Chapter 1116

The biggest advantage of the southern African judicial system is that it is not harmonious, right is right and wrong is wrong, there is no middle ground at all.

In southern Africa, one must bear all legal responsibilities at the age of ten. There is no such thing as a minor in law. Under ten years of age bear part of the legal responsibility, and the other part of the responsibility is borne by the guardian. Mental illness is not an excuse to evade the law. Killing People must be executed by shooting, and at the same time, they must bear the corresponding civil compensation.

Similar to a white guy who has a dirty mouth, if he just insults others and has a chance to apologize, racial discrimination is unforgivable, and there is a high probability that he will be deported after serving his sentence.

The way of deportation in southern Africa is amazing. In order to illegally stay in southern Africa, some people will tear up their identity documents after landing, which will create more difficulties for possible repatriation. Such people will generally be thrown into the mines for hard labor. When will I remember where my hometown is, and when will I be repatriated.

So don't try to play hooligans with the federal government of southern Africa. The federal government is the biggest hooligan in southern Africa, and ordinary people can't play it.

Seeing the weeping Caucasian boy being taken away by the police, Li Tai's expression remained normal and he didn't care at all.

Professor Hesling is in a complicated mood. The white guy just now is of British descent. Southern Africa is still a part of the British Empire in theory, but the British cannot enjoy any privileges in southern Africa. This immediately makes Professor Hesling very fond of the federal government of Southern Africa. increase.

To judge whether a country is civilized, it does not depend on the size of its gross national product or its international status. It mainly depends on whether it is fair and just, efficient and honest.

Back in the box, several young people discussed the situation again.

"Southern Africa is a country of immigrants. There are immigrants from all over the world. Racial discrimination is a serious crime. When you conflict with someone, you can call the other person a jerk, and you can do it directly. Don't use racially discriminatory words. Otherwise, there will be endless food and walk around. Every year, some people in our school are expelled because of racial discrimination. Some of them are still high-achieving students with excellent academic performance. However, at Nyasaland University, character is more important than grades. Federal governments at all levels choose officials The standard is the same. Ability is important, but not the most important. There is a saying of our lord that is widely circulated. For many positions, it is actually no difference to tie a pig or a dog to the desk. Who feels insulted, because what the lord said is the truth." Li Tai is also a poisonous tongue, some people always think that they are indispensable, but in fact it is an illusion, no one is indispensable, Rock stayed in Europe during the World War In the past four years, southern Africa has also been developing, and it has not stood still.

For Southern Africa, not even Rock is indispensable, let alone others.

Adelaide did not dare to say that he is indispensable. If someone else is the prime minister, as long as no major mistakes are made, it will still not have much impact on southern Africa.

For officials, what they fear most is not mediocrity, but those who are pretentious, but actually have high eyesight and low abilities, such as William II.

If Wilhelm II hadn't been so ambitious, maybe the world war would not have broken out.

"Aren't these laws stipulated for Chinese people?" Erwin tried to find fault, and the feeling of being suppressed everywhere was too bad.

Erwin was limited to chatting, not looking for trouble.

"Maybe it used to be, but it's not anymore." Li Tai smiled. In southern Africa, the Chinese are not a minority.

"Why?" Erwin still didn't know enough about southern Africa.

"Now in southern Africa, you white people are a minority. If you split your white people into English, German, and French—hehe, guess what will happen?" Li Tai was blunt, the Chinese had passed At the stage of keeping a low profile, if you want to discriminate, it should also be the Chinese who discriminate against the whites.

Erwin didn't guess, and his face was full of disbelief. This was the first time he felt the strength of the Chinese in southern Africa.

Just like the strength of the Southern African Expeditionary Force on the Western Front during the World War.

On the Western Front at that time, if a German unit was arranged to attack the defense line stationed by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the soldiers would leave a suicide note in advance, and the result was mostly bad luck.

Just when Li Tai was triumphant, Qin Ling, Sophia, Katie and their three children finally arrived in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles has entered a state of emergency due to the re-emergence of the American flu. The streets are full of heavily armed anti-epidemic personnel. Military police are stationed at the Los Angeles train station and all entrances and exits. All personnel entering and leaving Los Angeles must be inspected.

Although Qin Ling carried the Nyasaland Army Academy work card with him, it was inevitable that he would be inspected, but the police officer who led the team had a good attitude towards Qin Ling, and patiently explained to Qin Ling the reason for setting up the card.

Qinling is not special. At the beginning of the year, Qinling had already experienced the severity of the American flu in France. At that time, due to the effective prevention and control of the Second Cavalry Division, only more than 200 people in the entire army were infected with the virus, and 27 people died. The fatality rate is about one-tenth.

