Chapter 1127

Around Christmas, the Federal Government of Southern Africa held a series of celebrations in Pretoria. A large number of meritorious personnel who had repeatedly made military exploits during the World War were awarded for their meritorious service. The Star Awards also came to fruition. Professor Heslin finally After seeing Ad and Rock, I also had a deeper understanding of southern Africa.

On the night when the Starry Sky Award was announced, Ade hosted a banquet for the newly born Starry Sky Award winner in the Palace of Justice, and Rock accompanied him throughout.

After the banquet started, Rock went directly to Professor Heslin and asked if Professor Heslin was used to living in Xuanji City.

"Xuanji City is very good, Professor Kessel took good care of me, thank you, Lord—" Professor Heslin has decided to stay in Xuanji City, not only for his research, but also for the happiness of his family.

It is Professor Hesling's family who integrated into southern Africa faster than Professor Hesling.

Hu Ge is now also working at Nyasaland University and still serves as Professor Hesling's assistant.

Emma received a comprehensive examination at the Nyasaland Affiliated Hospital and has been admitted to the hospital for delivery. Abu arranged for Emma the best ward, the best doctor, and the best nurse.

Erwin and Otto's farm is on the shore of Xuanji Lake. On weekends, Professor Heslin and Mrs. Heslin will take the car provided by Nyasaland University to Professor Heslin and go to Erwin and Otto's farm for the weekend.

Little Gretel has already enrolled in the kindergarten affiliated to Nyasaland University. Mrs. Heslin will send Little Gretel to school every morning and pick him up in the evening. Little Gretel has recently learned a few words of Chinese. With the efforts of little Gretel , even Professor Hesling has learned to say "Ni Hao" and "Thank you" in Chinese.

Although the pitch is not very accurate, but Professor Heslin studied very seriously.

"You're welcome, Professor Heslin, you deserve all of this. You deserve better care and devote more energy to scientific research." Rock is very satisfied with Professor Heslin's choice. , Thousands of scientists came to southern Africa to settle down, and all walks of life in southern Africa will benefit from it, especially the education industry. Rock can feel that the education level in southern Africa will have a qualitative leap in the next few years.

In fact, the level of education in southern Africa is now pretty good.

Thanks to the unremitting investment in education by the federal governments at all levels, Southern Africa has established the most complete public education system in the world. Roque remembers that more than ten years ago, the wealthy people in Southern Africa were used to sending their children to the British mainland Receive education, and now this situation has been greatly alleviated. Although the aristocratic class in the UK has not yet sent their children to southern Africa for education, very few southern Africans have sent their children to the UK.

Although this situation has not been completely overturned, after all, it has already made a good start. The British mainland has developed for hundreds of years, and the federal government of Southern Africa has only been established for just ten years. Rock has the patience to wait slowly.

There were a lot of people attending the banquet, and Rock didn't have much time to chat with Professor Heslin. After only a few words, someone introduced himself to Rock. Professor Heslin didn't receive a cold reception either. , Professor Hesling was also the focus of the dinner.

"Professor Hesling, let me introduce myself. I am Henry Dulles, the president of Cape of Good Hope University."

"Hi, Principal Dulles—" Professor Hesling was flattered. He was not used to being the protagonist, and he couldn't handle things as lightly as Rock.

"How about Professor Heslin, have you considered coming to our Cape of Good Hope University? We are about to set up a physics department. As long as you are willing to come, you will be the head of the physics department." Henry Dulles is here to poach people. At that time, all the institutions of higher learning in Southern Africa were ambitious. Although the Cape of Good Hope University in Southern Africa was not well-known, it was actually quite strong.

The Cape University of Good Hope can be said to be the oldest university in southern Africa. It was established in 1873 and 1877. The qualifications of the Cape University of Good Hope are generally recognized in the United Kingdom and the British colonies. It can be said that the starting point is higher than that of Nyasaland University.

After the establishment of the federal government, Nyasaland University has developed rapidly with the support of Rock and Nyasaland State Government. It has become a well-known institution of higher learning in southern Africa and even the world. In the past two years, people from the UK have also come to Nyasaland University study, in comparison, the University of the Cape of Good Hope has fallen far behind.

The University of the Cape of Good Hope is also the only university in Southern Africa that has a seminary.

"Hey, hey, President Dulles, what are you doing, don't try to poach our professors from Nyasaland University, or I will be rude to you." Abu, who was also at the banquet, kept paying attention to Professor Heslin, Henry As soon as Dulles appeared, Abu came to warn.

