Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1126 The 250-Kilogram Crocodile

Chapter 1126 The 250-Kilogram Crocodile

The experience accumulated from a lifetime of farming work is really not of much use in southern Africa.

In fact, the crops planted in southern Africa are similar to those in the northern hemisphere, mainly corn and wheat. In recent years, more and more sugarcane and cotton have been planted.

The main difference is the planting method. The small-scale farming model of two or three acres of Susukida that these Chinese were born in is not suitable for the operation of large farms in southern Africa. One hundred acres equals 600 acres, and the previous business model must be No way.

Farms in Rhodesia and the Transvaal have developed business models with different focuses. Some farms mainly grow sugar cane to provide raw materials for sugar factories, some farms mainly grow potatoes to sell to wineries, and some farms simply grow Grapes make their own wine, in short, they can basically find a suitable way of operation.

In addition to planting crops, there is also farming, which can be regarded as the main source of income for the farm. Don’t underestimate those chickens, ducks and geese. After a year, the total profit created is not much less than that of a worker working in a factory. Many Trans The farmers in Wa rely on chickens, ducks and geese to save money to buy tractors and motorcycles. Large-scale farming also requires experience, and the risk is higher than planting. Have you ever heard the saying that a rich family with hair is not counted? The reason is that this.

On the first night when I came to Lumisa, the first dinner of several families was the surrounding fruits.

To say that southern Africa is really rich in products, Swaziland, a state known as "resource-poor", has endless mangoes and apples in the wild. These two are not the most productive fruits in southern Africa. Southern Africa The most productive fruits are oranges and grapes, pears and peaches are also produced in high quantities, and that’s not counting watermelons, which are not racist to grow in southern Africa these days.

While picking fruits in the wild in the afternoon, Chen Da found that there were antelopes in the woods around Lumisa, so Chen Da and his eldest son Chen Xiaoer made two nooses together and went down to the woods. In the morning, they found that there were antelopes , One noose was missing, and the other noose caught a 50-jin eland.

Chen Da and Chen Xiaoer were ecstatic about this harvest. The 50-jin saiga is only enough for dozens of people to eat, but this means that there are saiga to eat every day, although the wild antelope has too much lean meat. It's delicious, but there's nothing to be picky about if there's meat to eat.

That's right, fat meat represents sufficient nutrition these days. Lean meat is not only chewy but also not fragrant enough. It is really not as popular as fat meat.

Another day later, apart from the children and women, adult men from several households mobilized collectively. A dozen traps were set in the woods at one go, and people went fishing in the nearby river. The species of fish was not caught, but Chen Xiaoer, who had just received a few days of weapon training, killed a large crocodile about three meters in length.

The crocodile weighed at least 250 kilograms, and four people carried the crocodile back to Lumisa.

When we returned to Lumisa, it happened that Guan Jing was sending the second batch of new immigrants over. After seeing the crocodile that Chen Xiaoer killed, Guan Jing thought about it and offered a price of fifteen rand.

Fifteen rand, expressed in a way Chen Daneng understands, is about two taels of gold.

The second batch of new immigrants who came to Lumisa consisted of thirteen households, a total of 104 people. Including the six families who came to Lumisa before, this small village has shown great vitality.

"Fifteen rand, that is to say, four such crocodiles can pay off Mr. Chen's loan?" A family owner was shocked by this fact. They thought that the loan of [-] rand would take half their life to repay, but they didn't expect Seeing the hope of paying off so soon.

"Of course, if you don't want to sell it to me, you can sell more if you send it to Johannesburg—er, be careful when peeling the skin, the more complete the skin, the higher the selling price, don't waste the meat and bones, They can be sold for money, and next time you catch a crocodile, remember to collect the crocodile blood if you can, and then you can sell it for money.” Guan Jing explained in detail that such a crocodile can be sold for about 20 yuan if it is sent to Johannesburg. Rand, if you send it over after handling it, you can probably sell it for 25, but handling crocodiles is a technical job, and the value will drop sharply if you are not careful.

Chen Da was not stupid. After discussing with his neighbors, he decided to sell the crocodile directly to Guan Jing. Even if it was true that sending the crocodile to Johannesburg would earn him more money, the money would never be exhausted, and a good relationship with Guan Jing was more important.

Chen Da and his new immigrants are a little poor, but they are not lacking in wisdom.

What's more, people like them live in an environment like southern Africa, and poverty is temporary. As long as they work hard and don't be lazy, they can repay their loans in a short time. Desia has proven it.

"That's good, the things on the car are for you, and you can divide them among yourself—Roger, you are temporarily acting as the mayor of Lumisa. Your name is Chen Xiaoer, right? You have good marksmanship, and you are acting as Lumisa's Sheriff, make good use of your guns to protect your family and neighbors." It is indeed beneficial to have a good relationship with Guan Jing, but this appointment is temporary and needs to be confirmed by the Swaziland government.

