Chapter 1137 Insiders

In this world war, southern Africa participated in the world war as part of the United Kingdom, but it did not really fully demonstrate the strength of southern Africa.

If Southern Africa had more autonomy, then Roque would have been able to organize a powerful mechanized force during this World War, and dealt a fatal blow to the German army when the World War just broke out.

If there is a next world war, southern Africa should be more fully prepared, more powerful, and have a stronger fighting capacity. At that time, southern Africa will completely replace the United Kingdom as the global hegemony. At least in Africa and the Indian Ocean, southern Africa will Demonstrating the absolute strength of a regional power is also Rock's lowest goal.

As for Rock's highest goal, of course it is to completely break away from the control of the United Kingdom and become one of the powerful countries with strong influence in the world. As for the global hegemony, it is the next generation in southern Africa, or the next generation It is very difficult for Rock to achieve this task in his lifetime.

Specific to the current southern Africa, of course, primitive accumulation is still carried out in various ways, and the wealth accumulated by generations of Europeans is gradually transferred to southern Africa. This work seems to be progressing smoothly, not only material wealth, technology and influence Strength is also very important to Rock.

Aid to Europe can maximize influence in Southern Africa.

Through the World War, southern Africa has fully demonstrated its strength. Now is the time to show humanitarianism. Roque's purpose is not exactly the same as that of Britain supporting Germany to check and balance France. It is more important to take this opportunity to establish the image of a big country in southern Africa. Therefore, even economic interests can be put aside for a while.

On January [-]th, O'Connor and his team escorted William, code-named "Grey Fox", to Cairo. At the airport, Julian, who had arrived in Cairo ahead of schedule, sent O'Connor and his party to Cairo with three armored vehicles from the Southern African garrison. To Rhodesia Hotel in Cairo.

Although Cairo is known as the "Pearl on the Nile", O'Connor did not have a good impression of Cairo. From the airport to the Rhodesia Hotel, both sides of the road are all slums known for being "dirty, messy and poor". This made O'Connor and his party, who were used to the city of Nyasaland, very uncomfortable.

In Nyasaland, not to mention big cities like Los Angeles and Port Edward, even small towns and villages in remote areas will not have the slums that are common in Cairo, especially after arriving at the Rhodesia Hotel. The impact of the contrast on O'Connor and his party was even more violent.

"Our room is on the 16th floor. There are four rooms in total. I have already contacted the London Military Intelligence. Wolfe will arrive in Cairo tomorrow, and we will exchange tomorrow." Julian is still very reliable in his work, Egypt is the British In the colony, on the surface, there is no need to worry about security issues, but because of the London Military Intelligence Department, no matter how careful it is, it cannot be overstated.

The reason why Rhodesia Hotel was chosen was also for safety reasons.

In Cairo, the Southern African offices in Cairo may not be safe enough, but the Rhodesia Hotel is absolutely safe, which is also an acceptable solution for MI.

"You did a good job. You work in groups of two, keep a close eye on this guy, and make sure that he won't leave your sight for even a second." O'Connor's team is mainly responsible for controlling William. Peripheral security does not require O'Connor Na was worried that it was the security forces at the Rhodesia Hotel and Brad's local office in Cairo.

There is also a branch of Brad's office in Cairo. Because of Cairo's important location, the size of the branch is not small.

Before William was sent to Cairo, Brad's office in Cairo had dispatched more than a dozen armed personnel and the security personnel of the Rhodesia Hotel to conduct overall surveillance on the 16th floor.

"Mr. O'Connor, welcome to Cairo, I hope you will have a good time here." Robert, the local person in charge of Brad's office in Cairo, knows the importance of William and also attaches great importance to this matter.

"Thank you, Robert. I don't want to have a good time. I just hope that the mission can be completed smoothly." O'Connor is not demanding. For the success of the mission, Brad's office also made careful arrangements. He arrived in Cairo at the same time as O'Connor's team There is also a medical unit whose job it is to keep Wolff in good health.

In order to pry William's mouth open, the Brad member in charge of the interrogation tortured William to extract a confession. I believe that Wolff should be the same. Mouth, and will definitely do everything to Wolfe.

"This is our common wish." Robert didn't say much, and sent O'Connor and his party directly to the room.

To make guests feel at home, the Rhodesia Hotel's rooms are basically the same, and the bathroom towels are all hung in the same place, which really makes O'Connor feel at home.

The long-distance flight is still very tiring. The straight-line distance from Los Angeles to Cairo is 5000 kilometers. The plane has landed and refueled four times on the way. O’Connor’s plane also had some minor failures on the way. Thanks to the experienced pilots and ground staff, The fault was eliminated in time, but even so, the journey still exhausted O'Connor physically and mentally.

