to 30 degrees, which is totally different from Professor Hesling's impression of Africa.

The reason why the weather is cool is mainly because most of southern Africa is plateau terrain, and the average altitude of southern Africa is basically above 1000 meters, so summer is not hot, and there are many people wearing long sleeves and trousers now, even at night. It's still a little cold.

As for the big sun that makes Europeans miss, if you want to, you can sunbathe every day as long as it is not the rainy season in southern Africa. There is almost no market for sunbathing in southern Africa.

The train passed through Salisbury and continued northward. This is the essence of Nyasaland and Rhodesia. The sight on both sides of the railway is almost all fertile fields that have been reclaimed. The popularity of tractors made Professor Heslin secretly startled. , In Bechuanaland, you can occasionally see wasteland. Since entering the Transvaal, barren land has rarely appeared on both sides of the railway. Even the hillsides that are not suitable for reclamation are full of trees, and the number of fruit trees is astonishing. At the same time, there are a large number of fast-growing tree species.

The only inconvenience of sitting in a sleeper box is that three meals can no longer be delivered to the box, and you must go to the dining car to eat. The meals provided by the dining car are not expensive, which is similar to dining in a normal restaurant. Because the American flu hits again, the dining car limits the number of diners. Minimize the risk of flu infection as much as possible.

When Li Tai went to order food, Otto was discussing future plans with Erwin. If possible, Otto still wanted to buy a farm in Victoria instead of living in the city.

"Why go to Victoria? Isn't Nyasaland bad? It's better to buy it on the edge of the city, so that you can enjoy the convenience of the city and the tranquility of the farm. Maybe the farm will appreciate in the future when the city expands. It's a good business with huge profits." Erwin had a good plan, but the possibility was not great.

"You all know that farms on the edge of the city are good, and others must know that too, so don't even think about the suburbs of the city, or even near the railway. I guess the farms along the railway and near the river have been sold out. If it doesn't work, I will Find a barren hill to plant trees, as long as I don’t starve to death.” Otto’s requirements are low, and they, the new immigrants, can’t do anything good.

"Otto, cheer up, you are a graduate of the University of Munich." Erwin encouraged Otto to cheer up. Mr. Melk also works at the University of Munich, and his son is normal from the University of Munich.

"So what - both of us graduated from the seminary, so we can find a church to be a pastor?" Otto now knows why there are no seminaries in universities in southern Africa-

It’s not all there. The Cape of Good Hope University has a seminary, and there are many students. However, the employment opportunities for graduates of the seminary are a bit narrow, so there is a huge gap in popularity compared with engineering and business.

"It's not impossible to be a pastor, but the beliefs of southern Africans are not firm enough. I'm afraid they won't donate [-]% of their income to the church." Erwin has no objection to being a pastor. Anyway, pastors can also get married. What a difference.

Those who cannot marry are Catholic priests. Even the Pope cannot marry, and priests cannot marry naturally.

The requirements of Protestant countries are not so strict. Both George V and William II can get married, so it is normal for priests to be able to get married.

Regarding the beliefs of southern Africans, there are many jokes circulating in Europe. It is said that during the World War, soldiers from southern Africa went to the wrong church and were thrown out after being beaten.

These jokes are of course fabricated, but at the same time it also reflects that southern Africans are indeed not firm enough on the issue of faith.

Before Otto could speak, a stranger passing by the table suddenly asked, "German?"

Erwin nodded subconsciously and smiled at the same time.

The stranger looked contemptuous and swore a dirty word as he passed by.

"What did you say?" Erwin and Otto stood up immediately.

"I said the Germans are bloody bastards! What's your opinion?" The stranger was not afraid, and still looked at Erwin and Otto with cold eyes.

"I don't know where I offended you, but you must apologize for this sentence now, otherwise I will deepen your impression." Erwin is not polite, and he is ready to do it. There was going to be a fight, and Otto was also gearing up.

"Wait, wait—" Li Tai came over in time to make a rescue after ordering.

The strange white man didn't appreciate it. Looking at Li Tai's obvious Chinese appearance, he casually cursed a swear word starting with "Y".

"Very well, it's not something that can be solved by apologizing now, waiter, please inform the police for me—" Mr. Li Tai didn't move his words. Racial discrimination is a very serious crime in southern Africa, and the relevant laws are mainly formulated for Chinese .

Africans are not discriminated against in southern Africa because there are no Africans in southern Africa.

"Ha, I'm just stating a fact, you're all bloody bastards, so what if you call the police?" The white guy was still complacent, this kind of behavior is indeed normal in Europe, but in southern Africa——

"You just arrived in southern Africa, right?" Li Tai said calmly.


"Don't you know the laws of Southern Africa?"

"What law?" The white boy's expression became serious, obviously feeling that something was wrong.

"It's okay, the police will explain the relevant laws and regulations in southern Africa to you later." Li Tai is not angry. Many white people who have just arrived in southern Africa will make similar mistakes. They probably still fantasize about coming to southern Africa, the "British colony." "It's a pity that the white people in southern Africa don't have many privileges to be the emperor. Every day, people go to jail because of this, and they will be deported after they are released from prison.

The efficiency of the marshals is still high, and they dared to come over to interrogate the white guy soon.

"Sorry, I didn't know it would be like this—" The white guy panicked, and he would go to jail for a casual curse, which was really unacceptable for the white guy.

"I don't know if it's not the reason for your crime. When you came to southern Africa, didn't the immigration officials explain similar terms to you?" The policeman didn't talk nonsense to the white guy, and directly put the white guy down and put him in handcuffs.

"God, the immigration officials said so much, how could I remember it all at once?" The white guy shouted loudly, but no one stood up for him, and the passengers in the dining car all looked at the white guy with disgust. Forgivable, self-inflicted crimes cannot live.

"That's your problem. Don't blame others if you can't remember. You have plenty of time in the cell to memorize slowly." , most likely will be deported.

ps: In special times, don’t dare to create too serious conflicts, and there are very few people who are desperate in real life——

(End of this chapter)

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