Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1117 Enthusiastic Neighbors

Chapter 1117 Enthusiastic Neighbors

After the World Wars, southern Africa was greatly disarmed. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers left the army and retired from active service. Many of them went to work in government departments after retiring, but many more had to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, for Southern Africa today, as long as they are willing to work, there are always countless jobs for people to choose from. Those soldiers who have the opportunity to join the army have their families who came to Southern Africa many years ago and have a lot of assets in Southern Africa. Even if you can't find a job in the city, you can still live without worry when you return to the farm.

The earliest Chinese who came to southern Africa, especially the policemen under Roque and the miners of the Roque gold mine, who were still in southern Africa, now have hundreds or thousands of acres of farms in their homes.

The worst should be those Chinese who had the opportunity to stay, but left southern Africa.

Many of them returned to Southern Africa with their families after leaving Southern Africa for a year or two, but had lost their best chances.

Qinling’s luck is not bad. Although the value of farms in Victoria State is not as good as that of Transvaal and Nyasaland, the difference lies in the geographical location, not the natural conditions. Even if we only talk about natural conditions, the farms around Lake Victoria are more expensive than The Transvaal is better, and there is a lot of room for appreciation in the future.

When he came to Nyasaland Army Academy, Qin Ling first went to the logistics department to report, and then he got a sad news.

The Nyasaland Army Academy was about to be relocated to Ulysses, and some instructors and students had already set off ahead of schedule. The Sniper Academy where Qinling was located happened to be among the first batch of relocations.

"So, we're going to Ulysses now—" Sophia and Katie were also surprised. They had a good impression of Los Angeles just now, but unexpectedly passed by Los Angeles.

"Let's go back after the New Year. Let's go home now." Qin Ling also felt a little regretful, but he quickly adjusted. In terms of infrastructure, Ulysses is not much different from Los Angeles.

What Qin Ling is most concerned about is the children's education. In the logistics department just now, Qin Ling has already learned from the officers of the logistics department that the Army Academy's affiliated elementary school and affiliated middle school in Ulysses have been completed, and most of the teachers are transferred from Los Angeles. Yes, you must know that many family members of instructors in the Army Academy are teachers, and they will also go to work in Ulysses with their husbands. The attached elementary school and attached middle school are mainly to solve this problem.

The property purchased by Qin Ling is on Sunset Boulevard by the shore of Lake Niassa. This is a high-end residential area in Los Angeles. Almost all the residents are high-quality talents. The staff of various research institutes in Los Angeles, or the executives working in the headquarters of multinational companies.

Qin Ling's home is No. 1135, Sunset Avenue. Besides the number, there is also "Qin" written in official script on the house number. The house is paved with beige marble, which is moisture-proof and insect-proof. No one has ever lived in it, and the lawn in the front yard is a bit messy, but the windows and doors are all in good condition, and the law and order in Los Angeles has always been very good.

After Qin Ling arrived home, he put down his luggage and rolled out the lawn mower from the garage to tidy up the lawn. Sophia and Katie started to clean the room. After all, Qin Ling’s family will live here for nearly two months before going to Ulysses, so the hygiene is still high. To be cleaned.

While Qin Ling was tidying up the lawn, the neighbors in the yard next to him took the initiative to say hello to Qin Ling.

"Neighbor, do you need help?" The neighbor is a fat white man with a double chin. His hair is neatly combed. He wears a white shirt, black trousers and black leather shoes. He still wears this at home. He is probably a company executive.

"Thank you. I can do it myself. My name is Qin Ling. You can just call me Qin. I work in the Army Academy and just moved here. I'm sorry. My house is in a mess right now, so I can't invite you as a guest." Qin Ling politely asked to give Make a good impression on the neighbors.

"Whoa, instructor at the Army Academy! Then you must be a hero during the World Wars. It's an honor to be your neighbor. I'm John Alex from Nyasaland Automotive Group. Nice to meet you, Qin— —” Alex took the initiative to shake hands with Qin Ling, and expressed his respect to Qin Ling.

"No, no, no, I'm not a hero, Steve is—" Qin Ling came to the fence, and shook hands with Alex through the fence, like old friends who haven't seen for many years.

"So you're a sniper too? Come, come, sit by my side, and tell me your story—" Alex warmly invited.

Qin Ling looked puzzled, the lawn hadn't been tidied yet.

"It's okay, Tom, Tom—come here and mow this lawn—" Alex asked someone to help Qinling mow the lawn. Tom was a young African, probably a servant of Alex's family.