After taking a comfortable bath and changing clothes, O'Connor felt his exhaustion disappear without a trace.

William lived next door to O'Connor, and two O'Connor team operatives kept William under close guard 24 hours a day. When O'Connor knocked on the door, William was sleeping in handcuffs on the bed, and Julian was sitting on another bed. Wipe the gun.

"How is it?" O'Connor pouted at William, then pulled a chair and sat down.

"Everything is normal." Julian assembled the pistol with a click, loaded it with a clatter, and put the gun into the holster under his arm.

O'Connor nodded and said nothing, everything is normal, before the exchange is completed, as long as William does not die, O'Connor is considered to have completed the task, even if William dies the next second after the exchange is completed, it has nothing to do with O'Connor.

"It's not normal at all, sir, can't I take a shower?" William asked a lot, and raised his hand to indicate to O'Connor the handcuffs on his wrist: "——this has already arrived in Cairo, you don't have to worry about me Run away, can you untie this thing?"

"Wait a minute, the bathroom is in use." Julian was indifferent. He had already changed into the pajamas provided by the hotel, and he seemed to have taken a shower.

O'Connor could vaguely hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom, probably Bayer was washing.

William still kept his hand raised, hoping that O'Connor would uncuff him.

Julian also looked at O'Connor.

O'Connor nodded, motioning for Julian to uncuff William.

"Thank you—" William's voice was full of gratitude.

"You're welcome, you'll be free in a dozen hours. I hope you don't cause trouble for me. This is the Rhodesia Hotel. You have to understand your situation. You can't escape now." O'Connor didn't want to come out. Surprisingly, O'Connor didn't mind giving William some freedom as long as he was willing to cooperate.

"Of course, I won't make trouble for you. I hope everything goes well." William looked loyal. At this time, Bayer came out of the bathroom, and Julian went into the bathroom to check again before letting William take a shower.

"Can't you close the door for me?" William demanded.

"If you want to take a shower, hurry up. If you don't want to take a bath, you can get out." Julian didn't create space for William to be surprised. Although the vent in the bathroom is not big, it's easy for one person to climb in. Everyone is an agent, and no one wants to play. What a gimmick, if William escaped before the exchange, the entire Brad office would be ashamed.

William shook his head and was speechless, and began to take off his clothes on his own. At this time, there was a knock on the door. Julian drew his pistol before opening the door. It was the Rhodesian hotel service staff who delivered the food.

In order to prevent accidents, all meals for O'Connor and the others were delivered to the room by the staff. Of course, there is no need to worry about the safety of the food, which has been inspected several times before being delivered to the room.

"Thank you—" Julian reinserted the gun when he saw that it was the waiter. Bayer pushed the dining car in. The hotel prepared a lot of food, both hot and cold. vodka.

You can eat, but drink is fine. If you want to drink, you can drink whatever you want after returning to Los Angeles. No one is allowed to drink alcohol when you are on a mission. This is the regulation of Brad's office.

It seems that when Brad was first established, there were staff members who failed missions because of drinking, and then this rule became an iron rule in Brad's office. Many people even stopped drinking any alcoholic beverages, including breaks. The same goes for time.

Meals cannot be eaten at the same time. In order to ensure the safety of the mission, although the food provided by the Rhodesia Hotel is unlikely to have problems, O'Connor and Julian still have to eat separately, and the interval is more than half an hour.

William ate it last, and no one cared whether it was cold or not. The main purpose is not to cause problems.

Under this level of strict defense, it is indeed possible to eliminate the possibility of problems to the greatest extent.

But the problem was with the London Military Intelligence Bureau. On the night O'Connor and the others arrived in Cairo, O'Connor received information that Wolff jumped off the ship on the way to Cairo and fled. He is now missing.

Brad's office has been established for more than ten years, and the rules and regulations are relatively complete. The London Military Intelligence Bureau has not been established for a long time and lacks sufficient experience, so Wolfe has the opportunity to escape smoothly.

However, jumping off a boat on the Nile River must require courage. After all, there are famous Nile crocodiles in the Nile River, and they will be buried in the belly of the fish if they are not careful.

As for why O'Connor was able to receive the information in time, this is the scary thing about Brad's office, and the London Military Intelligence Bureau also has insiders from Brad's office.

ps: I saw Dumajin brothers waiting until 0:12, really don’t do this, you learn from Akali and Ax, tearing up tickets, five shifts and so on——Anyway, I’m not afraid——

(End of this chapter)

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