Considering the physical fitness of the soldiers, this fatality rate is already very high.

In France, everyone in some villages was infected with the American flu. Because of the lack of medical treatment and protective measures, those unlucky French could only stay at home and wait to die. The French government was simply unable to deal with the American flu. Residents did not have enough masks for a long time, and the situation in France did not ease until a large number of medical supplies arrived in France from southern Africa.

Los Angeles City has accumulated enough experience in this area, and Los Angeles City has sufficient medical supplies. Qin Ling asked the police officer leading the team to ask for a few medical masks, and the police officer leading the team generously gave Qin Ling a pack.

The masks at this time were not disposable. They could be reused after being cleaned and disinfected after use. The police officer gave Qin Ling thick medical masks, and each mask used at least ten layers of gauze.

Just putting on the masks, Tony and Shanny felt very fresh, holding Qin Ling's hand and jumping up and down. The relationship between the two little guys and Qin Ling is very good, perhaps because they felt the long-lost fatherly love here in Qinling.

Shani was okay, but Tony was a little too lively. When passing by a lady, he accidentally kicked the lady's suitcase.

"I'm sorry—" Tony apologized politely and immediately.

The lady gave Tony a vicious look, then looked at the military uniform on Qin Ling's body, and swallowed back the fragrance that almost came out of her mouth.

Qin Ling pulled Tony and Shanni to stand far away, waiting for a passing taxi.

"That woman is so fierce——" Tony's mind was very keen, and he could feel that the woman was on the verge of breaking out just now, so thinking about it, he held Qin Ling's hand and clenched it tighter.

It feels good to have something to lean on.

"It was you who made the mistake first, so it is right to apologize, but what should you do if the other party refuses to forgive you?" Qin Ling seized the opportunity to educate Tony and Shani.

"Go to the police!"

"I scolded her for helping you—"

Tony and Shani almost spoke in unison, and it seemed that Sophia and Katie had a good education.

"Correct! You are still too young, so don't provoke others casually. Before conflicting with others, you must first protect yourself." Qin Ling continued to be cautious on the battlefield. Don't force yourself when you shouldn't. is extremely serious.

"What are you teaching the children again? Be careful that they are used to violence. Then you can explain to the teacher." Sophia did not approve of violence. She held the child in her arms, with sweat on her temples, and her expression was still excited.

Qin Ling cleverly took the child over. The little guy was also wearing a mask, which almost covered his entire face. Now he was trying to get rid of the control of the mask.

Qin Ling pulled down the mask to expose the child's eyes, and suddenly made a face at the child.

The child didn't react for a while, and after a moment of stupefaction, he realized that his father was playing a game with him, so he immediately hugged Qin Ling's neck and laughed non-stop.

Sophia and Katie smiled and looked at the happy father and son who were playing childish games, and suddenly felt that all the hard work along the way was gone.

At this time, a taxi finally drove over, and several people on the side of the road raised their hands at the same time.

The taxi driver passed the few people in front of Qinling and stopped the taxi directly beside Qinling.

"Damn it!"


"Do you understand or not? First come, first served!"

The few people in front cursed one after another, including the lady who just had her nose up and her eyes up.

"Stop talking nonsense, what if I want the military to be the priority!" The taxi driver was not easy to provoke, and shouted loudly at a few people on the side of the road. Sophia and Katie immediately came to life.

Qin Ling didn't quarrel, he stuffed the luggage into the trunk as fast as he could, and got into the co-pilot with his son in his arms.

Sophia and Katie got into the car laughing and hugging each other, and the taxi immediately started to leave.

"Wow, sir, your badge of qualifications is a bit awesome—" The taxi driver was a knowledgeable person, and immediately found that the badge of qualifications on Qin Ling's chest was enough qualifications.

"Have you ever been a soldier?"

"Yes, I just retired not long ago. My old man wanted me to go home and run a farm. I quit, so I bought a taxi with my pension and drove it myself. At least we are also from Los Angeles—" the taxi driver Yearning for life in a big city, the city and the countryside cannot simply say which is better and which is not, as each has its pros and cons.

"Brother, I have to say that you are wrong. It would be nice to buy a farm with the money you paid for a taxi. Isn't this taxi expensive?" Qin Ling tapped on the side. He also plans to buy a car, so it's better to ask the price first. .

"My old man was the first immigrant to come to southern Africa. The family's farm in Johannesburg has [-] acres. There are farms in Nyasaland and Rhodesia. I want to run the farm. I can't finish the work when I get home— —" The taxi is actually a second-generation farmer. Hearing his tone, I really don't care.

(End of this chapter)

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