In the evil capitalist society, as long as you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

The Nyasaran Automobile Group not only produces civilian vehicles, but also the armored vehicles used by the Expeditionary Force during the World Wars, so the benefits of the Nyasaran Automobile Group are still very good, although Alex He didn't say what position he holds in the Nyasaran Automobile Group, but it seems that he is at least an executive, and it is normal to have servants at home.

African servants, under the condition of food and housing, can be settled with only one or two rands a month, and the price is not too cheap.

Qin Ling's hospitality was hard to refuse, so he went back and changed into a suit of clothes, and then took a box of chocolates from Belgium, and then went to Alex's house.

It's the first time to visit a neighbor's house, empty-handed is not a good idea, these chocolates are all brought back from Europe by Qin Ling, it's good to eat by yourself or as a gift.

Alex obviously didn't expect Qin Ling to be so polite, so he simply prepared a sumptuous afternoon tea for Qin Ling. The two sat in the corridor under the eaves, eating and chatting facing the vast and misty Lake Niassa.

"I'm of French descent. Unfortunately, I couldn't return to France to fight against Germany during the World War, so thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to thank you in person. Thank you Qin, you did what I, a Frenchman, could not do." Alex was regretful and sad. During the World War, many French applied to join the Southern African Expeditionary Force to fight in France, and many of them died in France.

"What is your duty? You are building cars in Los Angeles, and you are also contributing to the World War, and your work is more important than mine. Without your hard work, we would not be as powerful as we are on the front line." Qin Ling is very good at comforting people Well, with Alex's body size, he probably doesn't meet the standards if he wants to join the army. A five-kilometer race can kill Alex.

"Hahahaha, thank you, I feel much more comfortable now." Alex felt much better immediately. The feeling of being unable to do anything while seeing the war in the motherland was too uncomfortable. During the World War, Alec Alexis donated close to a year's salary, but Alex felt it wasn't enough.

"I served in the [-]nd Cavalry Division, first under the Mediterranean Command, and then went to the Western Front with Lord. I have to say that before Lord came to the Western Front, the commanders on the Western Front were terrible. Now, Haig and Nivelle are both butchers—sorry, please forgive my inappropriate words—” Qin Ling then remembered that Alex was of French descent, and complained about the fact that the commander-in-chief of the French army was wrong in front of the French. great.

"It's not inappropriate. We can also see the frontline battle reports in Nyasaland. It's hard to imagine that the frontline troops can suffer 10 casualties in one day-I was in the office at the time, and I really felt like the end was coming. British and French There are only a few people in the coalition army, [-] a day, and it won’t take long for our troops to die—uh, I’m sorry Qin, that’s not what I meant—” Alex also blurted out before remembering that Qinling was also a member of the British and French coalition forces. a member of

"Heh heh heh, it's okay, you guys are fine in Los Angeles, the real doomsday is coming when we are on the front line, what we were most afraid of at the time was that Lord, like Haig and Nivelle, ordered us to line up to meet the Germans Fortunately, the Lord never did that. Instead of directly attacking the German positions, we bypassed the German defense lines and landed from behind the German defense lines, thus opening up the situation in one fell swoop—"Qin Ling didn't care, thinking about the situation at that time now, Qin Ling still I was terrified.

Alex hadn't spoken yet, a car passed by on the road outside the door.

The houses next to Sunset Boulevard are surrounded by wooden fences, which are not only beautiful in shape, but also painted with white paint, so that when passing by the road outside, you can enjoy the views of the lawns and gardens in the yards of each house.

When the car passed by, Didi honked its horn, and a person in the cab stretched out his head and shouted: "Alex, who is the handsome guy next to you? Don't you want to introduce him?"

"Hank, this is our new neighbor, would you like to sit down?" Alex warmly invited.

"Wait for me!" The overly enthusiastic guy retracted his head, and the car stopped on the other side of Qin Ling's house.

"Qin, Hank is of German origin, as long as he doesn't insult Wilhelm II, he's fine." Alex reminded Qin Ling that the ethnic composition of southern Africa is indeed a bit complicated.

But the better point is that the governments at all levels in Nyasaland are paying attention to this point. There used to be German and French-dominated communities in Los Angeles, but they were quickly split up by the Los Angeles city government.

Now in Los Angeles, German families may live next to French families, and there are more English and Chinese families. Although this may cause some conflicts in the short term, it will be more beneficial to all ethnic groups in the long run. peace among ethnic groups.

This is the case in Qinling. Although Alex is French and Hank is German, it can be seen that the relationship between them is good.

Hank didn't come empty-handed either, he took a bottle of wine produced in Bigwig Town, and Alex immediately looked for a glass happily.

Then skip afternoon tea and drink wine instead.

(End of this chapter)

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