Chapter 1128

On Christmas Day, Tata once again sent nearly 3000 Africans from the two tribes on a migrant ship bound for the Kingdom of Mozambique.

This time there was no accident, the chiefs of the two tribes did not bargain and directly accepted the compensation from the federal government, which made Tata a little regretful.

But it doesn't matter, Tata will get a cash reward for every African tribe sent away. Although it is not as fast as a direct grab, it is better than nothing.

Looking at the immigrant boat leaving slowly, Zuya felt lost, as if seeing a lot of rands with wings flying away slowly.

Tata is still very fair in doing things. Every time there is extra income, Tata’s subordinates can get some of it. Don’t underestimate the extra income, it’s actually a lot.

On the way back to Sishilan, Zuya couldn't help asking a question, asking where these Africans would be sent.

Although it appeared that the federal government sent all these Africans to the Kingdom of Mozambique, Zuya always felt that something was wrong. In Zuya's concept, the white colonial government had never been so kind.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and do your job well." Tata still didn't explain at all. The Christian Human Resources Company is huge, and Tata didn't know where these Africans would eventually be sent.

But what makes Tata happy is that Christian Human Resources Company treats Tata and their African-American employees well. Tata is considered a middle-level employee in Christian Human Resources Company. His family lives in the Kingdom of Congo, in southern Africa. , Africans do not have the right to buy houses and land. In the Kingdom of Congo, Africans are not subject to any restrictions, and the price of plantations in the Kingdom of Congo is even cheaper than farms in southern Africa.

Tata owns a plantation in the Kingdom of Congo with an area of ​​more than 350 acres, converted to about 1.4 square kilometers. Although the area is not too large, it is enough for the Tata family to live happily.

Unlike southern Africa, where slavery has been eradicated, after the establishment of the Kingdom of Congo, it still continued the notorious slavery system during the reign of Leopold II, except that the white people who used to dominate the Congo Free State were replaced by Now the African dignitaries who have successfully ascended to power, the oppression suffered by the bottom Africans has not changed.

There are more than 100 African workers in Tata’s plantation. Strictly speaking, these workers are slaves. They have no personal freedom, no remuneration, and no freedom to marry. If they make mistakes at work, their arms may be cut off.

Influenced by southern Africans, Tata is different from other irresponsible Africans. Every time a salary is paid, Tata will try to save the salary and remit it to his home in the Kingdom of Congo, and sometimes buy some industries in southern Africa. Last month, Tata asked people to send back five shotguns to strengthen the plantation's security capabilities.

Those shotguns were bought through Christian Human Resources, and as an African, Tata is not eligible to buy weapons in southern Africa.

Back at the temporary camp, Zuya led someone to hunt an antelope and brought back some fruits. That's what makes southern Africa so good, no matter how many people there are, they won't be hungry.

Sitting next to a blazing bonfire, nibbling on a leg of lamb that has been grilled to a golden brown, it’s not bad to live like this forever.

It's a pity that southern Africa does not accept Africans, and this land does not belong to Africans after all.

It is also Christmas, and the town of Lumisa has no festive atmosphere at all. The new immigrants in the town are all Chinese, and they do not have the habit of celebrating Christmas. In recent years, the Chinese in southern Africa have also begun to celebrate the New Year, but What is celebrated is the traditional Chinese New Year, not the Western Christmas.

Two days ago, Chen Da and Roger went to Lorenzo Marques together and bought two draft horses for [-] rand. Today Chen Da is going to open up wasteland.

Chen Da’s farm is right next to the small town of Lumisa. One hundred acres sounds like a lot, but it’s actually not much. It’s a square piece of land with a small stream running through it. Satisfied, at least don't worry about irrigation.

After farming for half his life, it is the first time for Chen Da to use a draft horse. When he was in his hometown, only the landlord’s family in Chen Da’s village had two oxen. Chen Da has never used it before. People, men, women and children go to work together, and they can't plow an acre of land in one morning.

Using a draft horse is obviously much faster. Both horses are Shire horses that are common in southern Africa. They are tall, fat and strong. Plow, this kind of plow generally has two to four plow mouths, and there are wheels on both sides to control the depth of the plow mouths. The plowed furrows are deep and neat.

I heard that Chen Da wanted to open up wasteland, and the neighbors in the small town came to help. This is also a Chinese tradition. In the era of lack of cattle, the role of labor has become more prominent. When I was in my hometown, it was usually a few families who helped each other to complete the project. The annual autumn harvest and spring plowing.

In order to save effort in pulling the horse, Chen Da tied two ropes to the iron plow, and planned to help pull it with his wife. However, several senior neighbors took the initiative to stand up, and the number of ropes increased to four, all of which were replaced by adult laborers. The chief is responsible for helping the plow, and the purpose of the neighbors is not only to help, but also to take this opportunity to evaluate the role of the horse.