Roger is a private first class who has just retired. He has nothing to do with anyone in Lumisa. The reason why Roger came to Lumisa was arranged by the Ministry of Defense. After the World War, hundreds of thousands of soldiers in southern Africa retired. Many of them were arranged by the Ministry of National Defense to resettlement points like Lumisa, where they were responsible for resettlement work.

"Yes sir, I will definitely do my job well." Unlike other new immigrants who came to Lumisa with only simple luggage, Roger not only brought a horse, but also a shotgun and a pistol.

The supplies Guan Jing brought to Chen Da and the others included not only basic daily necessities, but also chickens, ducks, geese and some seeds, which were all necessities for running a farm.

When Roger came, he also brought several hounds with him. These hounds can not only guard the house, but also help in hunting.

That night, Luo Jie had dinner at Chen Da's house, and the gift was a newborn beagle, and Chen Xiaoer immediately fell in love with the beagle.

"Don't worry about the loan. You have seen the situation in Lumisa. In the past, those lazy Africans could not starve to death. As long as we Chinese work hard, there is no reason why we can't survive in Lumisa." The farm under the name of Roger There are 200 acres, and intensive cultivation is impossible. Roger plans to go to Lorenzo Marquez in a few days to buy some Angus cattle, then buy some Merino sheep, and hire a few workers by the way.

"There are indeed a lot of good things here. The fruits in the forest can't be picked enough to rot on the trees, and a whole floor falls underground. There are so many fish in the river that they can jump ashore on their own initiative. You can catch dozens of catties with just a few traps. I can’t believe it when I say it—” Chen Da is full of hope, his family now has two elands.

If you catch too much, you can't finish it, so just raise it.

"It's a waste of such a good place to be occupied by those Lumisas before. This is not the best land in southern Africa. The best is in the Transvaal. How good are the farms over there? Some people just After buying a farm, gold mines were found on the farm, and then they were sold for tens of thousands of rands, and moved directly to Los Angeles to become a rich man—" Roger envied, but he would not lose his mind because of envy, the lucky one after all They are all very few, and it is serious business to run the farm honestly.

"I don't dare to think about that kind of good thing. I'm going to buy a cow in two days, and then start to open up wasteland when I come back. I have to think about what to plant for [-] acres of land—" Chen Da is also rational, and when Chen Da and Luo While Jie was chatting, mutton was being stewed in Chen’s kitchen, and washed fruits were placed on the table. A few underage children ate too much fruit in the afternoon, and now they were lying on the corridor and humming. Chen Xiaoer was To tease the beagle he just got.

This was a scene that Chen Da had never seen in his dreams before.

"What are you going to plant?" Luo Jie was curious. With [-] acres of land, with just five or six members of Mr. Chen, the intensive cultivation would be exhausting.

Of the six members of Chen's family, except for Chen Da and his wife, only Chen Xiaoer can help. The other children are all underage, and their help is limited.

"Corn must be planted. Chickens, ducks, geese, etc. must be eaten. Potatoes must be planted. They can be eaten as vegetables and can be used as dry food. Wheat must be planted. If you only eat fruits and meat, you still need to eat dry food— ——" Chen Da's thinking has not jumped out of his previous life. Food and clothing are the main theme, and he basically doesn't think much about cash crops.

"Then you have to work hard. It's not easy to fully develop 600 acres of land." Roger doesn't interfere, and an agricultural expert will come to guide the operation of the farm in a few days. It doesn't matter if it is unreasonable, and you can adjust it slowly.

"If you're exhausted, you have to drive out. In my hometown, I only had ten acres of land, and one acre of land was only a hundred catties a year. It was not enough to pay rent. Ever since I knew someone in our county was in southern Africa. After making a fortune, most of the people in our village came to southern Africa. Life in my hometown is hard. God either doesn’t rain or it rains endlessly. There are wars in the city every day, or there are bandits. Life is really difficult—— —" Chen Dalao burst into tears, if it wasn't for life being difficult, no one would be willing to leave their hometown.

"It's all right now, everything will be fine—" Roger knew what life the Chinese lived in before, and it wasn't many years since he came to southern Africa.

"The meat is ready, Xiao Er, come and help—" Mrs. Chen finished stewing the meat, and beckoned Xiao Er to serve it, and the courtyard was immediately filled with a strong smell of meat.

The humming children in the corridor immediately became refreshed, the little milk dog who had just reached the full moon wagged its tail like a windmill, and the chickens that Guan Jing had just sent over in the yard were taking a nap. Try to grow up.

Everything is so hopeful.

(End of this chapter)

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