Chapter 1136

The investment mentioned by Stoudemire is mainly for Germany. This is also to cooperate with London's strategic purpose, to restore Germany's strength as quickly as possible, and to re-form checks and balances on France.

The work in this area is not only carried out in the UK, but American capital is also actively looking for investment opportunities. After the war, Germany is in dire straits, German companies urgently need external capital injection, and the German government is also looking for capital help. Southern Africa and the United States have The world's most powerful capital force is fully capable of helping Germany quickly complete post-war reconstruction.

"During my stay in Germany, I had exchanges with Mr. Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the Socialist Party. Mr. Ebert very much welcomes our southern African investment in Germany. You should also have exchanges with Ms. Bertha. How about it? Do you want to take the opportunity to invest in Krupp? This is a good opportunity." Stoudemire took the high-end route, and all the people he came into contact with in Europe were celebrities.

Friedrich Albert is the leader of the German Socialist Party, and the current Prime Minister of Germany is Prince Marcos, but Prince Marcos is in a bad situation, because he has been unable to reach a "peace agreement" with the Allied Powers, and Prince Marcos' status is in jeopardy. Losing the trust of the German people, Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the Socialist Party, is very likely to replace Prince Marcos as the current German Prime Minister.

As for Ms. Bertha of Krupp, this is more for a legendary woman, after the death of Alfred Krupp Sr., the real founder of the Krupp Empire, due to lack of a male heir, Bertha Krupp became Krupp The "Queen of Artillery", the giant artillery that blasted the fortress of Liege during the First World War was named after this lady.

In order to ensure the existence of Krupp, the then German Emperor Wilhelm II arranged for the marriage of diplomat Gustav and Ms. Bertha, and allowed Gustav to add the honorable surname Krupp to his surname. This kind of behavior is called "marriage" in the Chinese tradition, which is generally considered very disrespectful, but it is normal in Europe, especially in the European aristocratic circle.

Before the outbreak of World War II, the Nyasaland Military Industry Group cooperated with many German companies, such as Krupp in military industry, Carl Zeiss in optics, Berlin Chemie in chemistry, and so on.

After the end of the World War, many staff members sent to Germany from southern Africa have been working around these enterprises. Compared with before the World War, the current Krupp is not as good as before. In just six months, more than 150 Krupp of scientific researchers immigrated to southern Africa and are now working in the Nyasaland Military Industry Group.

"Yes, what is the price for Ms. Berta?" If there is an opportunity, Rock will not refuse to invest in Krupp. Very promising business.

What's more, Roque is not only interested in Krupp. Compared with companies such as Krupp and Carl Zeiss, Roque prefers Dalem Mercedes, which is still small in scale but has great potential in the future. Unlimited nascent companies. As early as the end of the World War, Rock sent people all over the world to look for investment opportunities. Now Nyasaland is the majority shareholder of Daimler Mercedes, but Stoudemire has not yet Just know.

"It's up to you to discuss it yourself, as long as the price is right, you can buy shares." Stoudemire doesn't care what Rock and Ms. Berta talk about. During this time, Stoudemire has also invested in some companies in Europe, but compared with Rock, Stoudemire The investment in China is relatively conservative, and it is basically a large-scale enterprise such as Anglo American Petroleum and Renault of France.

Renault of France can be regarded as the third largest automobile company in the world at present. The top two are Ford of the United States and Nyasaran Motor Group. Although the group's output is not low and its product line is more abundant, the market in southern Africa is too small after all, and the European market is not fully developed, so the scale of Nyasaland Automobile Group is not as good as that of Ford in the United States.

In terms of automobiles, Ford is indeed very powerful. Now the unit price of the Model T produced by Ford has been reduced to about 300 US dollars. If converted into pounds according to the ratio before the outbreak of the World War, 300 US dollars is equivalent to a little more than 65 pounds.

£65 a car!

At this price, the Nyasaland Automobile Group is really unable to compete. The cheapest car of the Nyasaland Automobile Group costs 150 pounds. In terms of appearance and performance, the cars produced by Nyasaland Automobile Group are indeed better than Model T cars. A little, but not more than twice as good.

As for Renault, this company also joined the automobile industry a long time ago. As early as 1898, Louis Renault, who was only 21 years old, founded Renault in Biancourt on the outskirts of Paris. At that time, Renault had only 6 workers. Only 6 cars can be produced in [-], but Louis Renault gave full play to his mechanical talent in the process of starting a business, inventing the direct drive system and the turbocharger.