After all, every household has hundreds of acres of land, and relying on manpower to open up wasteland can exhaust people to death, so it is estimated that every household will buy horses and cows in the future, and if it is impossible, they will have to raise money to buy them.

When everything was ready, Chen Da yelled, and the man and the horse worked together, and the iron plow finally started to move slowly.

The effect is really good. With the control of the wheels, the groove is really deep and even. An old man with a weathered face grabbed the fresh soil just dug out, first tested the adhesion of the soil, and then put it under his nose and took a deep breath. Tone, almost tears in the eyes.

"How is the soil?" Roger couldn't wait. The quality of the soil is related to the prospects of these farms and the future of Lumisa.

"It's very good, it's very good——" the old man's voice was a little choked up, and he directly grabbed the soil and showed Roger: "—this is all good fertility, as long as the seeds are planted, crops can grow without fertilization , One mu of land can harvest at least two or three hundred catties, and the best land in our hometown is not as good as this."

The old man's words caused a burst of cheers, and Chen Dahe and the people who were pulling the plow also started to scratch and smell, and then they all fell silent, and those with relatively low tears began to wipe their tears.

"Normal, it has been tens of thousands of years. It is estimated that the land here has never been cultivated. If you think about it, you will know how fertile it is. Don't worry now, and I will tell you a good news. We do not collect agricultural taxes in southern Africa. How much of the harvest is his own, which is the only one in the world." Roger is completely relieved, if the land around Lumisa is like this, then Lumisa's future Don't worry.

"Don't collect a penny of tax?" Chen Da still didn't believe it. He knew that there was no agricultural tax in southern Africa before, and he thought it was Ren Yazi who was talking nonsense in order to lure immigrants. Now it seems that this is probably true, even if it is a lie, repeat A thousand times it will be true.

"Boss Chen, do you think the federal government will take a fancy to your three melons and two dates? Let me tell you, any big company in Nyasaland can generate as much profit as the entire Swaziland, the south of the country. Africa is not subject to agricultural tax, but if agricultural products enter the circulation, then commercial tax will be levied—but this has nothing to do with you.” Roger didn’t want to ask for trouble, let these new immigrants who have never read a book understand something It is indeed a bit difficult to call agricultural tax or commercial tax.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go to Naluohe to buy horses tomorrow. Don't worry about planting anything. Let's turn over the land first."

"That's right, dig the ground as soon as possible—"

"Not enough money—"

The new immigrants talked a lot. Seeing that the better days are ahead, the hearts of all people, big and small, are full of enthusiasm.

"If you don't have enough money, several families can pool together. The more the better, this kind of plow usually needs four horses to pull it. There must be [-] mu in a day, not to mention one hundred mu." Luo said. Jie knows some data, but the specific situation still needs to be analyzed in detail. In theory, four draft horses can indeed plow one hundred mu of land a day, but that is too tiring for man and horse, and fifty or sixty mu of land a day is actually too late.

"But I have to remind everyone that we have distinct rainy seasons and dry seasons in southern Africa. Now is the rainy season, as you have seen. Since we came to Swaziland, we haven't seen a few days of sunny days. I won't talk about it this year. Tomorrow Taking advantage of the dry season, we have to repair the surrounding rivers and streams, but the federal government will pay for it, and we will contribute, and the good days are yet to come—" Roger cheered everyone on, and the condition was given, but To live a good life, it still depends on the efforts of the Lumisa people themselves.

"Don't worry mayor, if we don't live well like this, we deserve to be poor for the rest of our lives." Chen Da is full of confidence. When it comes to farming, the Chinese really don't fear anyone.

On this day, Mr. Chen's two horses, together with the help of neighbors, drove out a total of 20 mu of wasteland.

The entire 20 acres are all fertile and oily land. When the sun sets, Chen Da is not willing to rest, wishing to sleep in the field at night.

But if you don't rest, you can't stand it. People can stand it, and even the horses can't stand it. When the two horses walked home, their hind legs were trembling. Be rewarded and rewarded.

Early the next morning, several owners found Roger, hoping that Roger could take them to Lorenzo Marquez to buy horses.

Luo Jie simply counted, and he didn't know how these people raised the money. They actually wanted to buy 14 draft horses in one go, including the two that Chen Dayao bought.

In this kind of matter, the Chinese are never stingy in investing, and only if they invest can they gain.

ps: I fell asleep on the chair at 11 o’clock yesterday, woke up to find that it was 02:30, and woke up at six o’clock—it’s impossible to have an irregular life, brothers should also take care of your body, don’t be at the age of Yutou Reminiscing about the past--

(End of this chapter)

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