"Principal Kesell, don't go too far, we're just chatting." Henry Dulles was annoyed. He was already playing with a date, and if there was a show, it would be a surprise.

"It doesn't matter just chatting, but President Dulles, you don't seem to understand quantum physics, so what are you talking about, how do you serve God?" Abu was not polite. The seminary of the University of Good Hope has become a laughing stock among colleagues in southern Africa.

It’s not that the seminary is bad. The end of science is theology. Newton spent the last 40 years of his life studying theology and alchemy.

This is putting the cart before the horse. Even if the end of science is really theology, one should study science to the end before starting to study theology.

Science began to study theology when it was still a toddler. This is similar to going directly to college after graduating from kindergarten.

"Albrecht, pay attention to your words. Nyasaland University may not set up a seminary, but you must not be disrespectful to God." Henry Dulles is a devout believer, but if he uses this as a reason to persuade Heslin The professor must have failed. The Divinity School of the University of the Cape of Good Hope is the Anglican Church, and Professor Heslin believes in the Lutheran Church.

"Hehe, if I offended you, then I'm sorry President Henry Dulles—" Abu was complacent, showing no sign of apology.

Henry Dulles stopped pestering him and walked away angrily.

"Don't ignore him, Professor Hesling, Cape of Good Hope University is not suitable for you, believe me." Abu vaccinated Professor Hesling, the University of Cape Town is indeed not suitable for Professor Hesling, Cape also has the smallest population of Germans in southern Africa a state.

"I know, Cosell, you don't need to say these things." Professor Heslin was also very helpless, feeling that he had become a piece of delicious pork belly, which was a bad feeling.

"That's fine, enjoy the banquet to the fullest, Heslin, this is your moment of glory." Abu didn't say much, and it's not bad to take advantage of this opportunity to meet some new friends. Although some people hate it, most of them still is very good.

Professor Heslin did meet a few new friends. It was not until the end of the banquet that Ade had the opportunity to chat with Professor Heslin. Ade also cared about Professor Heslin's life in Xuanji City.

"Professor Hesling, we don't understand quantum physics, so we can only help you relieve your worries in life. If you have any questions, you can go to Governor Anton, or you can go to Locke and me. The gate of the Palace of Justice will always open to you." Open." Ade is very sincere, and he is indeed busy, so it is impossible to give Professor Hesling too much attention.

"Thank you, Prime Minister. To be honest, I feel flattered by Professor Abu's taking care of me—" Professor Heslin finally felt the respect for talents in southern Africa. This respect comes from the bottom of the heart, really not Someone's whim.

After the banquet, Professor Heslin was sent back to the Rhodesia Hotel by car, and Abu and Professor Heslin shared a car.

"Southern Africa really respects talents, and it's not just us professors, but skilled workers, engineers, and even sanitation workers. All levels of government in southern Africa respect them. If you pay attention to the recent migration operations, you know In fact, the federal government even respects Africans. If you have been to West Africa and the Congo Free State, then you know how rare it is to respect Africans in southern Africa. Oh, the most recent example, the Kingdom of Mozambique, was established by Africans The country, maybe you don’t know, the Africans in the Kingdom of Mozambique are a hundred times more miserable than the Africans in southern Africa.” Abramovich highly admires the governments at all levels in southern Africa, not only because Abramovich is a southern African, but also the governments at all levels in southern Africa What has been done is indeed commendable.

It depends on whether the governments at all levels in southern Africa are good or not, and they cannot be divorced from the current African environment.

If you look at other parts of Africa, what kind of life Africans live, and then look at southern Africa, you will know how good the federal government of southern Africa is. Although those Africans are not happy in southern Africa, at least they have not received the support of the federal government. Cruel treatment, at the very least, you won't be cut off your arm or killed directly because of a slight mistake in your work.

"You don't need to emphasize that since I decided to stay, I won't be half-hearted." Professor Heslin is determined, and he really doesn't plan to leave southern Africa.

The results of Emma's examination by Nyasaland University Hospital made Professor Heslin's family terrified.

The child's fetal position is a bit problematic, which was discovered by the doctors of the affiliated hospital in time and is now undergoing treatment.

Fortunately, the doctor discovered it early, otherwise, Emma might have died on the operating table like Gretel when she gave birth.

Professor Hesling couldn't imagine what a huge blow it would be to his family once that happened.

For this alone, Professor Hesling will not leave Southern Africa.

ps: Today's third update, I will try my best to continue coding to see if I can add an update at night, if there is no update, brothers, don't be angry, this is really not a flag——

(End of this chapter)

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