Afterwards, Renault became famous after successive victories in Paris-Berlin and other car races in 1900, and the company began to develop rapidly. In 1907, there were taxis produced by Renault on the streets of London and New York. After the outbreak of the World War, Renault has formed mass production.

Most of the 6000 taxis that Gallieni organized during the First Battle of the Marne were produced by Renault.

Compared with Renault, Anglo American Petroleum can be regarded as a dead end.

Before the World War, Anglo American Petroleum could not survive in the Persian Gulf under the strong suppression of Adan Company, and the entire company was on the verge of collapse.

After the end of the World War, Anglo-American Petroleum was surprised to find that the oil fields in Romania were in an extremely rare blank area due to the defeat of the German army, so Anglo-American Petroleum took advantage of the vacancy and obtained the right to exploit oil fields in Romania.

Stoudemire's capital injection played a key role in Anglo American's acquisition of Romania's oil fields, so Adan did not interfere. If Anglo could join hands with Adan, it would be more conducive to controlling oil prices in Europe.

Rock did not refuse this form of cooperation.

"Have you talked to Friedrich Albert about investing in infrastructure in Germany?" The investment Rock wanted was far more in-depth and effective than the investment designed by Stoudemire.

"Of course there are, but there are many difficulties. You know, it's not easy to get people to accept toll roads. Our roads in southern Africa don't have tolls—" Stoudemire didn't understand why Rock insisted on doing this. The toll is understandable, and the road is also tolled——

Sure enough, he is the God of money-making!

"Our roads in southern Africa do not charge tolls because our roads are cheap to build. Without the hard work of those African workers, we will have to wait at least 20 years to build a road network of the current scale in southern Africa—we can Giving an annual salary of ten pounds to African workers cannot also give ten pounds to German workers, so after the road is completed, how to recover the cost is a big problem.” Rock’s main consideration is the issue of cost, and Rock also wants to thank the Africans for their contributions , so Rock is very disapproving of the previous behavior of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, which wanted to earn benefits without giving Africans proper returns.

To put it bluntly, since you don’t want to treat people as human beings, you should simply send the Africans away. Don’t just say that and that, and leave a lot of legacy problems for the future. The British are also really cheating, not only cheating their allies, but also Get up and even cheat your own people.

"Yes, how to recover the cost is a big problem. In Europe now, the "peace agreement" can't bring real peace at all. At most, it is a 20-year armistice. If we want to invest in Germany's infrastructure, can we recover it within 20 years? cost?" Stoudemire expressed concern about the prospects of Europe, which is not nonsense, and now more and more people are clearly aware of this.

This also prompts more people with long-term vision to immigrate to southern Africa. After experiencing the world war, people really realize the destructive power of the world war. No one wants their descendants to experience it again.

"It doesn't matter if we can't. If World War II breaks out, then we can still defeat the Germans, and the Germans will understand the truth of Weiweihuaide at that time." Rock is full of confidence, Weiweihuaide in other words is Give me a sweet date with a stick, let you remember my goodness, and at the same time be afraid of me, so that real peace can be ushered in.

Now Germany, although fully aware of the destructive power of the world war, has not really admitted defeat. The more than 100 million prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp used to hate the mistakes of the politicians in the rear, which led to the failure of the frontline operations of the troops. The rough management is dissatisfied, and after they are released, they will definitely still feel resentful, so 20 years later, they will still be beaten.

Most of the current prisoners of war are young people in their 20s. The older veterans have been exhausted in more than four years of combat. After 20 years, they will only be 40 years old. battlefield.

For the same reason, Roque is not yet forty now, and 20 years later, Roque will not be too old to walk. By then, Roque will still be cheap and old, but he can still eat.

"It's very difficult. Looking at the French now, I dare say that 20 years from now, France may not even be able to find soldiers who are willing to fight. By then, we, the British Empire, will be able to fight against Germany alone?" Stoudemire is still wondering The strength of the British Empire is doubtful. During the World War, if the Russian Empire hadn't held back millions of German troops on the Eastern Front, the British and French allied forces on the Western Front would not have been able to support the United States to participate in the war.

"And we in southern Africa, don't worry—" Before this world war, Roque didn't have a clear understanding of the strength of southern Africa, but now there is no problem, human resources are the last shortcoming of southern Africa, as long as By making up for this shortcoming, Rock has the confidence to face any situation.

ps: Akali, don't tear up the ticket, if you have any demands, you can talk about it, the ticket is innocent——

(End of this chapter)

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